Chapter Seven- The Darkness

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My eyes began to reveal the world around me. I wasn't were I was before. I now lay in a bed, my bed.

"Kylie?" A familiar voice asked.

I grew curious of who it was, lifting my head to look. That's when I saw the faces of Bonnie and Grams. They each had ahold of my hands.

"I think you had a vision again," Bonnie continued.

"Did I pass out?" I asked, sitting up to look at them comfortably.

Bonnie nodded. "Grams and I are trying to do research to see what is wrong," Bonnie said.

I shook my head, making Bonnie and Grams look confused. "I know what's wrong with me," I informed.

"What is it, dear?" Grams asked.

"I'm a monster," is all I said.

"Kylie, you aren't a monster. You didn't mean to kill Nathaniel," Grams said.

I'm guessing Bonnie filled her in on my story, otherwise I'd have to assume she went into my head.

"It wasn't just Nathaniel," I snapped.

Bonnie raised her eyebrow, confused by what I meant. I looked down at the hand of mine she was holding.

The vision I had of killing Carson was new to me. I thought she just ran away, too traumatized by the event. Somehow, my mind found a way to block that memory. But why was it coming back?

"My friend, Carson. She didn't, I didn't, I thought-," I tried to say what happened, but I couldn't manage. My words were trembling and I was beginning to cry.

Bonnie immediately wrapped me in a hug. Grams joining the Bennett hug not too long after.

"I thought she ran away after, but she didn't. I killed her, but I meant to. Well, I didn't, but I did," I tried to explain. "I guess my mind somehow blocked the memory out. But now it's coming back. Why? How is this happening to me?" I asked them.

Grams grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. "Can you allow me to go inside your mind?" She asked.

I looked up at her and nodded. I don't want to know what is in there, but maybe this is best for me.

She closed her eyes and touched my forehead. A chant began to pour from her lips. Then I was out.

My eyes opened quickly. I stood next to Grams in a dark abyss. She didn't seem scared, but I sure was.

"What is this place?" I asked.

Grams turned to me and smiled. "This is your subconscious. We are gonna find out what is going on," she informed me.

I nodded and followed Grams lead. She led us deeper into the abyss until we came across a memory.

I was at my foster home, cheating at chess with my magic. My foster mom laughed at me, realizing she wasn't gonna be able to win.

I smiled at the memory. Stacy told me that Mom and Dad died from an armed robbery, but I know that wasn't the case.

"Are those your foster parents?" Grams asked, as my foster dad walked into the study.

I nodded. "They raised me for 13 years. I loved them as if they were blood."

She looked at me and gave me a soft smile. I was getting a bit tired of soft smiles. Everyone had to try to show me sympathy. I didn't need sympathy. I was fine, I am fine.

Grams began moving again, until she stopped at a familiar flashback. It was the woods me and Carson walked through that night.

As we watched the memory play out, I saw the darkness in my eyes. The rage, the emotion that I didn't know I contained, the monster deep down inside.

"Goodbye, Carson," my flashback self said, smirking.

I watched in horror as I sent Carson flying into a tree branch, instantly killing her. The smirk remained on my flashback's face, but then she passed out.

"What is wrong with me?" I asked in fear.

Grams turned to me and shook her head. "I wish I knew. But something is inside of you. A deeper, darker, more powerful magic than I have ever seen before."

I looked away, not wanting to cry at the fact that I'm a literal devil spawn. I was a monster. Carson was right.

"But I believe we can make the magic become light. Get rid of the darkness deep down inside. There is obviously an over powering light inside of you, otherwise this darkness would control you. I believe in you, Kylie. I know we can relieve you of this darkness," Grams spoke up.

I turned back to face her, a smile present on my face. Grams had faith in me. I would be relieved of this evil. There was one thing I really liked the sound of though; how powerful I am.

I felt my eyes close once more before they opened. I awoke with a gasp. I looked over at Grams. She was attempting to steady her breath.

"What'd you see?" Bonnie asked.

Grams turned to her and frowned. "We are dealing with something way more dark and powerful than I thought."

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