Chapter 19

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Cameron's pov

I woke up to kisses being trailed all over my neck. I bit my lip and smiled, opening my eyes to see the hot ass brunette that I'm dating.

"Good morning." I said groggily as I stretched and smiled. "Good morning beautiful!" He said, sitting up and smiling.

"Oh I love you." I said with a smile as I held his face in my hands. "And I love you more beautiful." He said before leaning down and kissing me.

Our lips lingered as he hovered over me.

It all excelled from then.

-time skip-

I jumped onto Crawford's back as I held my camera in one hand.

"Listen guys! I asked Cam if she wanted a piggy back ride and all she said was sure, but right as she got on she had the biggest smile on her face so I'm not sure what that bullshit was." Crawford said as I pointed the camera at us, just smiling.

I giggled and watched as Crawford made an awe face. I kissed his cheek and smiled before nuzzling my head into his shoulder.

"Oh my god look how cute she is!!" Crawford said before we made it back to Corey's. "Muah!!" I said as I gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

Crawford laughed before putting me down and holding my hand as we walked inside.

"Guys look it's my bestie!!" I yelled, running over and pointing the camera at Corey.

"Guys we're gonna be doing a mukbang later. We're gonna get McDonald's and Raising Canes." I said as Corey agreed.

"Bobby, Kian! Do you wanna be in my video?" I asked. "Sure!" Kian said, looking at his phone. I looked at my camera and smiled.

"Sure sounds good!" Bobby said before I turned my camera off and smiled. "Oscar, Daniel. I'm not even asking, you're being in my video!" I said making them laugh and just agree.

"Corey, Crawford. Let's go get the food!" I said grabbing my keys and pushing the two boys out the door.

-time skip-

We set everything down on the table out on the patio and got everything ready before I sat down and everyone else sat down around me.

Oscar turned on the camera before sitting back down.

"Ok! What's up guys! It is Cameron Blakely here and I am here with Corey La Barrie, Crawford Collins, Oscar Guerra, Daniel Seavey, Kian Lawley, and Bobby Mares!! These are my beautiful friends and we are gonna be doing a mukbang while telling random stories and shit, so yea! Let's go!" I said before clapping my hands.

I grabbed my canes box and opened it up while everybody grabbed their things.

"So! I saw a question the other day and someone asked if any of us have been bullied, so what's the scoop on that ish?" I said as I opened my canes sauce and dipped one of my chickens in it, taking a bite.

"See, I've been bullied and it's been by everyone here in this video!" Corey said making us all laugh. "There is literally videos of me being bullied by Kian and JC and there's videos of Cameron and I bullying each other." Corey said making me laugh and nod.

"All of these mother fuckers bully me! Corey beats me up, Crawford threatens to put me in a trash can. Oscar always pick me up and spins me around. Kian throws me in the pool, and Bobby always makes fun of me." I said with a laugh.

"I do not!!" Bobby yelled making us all start laughing. "Yes you do bitch!" I yelled back making him scoff and turn around like a sassy five year old.

"Also! Cameron and I talk shit about each other in Spanish, to each other." Oscar said making me laugh and nod while eating my chicken.

"The first time I met Cameron I threw her in the pool." Kian said. "Oh my god yea!! I fell asleep back at the house in 2018 and Kian picked my dead asleep body up and threw me in the pool, the literal day after he met me!" I laughed.

"The first time I met Cameron she had her head in a toilet while Crawford was trying to hold her hair up but he just laughed his ass off and fell." Oscar said.

"Oh the first time I met Cameron she was hung over!" Bobby said making me laugh and nod.

"So guys the first time I met Cameron she was my New Years kiss." Crawford said making all the boys start yelling and fucking with us.

"The first time I met Cameron she was broke." Corey said making all the guys look at him. I stopped before choking on my food, laughing my ass off. "Brooo!!!" I screamed, laughing so hard.

"Why are you laughing??" Oscar asked. "Because of y'alls reaction! He said that and all of you just looked at him all scared and shit." I laughed, slapping my knee.

"Guys, believe me, I wouldn't have said it if I didn't know if she was gonna laugh or not." Corey said, putting his hands up in surrender. "Don't worry y'all, I can take a joke." I said, swallowing the rest of my fries.

"Ok! Someone choose a topic!" I said before taking a drink of my white claw, calming myself down.

"What was your first impression of all of us?" Kian asked. "Ok umm, Corey my first impression was, 'this clumsy bitch just spilled his drink all fucking over me'!" I laughed before turning to Crawford. "My first impression of Crawford was holy fuck he's hot!" I laughed.

"First impression of Bobby was this guy seems super genuine and I think we'll be good friends. Kian was oh my god this guy is totally gonna fuck with me. Oscar was this is embarrassing because I'm literally throwing up right now." I said before laughing.

"Wow! Very lovely first impressions!" Kian said. We all laughed and nodded, agreeing with him.

"Ok guys, we're gonna end it there, I will see y'all next week. Make sure to like comment and subscribe, let me know what y'all Wanna see next for my channel and yea, I'll see y'all next time!" I said before pausing.

"Byyyyyye!!" All of us yelled before we turned the camera off.

I got my camera and went to Corey's room, putting my camera into my bag before quickly changing into a pair of tight volleyball shorts and a baggy t shirt that I stole from Crawford.

I then pulled my hair into a messy bun before taking my contacts out and putting them into my bag.

I then grabbed Corey's anchor blanket before walking out to the living room, plopping onto the love sac next to Crawford, letting him wrap his arms around me, spooning me before I fell into a peaceful sleep.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic Where stories live. Discover now