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( Y/N PoV )

" So you guys come here to ask a backup army from me to help you guys with the war between them and the evil" the king said, pointing at me and Beomgyu. "Yes" Soobin said, nodding his head. "Alright I can help with that but in one condition" he said before look at Hyeji who is sitting beside him. "She is not allowed in that war place" he said. Oh speak the over-protective and possessive now I see. Hyeji look at him with unsatisfied look before roll her eyes. "Not that I don't want you there, sweetheart but it's too dangerous and I don't want to lose you" he explain to Hyeji while holding her hand. Making me make a weird noise in silent, watching that couple and I can feel a burnt gaze on my right side of course from Beomgyu.

How sweet damn. I said in my mind. Yes very sweet that Beomgyu give him the murdering look Seira's voice reply to me. Damn can you please stop listening to my voice's mind. It's privacy I scold her through mindlink. Can't help to not hear your voice's mind tho she said, winking at me. Damn her. A pain grunt snapping me and Seira back to the world.  "What's wrong? " the king ask to Hyeji who's still grunting in pain and pinch her forehead. " I'm fine just I got a vision" she said before look at her necklace and snatch it off from her neck. "You have that magical sword" she said, looking at her mate. "What sword?" her mate ask in confusion. "The one that they trust you to give it to you" Hyeji said. "The red one?" the king said after a long silence. "Yes that's one. We need it to win" Hyeji said before stand up like nothing have happened to her before. "Come on, let's go. Lead the way" Hyeji said. The king sigh before take her hand on his and leading the way to the sword. All of us follow both of them from behind.

We go to the downstairs we'll the underground of this palace before arrive at the big giant red door, I guess vampires love red as their favorite color. The king nod at one of the guard and the guard open it. All of us enter the room and in front of us is the sword that have red scabbard in the glass box in the middle of the room. "It's locked. We can't open it without the key" the king said. I look at it with amazed before the realization hit and I turn to Beomgyu with the questioning face before he nod as yes to my unasked question.

{ Flashback to when Beomgyu share his backup plan to Y/N in his room}

" Have you read the book that Taehyun give us before? " he ask. "The one that he give when we first meet with Seira and Haejin?" I ask him to confirm that is the book he's talking about. "Yes" he reply. "Well yes but only a bit because it's make me feel sleepy. I hate books you know" I said. For real, I only open books only for the examination but after that I say bye bye to it. He flicked my forehead "Such a sleepy head" he said, grinning before stand up and take the book that Taehyun give to both of us on his table. "Aw it's hurt. Goddammit!" I said, hissing in pain while glaring death at him. He come again and sit beside me with a book on his laps.

"That what you get for being lazy" he grin before open the book. Yeah maybe he's right because I'm too lazy to fight him back. "So in this book especially in this page" he start "It says that the evil has her own weakness spot that no one know so when we fight her we will attack her weakness or you should call the source of her power" he said. "But how we can attack it if we don't know her weakness spot?" I ask. "They don't know but I do" he said, smirking. "YOU DO?!" I ask "Yes fish brain" he reply. "Fck you" I said rolling my eyes at him. There's no a peace day for both of us without bickering with each other. "Gladly" he said with a smug in his face. I roll my eyes again

"So what is it?" I ask him, bringing us back to the main topic. "Where is the place that make you make a decision without thinking first because your feeling overpowered your logical?" he ask. "Heart" I answer. "Yeah that's it" "Wait why?" I ask. "Well, Haejin once told me the story of her. She was a kind girl that everyone loves and has a husband which is me before in her time. So her lovely husband cheat on her with her lovely cousin that she loves so dearest which is you in her time. She feel so heartbroken so why she choose to have her revenge? " Beomgyu ask me." Because she feel betrayed and heartbroken? "I answer." Yes that is the smart Y/N" he ask patting my head. "So feeling come from heart well it can't come from mind because mind is all about logical and control the act of the body, right?" he ask. I nod as a reply for his question.

"Like you said before, she is practicing the black magic just to have her revenge because she feel betrayed and heartbroken by both of us in her time. Well that technically make her heart go black because she let the negative feeling overpower her logic. The heart is the source of her power and her revenge" he said. "So what should we do? Should we just tear her body apart and take her heart?" I ask. "No" he said before turn the page again then point to the image of the sword on it.

"This is what we need. We need to stab her with this sword because nothing can harm her except this magical sword. She is already master the black magic so it's hard to do anything harm to her except this sword. I think she also will find the sword to prevent us from killing her but we will take it first before her" he said. "So where is it?" I ask. "No one know where is it but I speculated that it must be in the Vampire's king" he said. "Why you think its there?" "Because vampire is the strongest from all of us. It can't be the human's world because it's will be so easy to attack their place except the vampire's world. The vampire is almost the demon, sucking blood and all so of course it's there" he said. I nod at his words because it's kinda make sense. It can't be in the Wizard and Witches world because she already master the black magic so it's easy to take it from us and it can't be in the werewolf's world because just see how she simply can enter this pack before.

{ End of the flashback}

" So it's here" Seira said. "Yes it is but like I said before, it's locked and I don't have the key to unlock—" ting. "It's already unlock" Hyeji said. All of us look at her with shock then to the glass box that already opened. "How?" Hyun woo ask. "Well this necklace is the key for it. Saw it in my vision. So yeah here it is" she said. All of us walk towards it and looking at the swords in amaze.

"It's beautiful" I said, touching the red scabbard. "It is" Hyun woo went to touch it but he immediately take his hand back and shake his hand in pain. "It's hurt damn" he said. "Yes it is. Only the chosen one can touch it. No one can or else you will feel a slight burn on your hand" Hyeji said. "Why you don't warn me early tho?" Hyun woo ask glaring at Hyeji. "Well thought that you know" She reply grinning. "So I can touch it" Beomgyu said smirking before hold the sword in his hand. "Yes, you can also with Y/N" Hyeji said rolling her eyes. "Don't be jealous, Hyeji. I will do the clone of it for you" I said, laughing.

"OH YES! You need to clone it at least make 3 copy of it to make the evil confuse" Soobin said. "Damn" I said before sighing and roll my eyes. I start to make 3 copies of the sword and put one of it in the glass box again. "So what about the two of it?" I ask. "We will bring the real one with us and the others two we will leave it in human's city and also in the werewolf's world" Soobin said. "But because you both can touch it so it's kinda hard so both of you decide who will bring it to the witchcraft magic" Soobin said. Me and Beomgyu look at each other.

"ME" "NO ME" "NO IT'S ME" "NO Y/N IT'S ME. I'M BOY" "SO WHAT? GENDER IS NOT A MATTER WHAT MATTER IS WHO IS THE STRONGEST" "OBVIOUSLY ME THO" "TCH I'M THE ONE WHO ALREADY MASTER THE FIFTH SPIRIT BUT YOU DON'T SO IT'S ME" "NO" "Okay stop" Hyeji said, stopping me and Beomgyu from fighting again. "Seira and Haejin will bring it" She said again. "but you said only the chosen one can touch it" I said in confuse.

"yes it's true and they also the chosen one because they will help you both in the war. So it's end on this discussion." Hyeji said. Seira look at us with smirk before Haejin grab the sword from Beomgyu "Too bad. We are the one" Haejin said, smirking. "But why them?" I ask. "They both are soul so they can freely move wherever they want and their movement is not noticeable by the  evil unlike us" Hyeji said. I sigh "Aight"

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