Chapter 2

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Cameron's pov

I woke up to banging on a door before the door swung open. I turned over, pulling the covers over my head. "Corey is that a girl!?" Someone asked. "Oh fuck I can't see anymore! COREY!!" He yelled Corey's name making me mentally groan.

"What the fuck do you want?" Corey groaned.

"Is that a girl or a sex doll!?" The guy at the door asked. I sat up and gave him a 'really?' look. "Jeez sorry I was just asking." He laughed.

"Can you get out?" Corey asked. "No I wanna join!" The curly headed guy said before he ran in and jumped onto the bed. I laid back down and just let him fuck with Corey.

"Ok I'll leave you guys alone jeez bye!" He said, jokingly sounding mad. He left and shut the door behind him.

I got up and crawled over Corey, finding a hoodie before pulling it on.

"Hey! I don't have my car, could you maybe take me to it?" I asked as I pulled on my socks and my Air Force ones.

"Yea!" He said, standing up and putting on some joggers before grabbing his things. I then followed him out of the room, walking downstairs and out to the kitchen.

"Hey! We didn't get to properly meet. I'm JC." The curly head guy from earlier said, walking over and shaking my hand.

"I'm Cameron, it's nice to meet you!" I said smiling as I shook both of their hands.

"So, you and Corey?" JC asked. "Oh no, I was too drunk to go home so he brought me here!" I laughed. "Yea but now I have to take her to her car, so I'll be back soon!" Corey said before pulling me outside and to his car.

We got in before he drove to the place where the party was before parking next to my car. "Hey, can I get your number?" He asked. "Why you wanna go on a date?" I asked making him laugh.

"Nah, maybe, but nah, I just think we could be good friends." He said making me smile and nod. "Sure!" I said, taking his phone from him and putting my number in, making my name, 'baddest bitch🤪'.

He looked at it and laughed before texting me to make sure it was the right number before we said our goodbyes and I got in my car.

-time skip-

I was chilling on Tana's couch when my phone dinged.

I looked at it and rolled my eyes playfully.

Corey👌- hey it's Corey! I was wondering if u wanted to go get lunch maybe?

Baddest bitch🤪-
Yea sure! Where at?

Corey👌- I was thinking tender greens maybe?

I texted back a sure and said I'd meet him there in 20 before getting up and sighing. "Ok! Well I'm gonna go have lunch with my friend, I'll see you guys later maybe?" I said, hugging Tana before walking over to Imari and hugging him.

I walked outside and got into my car, driving to tender greens before parking and getting out. I then walked up the stairs and found Corey sitting at a table.

"Hey!" I said with a smile as I sat down across from him. "Hey! You gonna get anything?" He asked.

"Nah, I'm ok." I said, kinda embarrassed because I can't afford anything right now. "How come?" He asked. "You want me to be honest?" I asked making him nod. "The truth is, I can't really afford anything at the moment." I said before biting my lip and running my fingers through my hair.

"Here! I'll pay for you! Get anything you'd like!" He said making me look up. "No you don't have to." I said.

"Cameron, you need to eat, I insist on getting you food." He said making me smile.

I got some food and we ended up talking the whole time. I ended up telling him about my brother and how I've been looking for jobs forever now and all that good stuff.

-time skip-

"Come on." Corey said, grabbing my hand as he pulled me into his house. I laughed and followed him inside, both of us stopping in the kitchen.

"Hey Cameron what's up!" JC said making me smile. "Not much dude! What's up with you?" I asked.

"Oh nothing! Just gonna film with Kian in a couple minutes." He said before a tall brunette walked out with another brunette next to him. "Hey guys, this is Cameron, Corey's girlfriend!" JC said making me roll my eyes. "Friend, not girlfriend." I said, shaking their hands. "I'm Kian!" One of them said. "And I'm Bobby." The other said.

A girl walked out and my jaw dropped. "Franny!!" I yelled, running into her arms. "Cam!!" She yelled as she spun me around, both of us laughing. "Oh baby I missed you!" I said, squishing her cheeks. "I missed you too girl! Did you find a job yet? I know you were looking for one!" She said.

We talked before a second before Corey wanted me to go with him.

I nodded and smiled before following Corey to his room. I flopped down onto his bed, sighing as I grew tired pretty quickly.

I ended up falling asleep for a little bit.

-time skip-

I woke up to the feeling of myself, like flying, or something. I opened my eyes and realized I was, in fact, above ground. I looked up and before I knew it, I was in the freezing cold pool.

"Oh my god that's cold!!" I yelled, quickly swimming to the side and climbing out.

"So how was that?" Kian asked. "You're a little bitch!" I said before grabbing him and pulling him into the pool with me.

"Cameron!!" He yelled as we both swam to the side and got out.

We all laughed before I followed Corey into his room. "Hey, I need to shower, but I don't have anything, so can you go out to my car and grab my shampoo and conditioner from my backseat and then there should be some joggers and a yellow virginity rocks shirt." I said, sticking my head out of Corey's bathroom door.

He took my keys and I quickly got in the shower, thanking Corey when he brought me my things.

-time skip-

After my shower I quickly changed before putting my hair into a towel and walking out, sitting down on Corey's bed with my phone.

"Hey...I have a question for you." Corey said, grabbing my phone and putting it on the bed. I looked up at him, letting him continue as I grew confused.

"Your trunk is full of clothes, your backseat has a toiletries bag, food, a blanket and a pillow, I'm just kinda confused on why you have those things in there." He said.

I sighed, biting my lip as I tried to find the right words to explain. "Because I'm basically homeless when I don't stay on other people's couches." I said, getting straight to the point.

We ended up talking about, like, literally everything before we fell asleep watching movies.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic Where stories live. Discover now