Chapter 15

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Cameron's pov

I laid on Corey's bed, hugging his anchor blanket as tears slowly fell from my eyes.

I've been having a really rough week because my brothers ex girlfriend came back from boot camp and she's been trying to steal my necklace with my brothers ashes in it.

I keep telling her she doesn't deserve it for the way she treated him. She used to always slap him and push him and just basically beat the fuck outta him.

Seeing her back and banging on my apartment door brought back all the memories of me singing my brother to sleep or just holding him as he cried softly, telling me he doesn't know how to end it with her because he's scared that she'll actually kill him. She finally went away to bug my parents but she's not gonna get shit.

And now I'm laying in Corey's bed because Crawford is hanging out with Christian and Kirsten.

Corey's not home yet but I just really need me some best friend cuddles from my big ole teddy bear.

I laid in his bed for another 20 minutes before Corey walked in, jumping when he saw me. "Cameron? Why're you crying?" He asked softly as he shut the door.

"Jared's ex came back and seeing her brought me back to some hard times in Jared and I's life." I said as I sat up, my voice cracking as I leaned into his loving embrace.

"So I came here because Crawford is with Chris and Kirsten." I said softly, wiping the tears from off my cheeks.

"Oh Cameron, you can always come here, even when nobody is home." He said with a chuckle making me laugh.

"Can you play the piano for me please?" I asked, looking up at him. "Of course!" He said before getting up and grabbing his piano, putting it on his lap as he turned it on.

I rested my head on Corey's shoulder as he started to play.

I sat there, closing my eyes as I just let everything go, listening to the soft music, smiling to myself, happy that I have an amazing best friend to cheer me up.

-time skip-

I sat down with Crawford on the couch at my apartment, placing my feet on his lap as I sipped on my mikes.

"So! Tomorrow? You, me, syd, Corey, Fran, Bobby, Kian and JC, we're going to the lake with my friend Ella because she lives in a lake house and has a boat so she said that she could take us all out tomorrow for a day on the lake." I said with a smile.

"That honestly sounds so dope!" Crawford said making me smile. "You call Corey and have him tell everyone while I go order pizza!" I said before jumping up and walking to the kitchen.

I set my mikes down and got my phone out, dialing the pizza place and putting it to my ear.

I ordered the pizza before walking into Syd's room. "Oh fuck!" I yelled, covering my eyes as I slammed the door shut.

I slowly turned to Crawford with a look of disgust. "The fuck was that?" He asked, laughing slightly, still on the phone with Corey.

"I forgot Zach was here." I whined as I slumped over the back of the couch, fake sobbing.

"Oh shit!!" Crawford yelled as he bursted out laughing. I groaned and stood up, walking to the kitchen and grabbing my mikes, chugging the rest of it before going to the fridge and grabbing another.

I popped it open and took a huge swig, yelling like JC would whenever he takes shots.

Crawford laughed at me as I sat there with a disgusted look. I watched as the door to syd's room opened and I screamed, ducking behind the counter.

"Bitch get the fuck up!" Syd said making me laugh and slowly stand up. "Crawford and I ordered pizza. Do you guys want any?" I asked with a smile as I grabbed another mikes, tossing it to syd.

"You can't have one mister." I said before grabbing a Caprisun and throwing it to Zach. "Jokes on you I like these!" He said before looking at syd, his jaw dropping.

"She's not 21 either!!!" He yelled. "Bitch she's turning 21 on Friday!!" I yelled back. "So!? She's still not legal!!!" He yelled again.

I opened up the knife drawer and pulled one out. "You wanna play me with fool! I'll kill you!!" I yelled, waving the knife before completely losing it and dying laughing.

I put the knife away before walking over and hugging Zach, both of us laughing. "You know I love you zachy poo." I said before kissing his cheek and handing him a mikes.

"You earned it brother. But only one! Or I'll actually kill you!" I said making him laugh and thank me.

-another time skip-

"Waddup fuckers!" I said as I stumbled out back, walking over to the people sitting around the fire. "Yo, are you fucking drunk dude?" Corey asked as I fell next to him.

"Just a little." I whispered before leaning my head on Crawford's shoulder.

Corey handed me a bottle of water and I took it, opening it up and taking a drink, basically chugging half of it.

I ended up taking a little nap.

-another time skip-

I woke up to somebody shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Crawford standing over me, smiling softly at me.

I groaned and opened my arms. Crawford chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up and carrying me inside.

"Corey, I need clothes." I whined as I trudged to his room. He handed me a t shirt and a pair of his boxers before I pulled my hoodie off and quickly changed, not even caring about Corey being right there.

"We going to a party tomorrow night?" I asked as I threw my clothes onto the floor before flopping onto Corey's love sac.

"Yea, you need to be here by 9, ok?" Corey asked making me answer with a sleepy ok.

"Here ya go cam." He said, giving me his anchor blanket making me smile and wrap myself in it.

I breathed in, smiling as I took in Corey's nice smell.

3rd person pov

As Cameron slept soundly, Crawford stumbled into the room. "Oh there she is." He laughed, clearly intoxicated.

He bent down to pick up his sleeping girlfriend but Corey stopped him. "Leave her, you know how she gets when people wake her up." Corey joked.

"I think I can take my girlfriend Corey, thanks." He said very bad mouthy. "Crawford, she's sleeping, she's had a hard day, just let her sleep." Corey whispered, not wanting to wake his best friend.

"She's my girlfriend Corey!" Crawford said, shoving Corey by the chest.

"Crawford! I'm not doing this shit! You're fucking drunk and you're being stupid! Go to the living room and lay down, now!" Corey said, pushing Crawford out of the room and shutting the door quietly behind them.

"She's my fucking girlfriend Corey!! Stop trying to fucking pretend that you're not in love with her!!" Crawford yelled.

"Yea Crawford I was!! I love her to fucking death!! She's been through hell and back and has finally found the happiness that she deserves!! She's happy and that's all I fucking care about!! So stop being a little fucking bitch and go to bed, we'll talk in the fucking morning!" Corey boomed before shoving Crawford onto the couch and walking away.

He went into his room, shutting his door behind him.

He watched as Cameron sat up a little bit, obviously confused. "Is everything ok?" She asked softly.

"Everything's fine, go back to sleep." Corey said softly, rubbing her shoulder before giving her a small kiss on the head.

He then smiled at his peaceful best friend before getting ready and going to bed.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic Where stories live. Discover now