Chapter Sixteen- Testing Magic

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"Why would Klaus be looking for my sister," Bonnie spoke up.

Elijah turned to her. "It's appears that he wants Kylie to break his curse." He turned to me. "My brother's done some research. You appear to be the most powerful witch he has heard of in a long time," Elijah explained.

I scoffed. "How so?" I questioned.

Elijah smirked. "My brother has his ways. I do not know of whom he heard this from, but he is determined to find you. I request you stay hidden only for the safety of you and your friend's lives."

I nodded. "I understand. Why does he need me to break a curse? Can't someone else?"

Elijah tilted his head. "I do not fully know my brother's intentions. I only know the mere truth behind Niklaus' plans."

"How are you going to protect her? Why should we trust you?" Damon questioned.

Elijah smirked. "You can trust me, or not. That is your decision. I want to get back at my brother."

Damon laughed sarcastically. "Don't we all."

Elijah gave a soft laugh to Damon's sarcasm. He looked back up towards me.

"I believe we can trust each other," Elijah said.

I smiled. "I hope we can."

He vamp sped off, leaving us all still shocked by the appearance.

"Wow, Kylie, you are special," Michelle laughed.

I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "I doubt I'm powerful. Maybe he thought because of the darkness I was," I explained.

Bonnie shook her head. "No, he is right. That's what Grams meant. She said destroy the darkness and uprise the power. The darkness may have been blocking all your power."

Stefan raised a brow. "Then how come she hasn't felt some kind of powerful push?" He asked.

Damon laughed. "Brother. I don't think it works like that."

I giggled. "It could be that I don't practice magic like I used to. I just haven't felt it yet."

Bonnie nodded. "That's it. We will get an easy spell and a complicated one. Both of us will attempt them. I am as powerful as a normal witch. If I can't do it and you can, we will know."

Elena nodded. "I'll go get the grimoires. Bonnie, which one?" She asked.

"Grab the two from my dresser," Bonnie ordered.

Elena nodded and left with Caroline. I sat down at the counter and took into consideration all that has been said.

Elijah wants to protect me from the man I like. Wow, I like him don't I? That's just weird. It's always the enemy.

"Kylie?" Natalyn asked.

"Yes?" I replied.

She looked around the now empty room. "Why do I feel bad for dating him? I just feel like it's wrong. As if I'm not with the right guy," Natalyn asked.

I sighed and gave her a give shrug. "I don't know. Maybe you feel scared he'll drop you easily. Or maybe you are falling too fast and you know it."

She smiled at me and gave me a quick hug. "Thanks, Ky. It means a lot to hear your opinions."

I smiled at her and nodded.

"We're back!" Caroline shouted from the front door.

I got up and walked into the living room, joining the others. Elena handed Bonnie the grimoires and sat down.

I watched carefully as Bonnie picked two spells. The easier one was a flame spell. It would ignite a flame in your palm. The harder one was a teleporting spell.

"Here. Read this and chant it with me," Bonnie said, handing me the flame spell.

I chanted the words on the page and watched as both me and Bonnie's hands ignited.

"This is cool," I exclaimed.

Bonnie smiled at me. I chanted for it to go away and looked at her.

"Here. Now try this one," she said.

I looked at the paper. It was the teleporting spell. Bonnie began chanting, closing her eyes to concentrate. She opened them back up and sighed.

"It didn't work." She frowned before speaking again. "Think of a place and try to go there."

I nodded and looked at the paper. I chanted the spell and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.

I wasn't in my spot in the living room. Does that mean it worked?

"Kylie?" A familiar British accent asked.

I turned and met eyes with Klaus. He was shirtless, just his jeans on. It was a good sight to see. Why did my mind choose to come here?

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

I smiled. "I did a teleporting spell. Bonnie is testing my magic. It didn't work for her, so she made me try. She said to think of a place and go there. I didn't realize I was thinking of your bedroom," I said, blushing whilst looking at my feet.

He smiled and walked up to me. "I got your text. Were they worried?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes, but everything is fixed. Also, I met your brother. Quite charming."

He smirked. "Don't go falling for him. Your mine, love."

I felt the blush grow across my cheeks. I smiled up at him.

"I should probably get back. Text me?" I asked.

He nodded. "Of course, love."

He walked over to me and kissed my forehead. I smiled and chanted the words I had before.

I opened my eyes once more, finding myself in the Salvatore's living room.

"It worked," Bonnie exclaimed.

"Where'd you go?" Michelle asked.

I turned to look at her and smiled. "I just saw an old friend. That's all."

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