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( Beomgyu's PoV )

" Stay behind me, Y/N" i said, I don't know why I act like this but the feeling of need to keep her safe is all inside my mind. Her safety is my first priority on this time. I hold her hand and keep her behind me, while walking towards Soobin's shop. I don't know why the black cloud suddenly appear around Soobin's shop but deep in my heart I know that's something is off inside the shop. Something that can lead to destruction is inside the shop. The uneasiness in my heart getting more stronger once me and Y/N infront of the shop. "Don't do anything stupid, just protect yourself. If something going wrong, you go out from this shop and call someone for help" as soon as I said that, I open the shop's door.

We didn't even take a step inside the shop, I just open the door but the smell of rotten egg greeting us. I feel want to throw up due to the smell. I close my nose with my arm, luckily I use long sleeve shirt and my favorite perfume. The smell of my perfume on my shirt help me from smelling the smell of the rotten egg, it's also help calming me down from throwing up. Y/N is holding my backpack from behind while using her handkerchief to close her nose from smelling that smell.

I look around the shop trying to find the cause of this disgusting smell. My fart smell better than this tho. When my eyes finally spot the cause, I for once speechless and confused. At the counter is Soobin and one man who's fullfully covered in black jacket. Don't Soobin smell the smell of rotten egg inside his shop? Why he's still smiling and talking to the man despite the disgusting smell inside his shop?  Did Soobin know that there's a black cloud around his shop and the man also covered in black cloud. And lastly who is this man? I look at both of them in confuse. Why the heck Soobin didn't notice all of that?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Y/N ask in tiny voice. "Try take a peek of it" I said "Do you think the man in the black coat seem weird?" I ask her. She's still clutching to my backpack, "He's weird tho. Didn't you see the black cloud on him? According to what we learnt last time, the black cloud symbolize as bad or black magic" she said. "Don't tell me that he is—" her words cut off by Soobin. "Hey Y/N, Beomgyu. Do you want to come in or just stay outside of my shop?" He ask, still smiling. The man finally turn to us. His eyes. It's black! "Hurm, we want to buy hurm frankincense incense , quartz crystal and orris root powder. If you still have the stock tho" I said, taking a step inside the shop and close the door.

"Owh I still have them. Wait here!" He was about to go but I stop him. "Wait hyung! Who is this guy?" I finally ask the question that running inside my mind. "Owh this is Mr.Woo. We just met and talking some random stuff. He also one of The Wizard of Oz fans tho!" Soobin said in his excited voice. I watch the man's face and both of us make an eye contact then his eyes suddenly become white then red. "HYUNG! HE IS NOT A NORMAL WITCH! TAKE Y/N WITH YOU AND GET OUT OF HERE!" I said, shouting in fear while trying to release Y/N hold on my backpack to make she run away from this but she's still holding on it tightly. This girl I swear. "What?" Soobin ask still in confused.

Just then the man turn around, grabbing Soobin's on neck and choke him. Soobin trying to release himself from the hold. "You both are what my master order to find" the man said with hoarse voice, staring at both of us with his red eyes while still choking Soobin. "Go now, Y/N! Call someone for help!" I said finally letting go of my backpack to the ground and walking towards the man. The man letting go of Soobin's neck and now fullfully infront of me. He is striding towards me with both hands ready to choke me. His nails suddenly become long and sharp, his face now become pale. This creature is not a vampire. He is in someone's control that perform the black magic.

He try to claw me using his nails but luckily I manage to dodge it and taking this chance to punch him on his stomach. Damn why I feel like I'm just punching the stone just now. I shake my hand to ease the pain on my fist while looking at him. He stumble on the ground holding his stomach. Didn't it hurt at all? He looking at me furiously and running towards me. It's time for me to shine. I turn around and land him a flying kick on his face. The advantage of learning the art of self-defense. Black blood dripping from his lips, he stare at me with a burning gaze. How can he still okay eventho blood coming out from his mouth? Is he made from steel?

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