Chapter 40

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Cameron's pov
(Next week)

I got into the Uber, not wanting to go back to LA but my step mom forced me to go and that her and the boys will be fine.

I waved goodbye to the boys and Laura before the guy left, driving me to the airport.

Once we got there I thanked the guy and walked inside checking in and giving the person my bag before going through security and all that jazz.

-skip flight-

I got off the plane, going to baggage claim and getting my bag, ordering an Uber before going out and getting into the Uber.

I sat in the backseat, rubbing my head as I thought about everything.

I got my phone out and texted Crawford.

are you home? I wanna come home and cuddle

Crawfish🐡- just got home, also there's a surprise here when you get home

ok, should I be scared?

Crawfish🐡- possibly, but I'll see you soon baby, I love you

I love you too baby see you soon

I shut my phone off and listened to music the rest of the way home, hoping whatever surprise there is is good.

-skip drive-

I pulled up to the house to see Kian stopping my Uber. I thanked the guy before getting out and grabbing my bag before the guy drove off.

"There's a surprise!!" Kian said excitedly making me chuckle and say ok. I followed him through the front gate to see the whole front yard covered in Halloween stuff.

He stopped me in front of the door.

"Guys! This is Cameron, one of the roommates, and she is gonna see what's inside!" Kian explained.

I looked at Jake and mouthed a help me before Jake walked in front of me, walking backwards.

I jumped when I saw a snake at the landing of the stairs and everything else was black.

Kian shut the door and it was just jake and I. "Oh my god!" I said as I walked through the trail of lit up pumpkins.

I looked up and ran into a dangling baby, jumping before I reached up and wiggled my fingers under its armpits saying, "tickle tickle," in a high pitched voice.

We then walked farther before going through some curtains.

"Wha- ah fuck!!" I yelled as I saw some scary zombie dude just dangling.

Jake laughed as we continued walking, Jake going ahead before I walked forwards through some more curtain things.

"Ahhhh!! Fucking bitch!!" I screamed as some guy popped outta the darkness. I kept walking when I got sprayed by something, me shooting myself into the wall.

"What the fuck!? Jake Jake!! Please help me!!" I screamed as I got closer, some curly headed dude jumping out of the black fabric.

We turned the corner, me screaming and hitting another wall when I got sprayed again. I laughed as I saw a skeleton streaming in tixxo merch.

"JC!!" I screamed, grabbing the chair before some jumped at me again and I dipped, knocking the chair over, going to the door.

Some bitch popped out again and my dumbass fucking whacked her.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!!" I yelled not even wanting to get out anymore, just wanting to see if she was ok.

"I'm fine!" She laughed. "Are you sure??" I asked, covering my mouth. "Yes I'm fine! I promise!" She said still laughing.

I apologized again before leaving the room, going out to the backyard where Kian was.

"Dude I slapped one of the persons!!" I said, tears filling my eyes cause I felt so bad and I was already on edge due to my dad.

"Bruh what!? You did!?" He asked making me nod as I bit on my hoodie sleeve. "She said she was fine but I feel so bad!" I basically sobbed.

"Hey guys come out!!" Kian yelled before four people walked out, one of them being Thomas.

"Which one did I hit??" I asked making one of the girls raise their hand. I didn't hesitate, I just ran over and hugged her, telling her I was sorry.

"Dude I'm literally fine, I'm just glad you didn't like punch me in the face, you basically just said I like ya cut g!" She laughed making me pull away and laugh too.

"Dude I feel so bad!" I said as I wiped my tears. "No worries girl I promise!" She said with a smile through her mask.

I smiled back and told Kian I'm going to my room with Crawford.

I walked into the house and grabbed my bag, taking it upstairs where I set it in the middle of the room and set all my stuff down, Crawford sitting on stream opening packages.

"Hi baby! How ya feeling?" He asked me making me sigh as I set my phone down and walked over, placing myself on his lap.

"Not good." I said as tears filled my eyes. "Oh baby, it's ok." Crawford said as he pulled me closer, letting my cry into the crook of his neck.

I think both of us forgot he was on stream to be honest because he just sat there, rubbing my leg as I cried softly.

"It just hurts." I said softly before sitting up and facing Crawford. "I know bub, but it'll get better, ok?" He said making me nod as he caressed my cheek, wiping away my tears.

He looked over before looking at me. I looked over and laughed as I remembered he was on stream.

"Sorry guys, I think we both forgot he was streaming," I laughed as I wiped the rest of my tears.

"Do you wanna explain or I can get off and we can hang by ourselves if you're not ready yet." Crawford offered. I took a deep breath before turning back to the stream.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said softly making Crawford nod before he scooted the chair closer to the desk.

"Ok guys, I know I didn't finish opening all the packages, but right now, my girl needs me, so I will try to finish tonight but if not I will definitely finish tomorrow. Alright bye guys!" Crawford said as I waved goodbye before Crawford ended the stream.

"Ok bub, let's cuddle!" Crawford said before picking me up and placing me on the bed, pulling me into his arms.

I cuddled into him, telling him about all the times I had with my dad and everything like that before Crawford and I fell asleep, tangled in each others embrace.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic Where stories live. Discover now