Chapter One- Welcome Miss Bennett

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"Welcome to my class, Miss......-," Professor Saltzman paused.

I turned to him and smiled. "Bennett, Kylie Bennett," I greeted.

A wave of shock passed over his face at first, but it then turned to a soft smile. He nodded and tilted his head towards a seat next to a brunette girl.

"Please take a seat next to Elena," he guided me.

I nodded and made my way over to the brunette girl. She was really pretty. She smiled at me as I sat down.

"I'm Elena Gilbert," she said, sticking her hand out.

I shook it and smiled. "Kylie Bennett. I'm Bonnie Bennett's sister."

Her face turned from a smile to a look of confusion. I guess no one knew Bonnie had a sister. I wonder if they even knew she was a witch.

"Sister?" She asked.

I nodded and smiled. "Bonnie's mom had me a year after Bonnie, but I wasn't as lucky as her. I was in the foster care system, but Shelia Bennett found me. I think she goes by Grams."

A wave of shock flashed over me when Elena's arms snaked their way around me. The shock soon faded, causing a smile to pull at my lips. I joined the embrace, but it was interrupted.

"Girls, class is starting," Professor Saltzman spoke up.

Me and Elena let go of each other and quietly giggled to ourselves. I already felt a bond with Elena. Maybe getting adopted back into my family is a good thing. What am I kidding? It's a great thing.

Class was pretty fast. We just learned about boring history that I had already been taught. I used to be two grades ahead of my age. Now I'm only one, but that is fine.

I followed Elena out of the classroom as she led me to my locker. Lockers were new to me. If you can't tell, I was home schooled. Not the best thing in the world.

"This is yours," she said, pointing to the newer looking metal box in the wall. "And that is Bonnie's," she said, pointing a few lockers down.

I took a deep breath and gulped. I was extremely nervous to meet Bonnie. I hadn't even met Shelia, or Grams, yet. I'm supposed to meet her after school with my social worker.

"Are you nervous about meeting them?" Elena asked.

It was as if she could see right through me, which I didn't like at all. I looked over at her and nodded.

"I'm scared they won't like me. And I don't want to be put back into the system."

She looked at me and gave me a sad smile. "Trust me, Kylie. They will love you. Especially Bonnie. She has always wanted a sibling," Elena told me, making me seem a little more hopeful.

I hugged her, knowing I surprised her by my actions. "Thank you, Elena. You don't know how much you have done for me already," I said, smiling as I pulled away to look at her face. "I owe you."

She shook her head. "You owe me nothing. I'm just happy to have a new friend."

My smile widened. "Friend?" I asked.

Elena smiled and nodded. "Of course we are friends. Why wouldn't we be?"

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. "I just can't really keep friends. They just seem to.....leave," I said.

She frowned and hugged me slightly. She let go, looking at my face. "They die don't they?"

I looked up at her full of surprise. Then I smiled. "You know what us Bennett's are, don't you?" I asked.

She nodded and smiled at me. "Trust me, I'm not going anywhere, Kylie Bennett. You're stuck with me," she said, causing us both to giggle.

"I guess I am."

"Elena, who is this?" Someone asked.

I turned and met eyes with a boy. His eyes were green. A shade I had never seen before. His hair was a shade of light brown that set perfectly on top of his head. His teeth were perfectly white and straight.

"This is my friend, Kylie Bennett," Elena responded, smiling at the term friend.

His face turned from a smile to a look of shock. Quite frequent when they hear my last name.

"I'm Bonnie's sister. Nice to meet you," I said, raising out my hand.

Instead of taking it, he pulled me into a hug. I was completely shocked and confused.

"Hugs appear to be a common occurrence around here," I said laughing.

He pulled away and looked at me. "Sorry, it's just. I felt the need to hug you."

I smiled at him. "Maybe an introduction first."

The boy laughed and nodded. "Of course. Sorry, I'm Stefan Salvatore. Elena's boyfriend."

That last part for some reason hit me. I mean, how could they not be dating. She is extremely pretty and he is really hot. They are literally the perfect couple.

"Does he know?" I asked Elena.

Elena nodded and I looked at Stefan. "How could I not know, I'm a vampire," Stefan said smiling.

I think I surprised them when my face went from a soft smile, to one covering my whole face.

"Ah! That is so cool! I knew vampires and werewolves existed, but I've never met one," I rambled.

Elena and Stefan laughed at my reaction "You took that a lot better than your sister," Stefan noted.

I raised an eyebrow, causing Elena to explain. "She found out that Stefan and his brother were vampires and went all witchy on them. I guess witches aren't fond of them."

I shrugged. "I don't know about them, but I'm completely fine with that. I mean, I was raised different."

Stefan looked at me, obviously wondering what I meant. "What do you mean?"

I sighed. "At my foster care, my foster mom found out about me when I was making books float. Apparently my foster dad was a witch too. Which was cool. But, umm-," I tried to continue my story, but tears began to fall.

"Hey, it's ok. You don't need to tell us. I'm sorry I asked," Stefan said, rubbing my shoulders.

I nodded and sighed. "It's fine. Maybe I can tell you guys sometime. I just gotta control my emotions. I can't have another outbreak."

Elena and Stefan looked at each other and then at me. "Outbreak?" Elena asked.

I looked at the ground and frowned. "It happens when my emotions get affected. But I've been practicing to control them."

Stefan looked toward me and gave me a soft smile. "I feel like we have more in common then you think," he said with a slight laugh.

I had no clue what he was talking about. Maybe I could find out later, if I'm able to remain friends with them, unlike my past relationships.

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