Chapter Twenty Seven- Vacation Time

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Damon and I sat criss-cross on the ground. He sat directly in front of me. I had just finished the last spell, linking my death to Damon. He would now die when I did.

My phone began ringing. I picked it up, realizing it was Elena.

"Kylie?! She dropped! She isn't breathing! Kylie, she's dead! What do I do?!" Elena said, freaking out.

"It's ok, Elena. She'll come back. Bring her to Damon's. Just calm down, ok?" I asked.

I could hear her sigh and take deep breaths. "Ok. I'll see you soon."

I hung up and whispered to myself. "No , no you won't."

Damon looked at me with a smile. I dropped my phone down beside me and looked at Damon.

He grabbed ahold of my hands, rubbing my knuckles as we waiting to die. I could feel my heart rate slow down.

"It's happening," I said.

Damon looked at me, scared at first. His expression changed really fast, as he was now calm.

"Let's do this thing. We'll find a way back home."

I nodded. "Did you leave that note?"

Damon nodded. "It's on the coffee table."

I felt my heart stop. I took a deep inhale, and then it all went black.

I began to shift around. I opened my eyes, noticing I was still in the same spot as before. I stood up, realizing my body wasn't moving with me.

"Wow, that's what I look like dead," I laughed to myself.

"Still making jokes?" Damon asked from behind me.

I jumped a bit. "You scared me. I didn't realize you were up yet. Your body is still kind of on the ground."

He laughed. "That it is."

I looked at him and smiled. I wouldn't want to die with anyone else. Mmm, me saying that makes me realize I'm dead.

"What do we do now?" Damon asked.

I sighed. "A bright light should shine. Then we hold hands, and I'll chant the special words."

Damon nodded. "Not weird at all."

I laughed and nudged him with my elbow.

We watched as a car pulled up in front of the house. Elena and, a now alive, Bonnie jumped out of the car. They ran towards our bodies.

Bonnie fell to her knees next to me. "No!" She screamed.

She held my head in her lap, tracing my face with her fingers. She shook her head and cried into my shoulder.

I turned to Damon, now realizing that I had begun to cry. Damon frowned, and wrapped me in a hug.

"It's ok, Little Bennett. We'll come back to them."

I looked up, noticing a bright light. I smiled and looked at Damon.

"It's time to go."

Damon nodded and grabbed my hands. I closed my eyes and began to chant the words from the grimoire.

I opened my eyes and looked around. We were still here. Maybe the spell didn't work.

"Damn it. I don't think it worked," I said.

Damon shook his head. "I think it did."

I turned to where he was looking. Bonnie and Elena were no longer there. Neither was Elena's car. Instead there was a 1969 Chevy Camaro Convertible.

"My car!" Damon yelled, running towards it.

I laughed at his expression. He hugged it and began kissing up and down the hood.

"We definitely went somewhere," I said.

Damon pulled away from his car and looked at me. He nodded in agreement.

I turned to the house, running towards it. I went inside and up to my room. I sighed when I realized it was completely different.

"Damn it. It took a lot of time to make this room pretty," I said laughing.

Damon laughed from behind me. "Want to explore?" He asked.

I nodded. We headed out of the house, heading off to our favorite hangout place.

We walked into the grill. Damon took a seat at our normal table. I walked up to him and laughed.

"What may I get for you, sir?" I asked, kinda mimicking Matt.

Damon laughed. "A few rounds of bourbon, please."

I nodded. "Come right up, sir."

I skipped to the bar and grabbed a bottle of bourbon from the rack. I grabbed a few trays and a lot of shot glasses.

I began to pour the drinks and then spelled the trays to follow me. I'm a witch, I'm not gonna carry the trays myself when I can make them follow me.

The trays floated behind me, as I walked to the booth. I sat down across from Damon. The trays set themselves down in front of us.

"Wow, we've been here only a few minutes, and you are already too lazy to carry a few trays," Damon said laughing.

I giggled. "Hey, that isn't nice. I am not lazy, just didn't want to trip and fall. I am very clumsy, just so you know."

He laughed. "Yeah, I know. You tripped over the couch your first night at my house."

I sighed. "I'm never gonna be able to let that go am I."

He shook his head. "Sorry, you aren't."

I took a shot of bourbon in my hand. Damon followed my lead. We both raised our glasses.

"To hopefully one day, getting home," I said.

Damon tapped my glass with his, and we both took the shot.

We took another. "To....," he paused. "I don't know."

He clinked our glasses together and downed the shot. I laughed at him and downed the shot also.

"I wanna make a deal with you," I said, seeming to slur a bit.

I wasn't a light weight. But after dying twice, liquor was different on me.

"You make all the meals," I said.

Damon thought for a second. "And you can't use your magic."

I laughed. "Fine. I'll drink to that. But, I'm allowed to use my magic if I find out the spell to get us home."

Damon nodded. "Deal."

We grabbed our third glass and clinked it together, downing the drink immediately.

I feel like this little vacation isn't gonna be so bad after all.

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