Chapter Forty Four- Merge

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I sat on the living room floor, preparing everything for Michelle's turning. Klaus was off with Caroline. Elijah mad Hayley were upstairs with Hope. Kai was going out to get blood bags.

Michelle and Damon entered the house, looking a bit nervous. They were holding each other's hands and chatting about something.

"Hey, guys," I said.

"Hey, Kylie," Michelle responded at the same time Damon said "hi, little Bennett."

"I'm just finishing up my preparation. Kai is out getting blood bags," I said.

Michelle nodded and sat down. "I'm a bit nervous."

I set my hand on his leg and smiled. "It's ok. Everything will be fine."

Kai walked through the door, holding the blood bags up. "Got them," Kai exclaimed.

I smiled and took the bags from him. I set them on the table and looked towards Damon and Michelle.

"Let's start this," I said.

Michelle nodded and Damon bit into his wrist. Michelle grabbed it and drank some of the metallic tasting liquid.

She cringed and pulled Damon's wrist away. "Now that the blood is getting in your system, I'll began to slow your heart," I said.

Michelle nodded. I began chanting, listening as Michelle's breathing got more shallow by the minute. Soon, she just stopped breathing.

"So, she is just gonna wake up as a vamp?" Kai asked.

I nodded and watched her. She just lay there, not moving. I looked at Damon, watching as he stared impatiently.

Her body jolted and her eyes opened wide. She smiled and looked around.

"It worked," she exclaimed.

She jumped up and into Damon's arms, hugging him tightly. He smiled and pulled away, pecking her lips.

Kai grabbed a blood bag from the table and walked over to Michelle. Michelle stared at the bag, but her eyes trailed to his neck.

Kai's eyes widened. "Um, Michelle. Please just drink the bag."

Michelle sighed and took the bag. She squeezed it into her mouth and smiled. "This is so good. Why didn't I try it before?"

I laughed. "Probably because it wasn't good before."

She sighed and nodded. "Guess your right."

A knock was at the door, making me almost jump. Gosh, people have to stop doing that.

I opened the door, revealing to similar looking people. "Hi, can I help you?" I said.

The boy looked at his sister and then at me. "Oh, sorry. We are looking for our brother, Kai Parker."

I looked surprised. Kai didn't mention these two. I turned to look Kai.

"Hey, Kai. Two people are here, claiming to be your siblings."

Kai walked over to me, confused. I opened the door wider. Kai smiled.

"Oh. You guys are Liv and Luke. Long time no see," Kai said with a smile.

Luke groaned. "I'm not here to be nice. I want to merge with you. I want you dead."

Kai sighed. "I don't think it works like that, and besides, I promised Kylie I wouldn't kill anyone."

Luke and Liv looked confused and shocked. Maybe they expected Kai to be evil.

Luke shook his head. "I don't care. I still want you dead."

Liv grabbed his shoulder. "Luke, no."

It was too late. Luke sent Kai flying outside. He hit the ground hard. I screamed in fear. Kai could die in the real world.

"Luke, please stop," I whined.

Luke looked at me and shook his head. "I can't. Not after all he has done."

Kai groaned and stood up. "Fine. I'll merge with you. Just please stop hurting me."

Luke smiled and sighed. "Fine. Let's do it now."

I shook my head and looked at Liv. "Please stop them."

Liv sighed. "I wish I could. We thought Kai was gonna try to kill us again. We didn't realize he changed."

I smiled. "It's good isn't it? That he changed?"

Liv nodded. "Yeah. You did that?"

I sighed. "He says I did."

Kai and Luke put their hands together and began chanting. I tried to stop them, but before I could do anything it was too late. They both fell to the ground.

I ran over to Kai and set his head in my lap. Liv ran up to Luke and did the same. Tears fell down my cheeks as I traced Kai's face.

"How does it work?" I asked.

"First one to wake up wins."

I nodded and looked down at Kai. Then I saw Luke's eyes open. My heart dropped. Kai lost.

All of a sudden, Kai lifted up and took a deep breath of air. I looked over at Luke. He wasn't moving.

Liv let out a huge cry. I moved over to her and wrapped her in a hug.

"I'm so sorry," I said.

She shook her head. "You didn't do this, and surprisingly Kai didn't either. Luke wanted this."

I looked over at Kai. He was staring down at his dead brother. Then I saw the tears going down his cheeks. He wiped them away quickly with disgust.

"I'll bury his body out back," Kai stated.

I looked up at him and nodded. I looked back at Liv and smiled. "Let's get you inside."

Liv stood up and I walked with her inside. I set her on the couch and told the others what happened.

Damon went out to help Kai bury Luke. Michelle went into the kitchen and brought back out a bottle of wine.

She poured us each a drink. "I don't know about you, but wine always makes me feel better," she stated.

Liv giggled a bit. "You're not the only one."

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