Chapter 3

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Cameron's pov

I sat in my car at a park, looking at my brothers old camera. He was a YouTuber before he died in a drunk driving accident.

I took a hit of my juul, holding it between my lips as I snapped a picture of the camera and sent it to Corey.

Baddest bitch🤪-

Look what I found lol

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Look what I found lol

Corey👌- whoa, you vlog?

Baddest bitch🤪-
No, but I'm thinking of getting into it/starting a YouTube channel

Corey👌- Yo, come over and I'll help you get set up!

I texted back an ok before putting my car in reverse and leaving the parking lot.

-skip drive-

I parked on the street before grabbing the camera and getting out, taking a hit of my dab pen as I grabbed my bag and walked inside.

"Yo! Put that away young lady!" JC said, walking over to me and taking it out of my mouth. I rolled my eyes as I watched him hit it before handing it back.

"Bitch!" I laughed before walking upstairs.

I walked into Corey's room and plopped my ass down on his bed, putting my legs in his lap as I laid back, pretending to sleep.

"You bring your camera?" He asked. "Yes sir!" I said, handing him the camera as I hit my dab pen.

"Cameron, stop hitting that in my room!" Corey said. "Ok sorry." I laughed, putting it away before grabbing my juul outta my bra and hitting it.

"Dude." Corey said, giving me a 'bruh' look. "It's not Mary Jane bitch it's just nicotine!" I said, both of us laughing.

I got my phone out and started recording, sticking my foot in Corey's face as he messed with my camera. Corey turned and I laughed when he bit my big toe.

"Ahaha!! Corey!!" I yelled before turning the camera to me and laughing before stopping the video and posting it on my story.

-time skip-

"You wanna play drunk trivia?" Corey asked, grabbing a bottle of whiskey from on top of the fridge. "Sure! Can we do it for my channel and then you can hype me up on your Instagram or something?" I asked making him chuckle and nod.

He set up my camera while I set up the shot glasses and stuff in front of it, Kian finding some trivia questions to write.

Corey pressed record before sitting back down. "What's up guys it's Cameron, some of you may know me as Jared Blakely's younger sister. I haven't really been on social media in a while since then but today I have my dear friend Corey La Barrie here and we're gonna be playing drunk trivia!" I said, clapping my hands together.

"So! We have the lovely Kian lawley here to ask us some questions! Say hi Kian!" I said. He leaned into the camera and waved. "Hey!" He said, using his weird voice.

"So! Should we take a shot beforehand?" I asked. "Yea!" Corey said, grabbing the whiskey and pouring it into our shot glasses.

"Cheers!" Corey said as we clinked our shot glasses before tapping them on the counter and downing them.

We then went on with the video, listening to Kian read the question.

"Ok! First question!" Kian said, holding up a number 1.

"Which boxer was known as "The Greatest" and "The People's Champion"?" He read.

"Muhammad Ali!" I said, very confident.

"Apollo creed?" Corey said, more as a question.

"Cameron got it." Kian said making me throw my hands up. "Boom bitch! Take that shot! Take it!!" I yelled making Corey laugh before taking the shot.

"Ok! Next question! What is the capital of New Zealand?"

I stopped for a second, thinking. "Shit." I mumbled as I fiddled with a pen in my hands.

"Ok, 3..2..1!"

"I don't fucking know!" I said as Corey said Wellington.

"Corey's right!" Kian said making my jaw drop. "That's right bitch! Now you gotta take the shot!" Corey taunted as he poured my shot.

I rolled my eyes and held it up to the camera before tapping it on the counter and downing it.

-6 questions and four shots later-

"Haha, one more question and then Corey and I are gonna get drunk as shit." I laughed before Kian asked a question.

"What was the name of the rock band formed by Jimmy Page?"

"I got it!!" I yelled, slapping the counter before I slipped and fell out of my seat, hitting the floor. "Ow fuck!" I laughed as I stood back up, Corey looking down at me and laughing.

I sat back down and Kian told us to answer.

"Led Zeppelin mother fuckers!! Hell yea!!" I yelled as Corey sat there, completely dumbfounded.

"Cam got it!" Kian said making me jump up and cheer, laughing and dancing as Corey took his shot, almost gagging.

"Ok guys! That's it for this YouTube video, I'm not sure how this will be with editing, but thank you guys so much for watching! Make sure to like comment and subscribe, comment what you guys think I should call you all! But yea! I think I'm gonna be vlogging and stuff so yea, but I'll see you guys some other time! Byyyye!!" I said before Kian turned off the camera.

"Alright Corey! Let's go upstairs and drink!" I said, grabbing the bottle of whiskey and a two liter of coke before walking upstairs, Corey following behind me with my camera and the tripod.

We got to his room and I took a pull from the whiskey while plopping down on the bed, Corey putting everything down before plopping down with me.

"Hey, we're moving out soon, and I know how everything is hard right now, so I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me?" Corey said.

"I don't wanna intrude." I said, checking my bank account to make sure I had some money from getting paid yesterday.

"Cameron, it'll be fine, you're working good hours weekdays at hooters and at saddle ranch on Wednesday's, I'm telling you, for the first couple of months, I'll keep us afloat and then when you get the right amount of money from work and YouTube, we can start splitting it." He said.

"Why are you doing this for me corey?" I asked. "Because I believe in you Cameron, I know you can get through this thing." He said.

"Thank you Corey! You're truly my best friend right now!" I said, hugging him tightly.

We ended up drinking and passing out in his bed.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic Where stories live. Discover now