Chapter Fifteen- Drunk With Stacy

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I rolled over and wiped my eyes, attempting to wake up. Then I noticed the arm slung across me. I looked at who it was. Klaus.

All the memories of last night came flashing back to me. That's when I realized, Stefan and them were probably all worried.

I got up and slowly removed Klaus' arm from my waist. He sighed and rolled over, facing away from me.

I knew I'd probably wake him, but I didn't care, so I kissed his forehead. He sprawled for a minute and then I heard his soft snores.

I grabbed my clothes from the night before and got dressed. Then I grabbed my phone and left Klaus a text to tell him why I left.

Me- I left while you were asleep to see how worried everyone was about me. I didn't want to wake you, you seemed peaceful. Thanks for last night ;)

I put my phone into my pocket and headed out the front door. I made my way to the Salvatore's. A good walk was needed to clear my head and come up with what to say.

Once I got there, I came up with an ok excuse. I'll just say that I spent that night at Stacy's because I got drunk. She help me out. She usually does.

I walked into the house and headed for the kitchen. When I entered, I saw something unusual.

Natalyn and Damon were in the kitchen kissing. My eyes went wide, and my breathing hitched.

"What the hell?" I said.

Natalyn looked up and Damon turned around. They both looked shock to see me there.

"Kylie, where the hell have you been?!" Damon asked upset.

"Me?! I just saw you with your tongue down Natalyn's throat!" I argued.

"Umm, well you are allowed to do that when your dating," Natalyn stated.

"When the hell did this happen?" I asked.

Natalyn sighed. "It's been going on ever since the Tyler thing at the school. Now, answer his question. Where the hell were you? Everyone is looking for you."

"I was at Stacy's. I spent the night there. I got drunk last night and ended up calling her," I explained.

Damon sighed. "That's better than what Stefan thought. He thought Klaus took you. Or Elijah. He was really worried. I've never seen him so worried about someone."

I smiled at what Damon said. But then my smile faded when I remembered he mention Klaus.

"Why would he think that?" I asked.

"We don't know. Care to explain?" Natalyn asked.

"Explain what? I'm just as confused as you are," I replied.

She sighed, obviously knowing she wasn't gonna get anywhere. I heard the front door open, along with feet walking.

"Damon, I can't find her," I heard Stefan say. The worry and sadness was clear in his throat.

"Kylie?" I heard Stefan ask.

I turned around when I realized he was right behind me. I smiled at him. He smiled and ran to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"I thought you were gone. I thought someone killed you. I was so worried when you weren't at the grill. Matt didn't even know where you went," Stefan explained.

I sighed into his shoulder and smiled. I could feel his tears on my shoulder, making me tear up.

"I'm sorry, Stefan. I shouldn't have left. But I got drunk and ended up calling Stacy. I'm so sorry to make you all worried," I said.

He pulled away from me and smiled. "It's fine. At least you are here."

"Kylie's here?!" I heard someone yell.

I hadn't even realized the front door opened. I looked over Stefan's shoulder, seeing Bonnie, Elena, Caroline, and Michelle in the door way.

Stefan moved out of the way and they all attacked me in hugs. I laughed as I hugged them back.

"Don't scare me like that again," Bonnie warned me.

I laughed as Bonnie's mean look turned to a smile. A looked at the other girls. They were all smiling.

Soon, everyone else joined in on the hug. "We aren't letting you out of our sight again," Elena said.

I laughed. But I was kinda sad about that. Even if it was a joke. That meant no Klaus.

I heard the front door open again. Maybe it was Jeremy, or Alaric, or maybe even Matt or Tyler.

I looked away from the hug and noticed an unfamiliar man in a suit. He had a smile on his face from seeing our family hug.

"I love seeing family all happy together," the man said smiling. "Oh, sorry to interrupt," he said, when everyone turned to him.

"Are you Elijah Mikaelson?" I asked.

He smiled. "That I am. Are you Kylie Bennett?"

I nodded, confused about why he knew my name.

"My brother's been looking for you."

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