Chapter 11

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Cameron's pov

I sat down at my vanity and started doing my makeup.

As I was baking my face my phone started ringing. I picked it up and answered Corey's FaceTime. "Hey!" I said as I curled my eyelashes.

"Hey, what're your doing today?" He asked. "I was gonna see if you and Crawford wanted to do a mukbang with me or like a truth or drink or something." I said as I put on some false lashes and some mascara.

"Well if we do a mukbang are we like answering questions or something?" He asked. "Well that's what I was planning on doing." I chuckled, brushing off the baking powder from my face before putting on a nude lip.

I stood up, picking my phone up as I walked to my closet.

"So what would we be eating?" He asked. "Well I really want Chick-fil-A." I said as I set him on a shelf and started to get dressed.

"Ok! So you're gonna come here?" Corey asked. "Yea that's why I'm getting ready." I said as pulled on my fishnets.

"Ok I'm gonna let you go so you can finish getting ready." Corey said. I said ok before we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I then finished putting on my outfit before sitting down and pulling on my doc martens.

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I then got up, grabbed my phone, slid it into my back pocket before grabbing my bag, slinging the straps over my shoulders before grabbing my keys

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I then got up, grabbed my phone, slid it into my back pocket before grabbing my bag, slinging the straps over my shoulders before grabbing my keys.

I walked to my sliding glass door in my room before walking out, opening the door to where the washer and dryer are before going into the dryer. I quickly grabbed some black joggers and a yellow virginity rocks shirt.

I then threw them in my bag before going back inside, locking my sliding door before closing the curtains and leaving my room. I quickly grabbed my camera off the table and put it in my bag also.

"Syd I'm going to Corey's!" I yelled. "Ok see ya later!!" She yelled back as I left the apartment.

I walked down to my car and got in, texting Corey I was on my way before leaving my complex.

-skip drive-

I parked on the street before getting out and walking through the front gate. I walked inside and waved to everybody as I walked to Corey's room, seeing him on his desk chair while Crawford laid in his bed next to Oscar.

"Wassup bitches!" I said as I set my bag down and sat on Corey's lap. "Waddup cam!" Oscar said. "So! Oscar wanna be in my video?" I asked.

"Nah, but I'll ask the questions." He said. "Sounds good to me." I said with a smile. "We should probably go get the food now though." I said.

Everyone agreed before we all left and piled into my car.

-time skip-

We got everything set up before laying out all the food.

Oscar pressed record as we all sat down and got situated. "Are we ready?" I asked, looking up at Oscar. "It's recording already." He said. "It is??" I asked before looking at the camera to see the red dot.

"Haha fuck!" I said making the boys laugh. "Ok! What's up guys it's Cameron Blakely back atcha with another YouTube video! So, today I am joined with my two besties, Corey and Crawford." I said, draping my arms over their shoulders.

"So today, we are gonna be doing a Chick-fil-A mukbang/q&a. We have the lovely Oscar Guerra behind the camera, he's gonna be asking the questions so let's get started!" I said before grabbing a thing of chicken nuggets.

"First question!" Oscar said as I opened up a thing of ranch. "How did you guys meet?"

I popped a ranch covered nug into my mouth before licking the ranch off my thumb. "I met Corey at a party back in 2018, a couple months before he moved outta the house with Franny and the boys." I said. "And then I met Crawford at a New Years party and he asked me to be his New Years kiss." I said making Crawford laugh.

"No way she's lying bro." Crawford joked. "I can tell you guys right now she's telling the truth." Corey said making us all laugh.

"Ok next question!" Oscar said, holding up a finger. "This ones for Corey, but, why did Cameron move in with you when you moved into your apartment?" Oscar asked.

"See, at that time, Cameron was going through a rough patch and she didn't have anywhere to stay so I offered to let her live with me until she got back on her feet." Corey said as I shoved my face with French fries.

"Yea so now y'all know Corey is a big teddy bear and not some asshole." I said with a chuckle.

"Next question is, what is your body count?" Oscar read making my jaw drop.

"I'm a virgin." We all said at the same time. All of our heads shot up as we all looked at each other, laughing our asses off. "What the hell was that!?" JC laughed from the sidelines.

"Bro I don't know that was some trippy shit." Crawford laughed as I choked on a nug.

"Are you good?" Crawford asked, placing a hand on my back as I coughed. I shook my head, laughing as I continued to choke. Oscar laughed as he handed me a water bottle.

I took a drink, coughing more as the burning sensation hit my throat. I stood up and chucked the water bottle at Oscar as he rolled on the floor laughing.

I grabbed my Chick-fil-A cup that had dr pepper and took a drink. "You cocksucker that was vodka!" I said as Corey and Crawford laughed with JC and Oscar. "Y'all are assholes!" I yelled, sitting back down and taking another drink of my Dr Pepper.

"Let's go fucker!" I yelled at Oscar as he sat back down. "Next question. Have any of you guys hooked up?" Oscar read.

We all bursted out laughing shaking our heads. "Nooo!!" I yelled as I hit the table laughing so hard I was wheezing.

Me wheezing made everyone laugh even more before we calmed down.

I did my outro and Oscar turned the camera off before he sat down and started eating the food with us.

-time skip-

I flopped onto Corey's bed after changing into my sweatpants and t shirt. I pulled the blanket over me before falling asleep.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic Where stories live. Discover now