Chapter Forty One- Setting Up

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We drove back over to the house, noticing there was no trucks outside anymore. Damon's car remained parked in the driveway though.

I parked the truck, and we both got out. We entered the house and I gazed over at the couch. No one.

I walked into the kitchen. I didn't see anyone, but I heard a racket in the pantry.

I walked into the pantry, seeing Michelle and Damon loading it with wine and bourbon. I smiled at the two.

"Thank you guys for the drinks," I said.

They both turned to me with smiles planted on their faces. "Natalyn and Stefan left early. Also, everyone is coming over soon," Damon said.

"The room is all finished. It no longer looks like Dracula's bedroom," Natalyn joked.

I giggled and headed out of the pantry. I walked up the stairs and into the room, noticing Kai had beat me there.

The room was now a light gray. The bed had tones of gray, white, and black. The wood was darker shades, but matched the room well.

"What a guest room?" I exclaimed.

Kai turned to me and smiled. "Your friends are good."

I laughed. "It was probably all Natalyn. She is really good with designing."

Kai smiled at me talking about my friends. He loved to listen to me talk about my friends and family because it made me happy.

"Damon said everyone is coming over soon," I told Kai nodded.

"That's fine."

"Wanna check our room. See if everything was moved in," I asked.

Kai looked at me and nodded. We walked across the hall and into our room. It was the master, but I believe that was obvious.

I opened the closet door, noticing all the clothes. I smiled at the organization. Must of been Michelle's doing.

I closed the closet and turned back to Kai. A smirk appeared on my face as I made my way over to him. I set one hand on his chest and the other trailed it's way up his chest.

He looked down at me with a devilish smirk, the one that drew me in the prison world. He opened his mouth to talk, but I put my finger to his lips and shushed him.

"I think after this house party we should celebrate on our own," I said.

He nodded and stared down at my lips. I smiled and kiss his cheek. "But... I don't know if we should."

Kai sighed and shook his head. "Oh, we should."

I giggled and kissed his lips. "I'm glad we moved out. Now we can do whatever we please."

Kai smirked and closed his eyes, most likely thinking of everything we could do. He opened his eyes and nodded.

"I will enjoy this," Kai said.

I laughed and pecked his lips. "I'm gonna start preparing for the party. I'm calling Caroline and the girls over. They'll be a good help. Why don't you go hang with the boys?"

Kai shrugged. "I don't know if they fully like me, but try to get along with them...for you."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. I exited the bedroom and made my way into the  kitchen. Damon, Stefan, Natalyn, and Michelle were all talking at the counter.

"Boys, out. Go hang with Kai. Go out on the town or something while us girls work on this party," I announced.

Damon rolled his eyes and sighed, while Stefan nodded and walked into the living room. Damon shortly followed.

"I'll call up Care. Michelle, you call Elena. And Ky will call Bonnie," Nat said.

I nodded and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I dialed Bonnie's number and called her.

"Hey, Ky," Bonnie greeted.

I smiled. "Bon, can you come over to the new house?"

"I don't know where it is. I haven't been by yet."

I laughed. "Bon, your a witch. Just locate me."

Bonnie giggled. "I'll be there soon."

The line went dead, so I put my phone away. I looked over at Natalyn, she was still talking. Michelle walked over to me.

"Elena will be here soon. Matt is at the grill with the boys," Michelle said.

I smiled. "So, is Care or Bon have a boyfriend?"

Michelle nodded. "Yep. Bon is dating Enzo. One of Damon's old friends. And Care is uh."

"What?" I asked.

"She's and umm, I don't know if I should say," Michelle said.

I sighed. "Her and Klaus?" I asked.

Michelle nodded. "I'm sorry, Ky. She is supposed to tell you tonight."

"It's fine. I'm not mad. I'm actually surprisingly happy for both of them."

Michelle smiled. Natalyn walked up to us and sighed. "That was longer than expected. Care is naming everything we need to do to prep for her arrival."

We all laughed. Caroline was such an obsesser, but I loved her for that. And I was telling the truth. I am happy for Care and Klaus. I just really hope things aren't awkward.

I looked around the room, trying to come up with something to do first. I groaned in failure.

"I don't know where to start," I complained.

Nat laughed. "We can just wait for Care."

I nodded and sighed. "That sounds like a plan."

Natalyn and Michelle giggled at me. I turned to them and rolled my eyes playfully. 

Soon, there was a knock at the door. "Got it," I said to the girls.

I ran over to the door and opened it up. Care, Elena, and Bonnie stood in front of me.

"Hey, guys," I said. "Elena and Care, you are both invited it."

They all came inside and wrapped me in hugs. I smiled, and turned to face the living room.

"Let me show you guys around."

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