Chapter Ten- Battling Darkness

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I was in the Salvatore's kitchen, pouting myself a glass of water. Natalyn had left back to school hours ago, and Damon left to who knows where, leaving me in the house by myself.

I figured someone would be here by now, but no one was. I looked down at my hand, staring at the elixir. If I didn't drink it they darkness could take over me, but if I do I might not come back.

"Kylie?" Someone asked. The voice has faint and familiar.

I turned around to see Bonnie. She looked at me with a small smile, before running to me. She engulfed me in an unexpected hug.

"Kylie, I'm so sorry. I should of never said those things to you," Bonnie cried.

I hugged Bonnie back and shook my head. "No, I'm sorry, Bonnie. I left you when you needed me most," I argued.

She looked up at me, eyes full of tears. I smiled her, causing her to smile back.

"When do I need to drink this?" I asked, referring to the elixir.

Bonnie looked at the bottle in my hand and sighed. "Whenever you feel powerful enough."

I nodded, thinking to myself. "Tell I everyone I said I'll see them when I get back," I said, smiling down at the bottle.

I quickly unscrewed the lid and drank the liquid before Bonnie had time to process what I said.

"Kylie, wait-," Bonnie tried to say, but it was too late. I feel to my knees and then was out like a light.

A cool breeze flew over my body, making me shiver and open my eyes. I had reached my subconscious, but it looked nothing like last time.

"What happened here?" I asked my myself.

Instead of a black abyss, there were leafless trees and dry grass. It seemed all spooky and scary, as if darkness had taken over.

"What are you doing here?" A voice asked.

I spun around quick, immediately noticing who it was. It was me. I didn't look like me though. I had black veins all over, and my hair was died black.

My eyes were like black holes. I wore a black dress, going past my knees. My outfit was completely out of date.

"Your my darkness," I said.

The replica nodded. "That I am. I assume are here to end me. Well, it doesn't work that fast," the girl laughed.

I looked at her, a look of fear showing on my face. Her hand rose, showing a black ball of magic hovering over it.

She began chanting a spell. She raised her hand and threw the magic towards me. Before I knew what I did, I held my arms up casting a shield around me.

I would say I have very good witch reflexes, but I don't want to brag. Especially if I lose. That'd be embarrassing.

She smiled at me and laughed. She flicked her wrist sending me into a tree. My back hit the tree, sending a blast through my body.

"Wait, this is my subconscious. I can change the rules," I told myself, standing up.

She giggled. "Oh can you. Your so full of it."

I shook my head. "No I'm not. Guess what, you don't have any magic," I said.

She laughed, flicking her wrist to show she did. But I didn't go flying. She looked at her hand and then at me with worry.

"You don't even look like me," I said.

Her appearance changed. She now looked completely different. Her face changed, along with her body.

"You don't even exist!" I screamed.

She looked at me with wide eyes, but then she poofed. She was gone. Was this what victory felt like, because I am feeling epic!

"Kylie, are you okay?" Bonnie asked frantically.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her. "I did it. I won. The darkness is finally gone," I said smiling.

I looked at her. A smile was plastered on her face. Then I noticed the others. Everyone still in front of me. Even Alaric was there.

"I'm sorry, I just- I felt the need to try," I said, sitting up on the couch I was laying on.

Bonnie nodded and loosened her grip on my hand. "I completely understand. Just, maybe a warning next time. I just got you back, I can't lose you so soon," Bonnie said.

I looked around, realizing the tear stains on everyone's faces. They must of thought I was gonna die.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"You, Little Bennett, were out for about 4 hours. Had us all scared and worried, well besides me. I knew you'd make it," Damon said, smirking.

I smiled at Damon and looked around at everyone. Seeing me smile must have made them smile. It definitely lightened the mood in the room.

"We should catch you up," Elena said.

I nodded and looked at her. "Ok. What's new?"

She sighed. "Damon killed Mason, Tyler's uncle. And we have a new family in town," Elena explained.

I raised my eyebrow and looked at her. "What family?"

She looked at Stefan and then back at me. "The Mikaelson's."

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