Cameron's pov
"Hey Zach??" I yelled from my room. "Yea!?" He yelled back.
"Can you come here??" I asked again as I looked at my phone. He walked in and I sat up more, showing him my phone as I read Crawford's text he sent me.
Bubba🥺💛- Baby I don't think this thing is gonna work during quarantine
My heart started racing as Zach looked at it confused. "It's probably a prank." He said, rubbing my shoulder.
"I'm gonna call him, can you stay here please?" I asked making him nod and lay back on my bed.
I put the phone on speaker, my heart beating faster as it rang and rang.
"Baby." Crawford said groggily. "Are you drunk?" I asked. "Noooo." He said making me sigh.
"Baby please say your pranking me or you're just so drunk that you don't even know what you're saying?" I asked, tears filling my eyes slowly.
"Baby I don't even know what's going on right now." He said making me let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
"Ok, call me tomorrow when you wake up please." I said, wiping the tears from my cheeks.
"Ok." He said softly, "I love you."
"I love you too Crawford." I said before hanging up and sighing, falling onto my back next to Zach, wiping the few tears from my cheeks.
"He's drunk Cam, don't worry about it." He said. "I know, but it scared me." I said. He nodded before sighing and standing up.
"Imma go to bed now. Goodnight." Zach said before kissing the top of my head brotherly and walking out of my room, shutting the door behind him.
I got my phone out and called Chelsey, hoping she's not drunk either.
"Hey girl what's up?" She asked. "I just need somebody to talk to." I said, my voice cracking as more tears filled my eyes.
"Oh hun what's wrong?" She asked.
"I've just had a really hard week, I really miss all my friends and I miss Corey and Crawford and my brothers ex girlfriend came back again and made me get a noise complaint and she punched me so hard my eyes is swollen shut right now and everything is just really hard." I said, sobbing towards the end.
"Oh babes, don't cry. It's ok. I would suggest getting a restraining order on her or charge her for assault." She said.
"I am tomorrow and I called the cops the day she hit me but they legit couldn't find her."
"Well, get that restraining order, have your parents get one too, and then FaceTime Crawford when you and Zach are just drinking so we can all drink together!" She said making me laugh.
"Thank you chels. I knew Corey and Crawford and possibly JC were all drunk so I was really hoping you weren't." I said.
"I gotchu girl!" She said.
"Ok! I'm gonna go to bed! Thanks for talking to me! Love ya chels!" I said.
"Ok! Love you too girl! Goodnight!"
I said goodnight back before hanging up and laying down. I plugged my phone in before turning on my tv, turning on bunk'd before falling asleep.
-the next day-
I smiled through my mask, thanking the people who helped me get the restraining order before leaving the building and walking to my car.
"Oh my god Cameron Blakely!?" A girl asked making me smile. "Yep that's me!" I said, putting my bag into my Jeep.
"Can I get a picture!?" She asked making me smile and nod. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and held up a peace sign while her friend took a couple pictures.
"Wait I have a question!" She asked as I started walking back to my car. I turned back around and told her to go ahead.
"Are you and Crawford dating?" She asked. "Can you keep a secret?" I asked making her nod. I nodded before putting a finger to my lips before saying goodbye and getting into my car.
I left my parking spot and started driving back home.
Once I got home I carried my things inside and put them on the table. "Hey Zach? You want a white claw?" I yelled, opening the fridge.
I didn't hear anything back so I got confused. I pulled two white claws outta the fridge before walking upstairs.
"Zach?" I asked, walking into his room only to see him with some girl.
"Oh shit!!" I yelled, covering my eyes. "Cameron what're you doing!?" Zach asked as he covered him and the girl. "I yelled your name and you didn't answer and why the fuck is somebody here!? It's fucking quarantine mother fucker!" I yelled, still covering my eyes.
"I just wanted to know if you wanted a fucking white claw!" I yelled, gagging and yelling, just trying to fuck with them. "Oh my god Cam get out!" Zach said making me laugh and stick my tongue out at him before walking out, shutting his door behind me.
I then walked to my room, cracking open one the white claws and taking a swig.
I then got my computer out and joined a zoom with the boys and them.
"Aye Cam! Shot gun right now!" Corey said making me roll my eyes, chug the white claw I had in my hand and then crush it and grab the other one.
I moved my computer and put it on my tv stand before popping the can with my tooth and shotgunning it.
"Ayyyyye!! Get ittttt!!!" Corey and Crawford yelled as I crushed that one, laughing before throwing them away and going to my mini fridge, grabbing another one and opening it.
We all ended up just drinking together, shotgunning, taking pulls, taking shots, all the good stuff.
I miss these people.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic
FanfictionCameron Blakely was a normal girl growing up. She moved to la with her older brother Jared when one night, Jared died in a drunk driving accident. Ever since then, Cameron was barely able to fight for herself. She house hopped, partied, and even liv...