Chapter 20

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Cameron's pov

"Oh thank god baby you're here! Corey's a pussy and can't lift the box!" Crawford said as I walked into Corey's house.

Everyone is moving out. Crawford, Corey, JC, and Chelsey are all moving into a house together, Kian and Bobby are getting their own apartments, and I'm moving out of my apartment with. I've already found an apartment and it's really nice.

If you're wondering, Zach and I went out to eat one day and when we got back to syd and I's place, syd was in bed, fucking some other dude. Zach is like my little brother, so that affected me and now I'm moving out. Also Zach and I are moving in together, so yea.

This is what our new apartment looks like.

I smiled and kissed Crawford softly before hugging Corey and everyone else

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I smiled and kissed Crawford softly before hugging Corey and everyone else.

I then helped them load all their things into the big uhaul.

Once we were done with that JC was driving the uhaul while I drove my car, Crawford and Corey were in Corey's car, and chelsey drove JC's.

I sat in my car, blasting music as I drove behind Chelsey with Crawford and Corey behind me. I held one hand on the wheel, one of my knees raised, my sunglasses on, and I had Lola chilling on my lap with her head out the window.

Let's just say we were both vibing. I set my camera up earlier so I reached over and pressed record before sitting back.

"Alright! That's enough puppers!" I said, using one hand to pick Lola up, kiss her head, and move her to the other seat.

I rolled up my window and turned down my music. "Ok bitches!! We are heading to- wait!!" I stopped, putting my hand over my mouth. "I don't think I'm supposed to be saying what we are doing right now!" I said.

"Ok well we're going somewhere to move something or someone, y'all will know eventually!" I said, waving my finger at the camera with a chuckle.

"Also it is hot as balls in this bitch right now! La you need to cool the fuck down!!" I yelled as I continued driving, hitting my puff bar.

"So! As you all may know! Zach and I! My buddy Zach Herron! We are moving into an apartment together! It's a two bedroom, loft apartment?" I paused, questioning myself a bit. "I think that's what it called, but we got an apartment together with two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, a little dining area. Fun fact! The bedrooms are on the second story so we have an upstairs!" I said before doing the mind blown motion with my hands.

"Anyways! That vlog will be coming soon, but we are pulling up to our destination right now, so I will see you all very soon! Bye!" I said before reaching over and shutting off the camera.

I then parked before getting out and helping everyone with the boxes and shit.

-time skip-

I laughed as yam and Lola tried to play, both of them running around in the backyard. I walked back into Crawford's room and smiled as he brought in different boxes.

I opened up the box that has his bedding and stuff before unfolding it and making his bed. As I made his bed Crawford realized he doesn't have blinds before grabbing a sheet and thumbtacking it to the wall over the sliding glass door.

I smiled and chuckled at him as I finished making his bed. I watched as Crawford quietly shut the door, locking it, before turning towards me.

I rolled my eyes and laughed before wrapping my arms around his neck, our lips attaching in a steamy kiss.

Our lips moved in sync as I was slowly pushed onto the bed, both of us begging for each other. His hands trailed down my waist to the back of my thighs, pulling them up to be wrapped around his waist.

His lips trailed from my lips to my jaw before slowly trailing to my neck, sucking and nibbling, quickly find my sweet spot making me bite my lips.

"Yo Crawford! Come help!" Corey said, knocking on the door. Crawford sighed, placing his forehead on my chest as I giggled lightly.

"Well your boyfriend needs you bub, you better go help!" I laughed as Crawford just rolled his eyes at my joke.

"You staying the night?" Crawford asked making me sigh. "I can't, Zach's still hurting really bad and I promised him a pizza night in the living room tonight with all the boys so I gotta go pick up Jonah, Corbyn, and Eben from their place, pick up the pizza then go back home." I said making Crawford nod.

"That's ok, he needs you, I'm glad you're there to help him." Crawford said making me smile. "Oh I love you bub." I said before kissing him softly and following him out of his room.

"Ok guys I'm gonna head out, I gotta get pizza for Zach and I gotta go pick up Besson, Marais and Franckewitz!" I said before hugging everyone goodbye and grabbing Lola before leaving.

-five minutes later-

"Ok guys! I just got the pizza for tonight!" I said to my camera, holding the five boxes of pizza before setting it in the front of Daniel who was sitting in the passenger seat. "So! Now I am on the way to go get Corbyn, Jonah, and Eben because Jack is already at my place, but yea. We're having a pizza night at Zach and I's new place, so I will see you when we get the other boys." I said before turning off my camera and continuing the drive, talking to Daniel also.

-time skip-

"Bruh do you remember when I came and saw you guys on tour for a couple days and fucking Jack and I were wrestling and I smacked the fuck outta my head in the hotel room!?" I laughed.

"Oh my god yea! Bro that shit was so fucking scary! We thought you died!" Corbyn yelled making us all laugh. "Bruh when you hit that shit and just laid there Jonah went full dad mode!" Zach said making us all agree.

We ended up just talking, eating, drinking of course, and just having fun, talking about the good times we've had together.

I'm just gonna say this now, I am so thankful for Corey, cause without him, I'd probably be living in my car still, or dead.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic Where stories live. Discover now