Chapter Two- Home

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Elena and I stood at the front of the school, waiting for our separate rides.

"Wait a minute," I spoke up, "I thought Stefan was giving you a ride home."

Elena turned to me and shook her head. "Football sign ups are today. And anyways, I wouldn't leave you waiting."

I smiled at her. "Who's picking you up then?" I asked.

"My aunt. She is currently me and my siblings caretaker," Elena spoke, her voice seemed to almost break.

I nodded and decided not to ask. "You have siblings?" I asked.

She nodded and turned to me, a smile visible on her face. "A sister, your age, and a brother, also your age."

I smiled. "That's cool. Is your aunt picking them up too?" I asked.

Elena shook her head. "Jeremy is out with Matt, and Michelle is with her friend, Natalyn."

I nodded. "Fun. I can't wait to meet them."

She smiled at me. "They'll love you, but not as much as I do," she said giggling.

I giggled along with her. I can't believe I've been here a day and have already made such a great bond. So far, I have two amazing friends. And a possibility of five more.

A black SUV pulled up in front of us. It was my ride. I took a nervous gulped and turned to Elena.

"That's me. Are you sure you don't need a ride home?" I asked.

She nodded. "Jenna is always a tad bit late. I'll be fine."

I nodded and smiled, before walking towards the car. I opened the door and turned back to Elena.

"See you later, Elena. Thanks for making me feel welcomed," I said.

She smiled and nodded. "You're welcome. See you later, Kylie."

I got into the car and shut the door. I turned to Stacy, my social worker, and smiled.

"Good first day?" She asked.

I smiled. "Great first day," I said.

She looked at me and smiled. "That's good to hear. Are you ready to meet your grandma and sister?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and nodded. "I think I am."

She smiled softly and began driving down the road. As the houses past, I couldn't help but feel scared. Elena said they would love me, but I was still really nervous. It's not everyday you get to meet your real family.

We pulled up to small family home. It looked so cozy and had that loving feel to it.

"This is it," Stacy said.

I nodded and took a deep breath. Gosh, I take a lot of deep breaths.

I got out and followed Stacy to the front door. She gently knocked on the door and turned to me, smiling. I smiled back and looked at the door.

It began to slowly open, revealing an old lady. She was very pretty and had grandmother like smile.

"Hey, Mrs.Bennett. I'm Stacy Clark, Kylie Bennett's social worker. I think I have someone for you," Stacy said with a smile.

She moved out of the way, revealing me standing behind her. Shelia's mouth dropped open and she gasped.

I smiled at her. "Hi, Grams," I said, sounding very humble.

She ran to me and wrapped her arms around me. I felt hot tears fall onto my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and felt the same liquid falling from my own eyes.

"This feels like a dream. When Stacy called me, I couldn't believe what I was hearing," Grams said.

I smiled at her, and pulled away from the embrace so I could look at her face.

"I thought I'd never find my family. I prayed for so long to find you guys. And now I have," I said, wiping the tears from my face.

"Please, come in," Grams said, moving from the door.

We followed her to the couch and sat down. "Bonnie will be here in a few. I sent her out to the store," Grams said.

I smiled and nodded. "How was school?" Grams asked.

I looked at the ground and smiled, thinking back to my first day of real school.

"I met some really nice people. One of them was Elena Gilbert. She said she was good friends with Bonnie."

Grams nodded. "She is a good kid. I'm happy to hear you guys have been acquainted."

Grams kept asking me questions, and we talked about random things. We haven't brought up my real parents though. I assumed that was a sad topic.

Soon, Stacy brought out papers and had Grams sign them. I was officially home. And it felt so right.

After Stacy left, telling her goodbyes, which were quite sad, the door began to opened.

I turned from my position on the couch and smiled. I didn't feel so nervous anymore. Meeting Grams made me realize that I belonged here.

A very pretty girl came through the front door, her arms full of grocery bags. I got up and walked to her.

"Let me take those for you," I said, grabbing the bags from her.

I set them in the kitchen and walked back out, realizing the confused look on Bonnie's face.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" She asked.

I smiled. "Sorry, my bad. I'm Kylie, Kylie Bennett. Your little sister," I said.

Her face dropped and she ran to me. She engulfed me in a tight hug, which I gladly excepted. I hugged her back and felt the same tears falling down my cheeks like they had earlier.

"How is this possible?" Bonnie asked, pulling away from me.

"Our mom had me a year after you, but I was put into foster care. Then my social worker, Stacy Clark, found Grams and now I'm here. And hopefully to stay," I said, laughing a bit at the end.

Bonnie smiled and shook her head. "Of course you are here to stay. I can't believe this. I have a sister. Do you have-," she began, but I interrupted.

"Powers. Yes," I said smiling.

She giggled and wrapped me in a second hug. "I'm so glad you found us."

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