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( Taehyun's PoV )

" We need to pick up someone on our way to her parents house " Hyeji said breaking the silence between the three of us. " Who?" I ask still focusing on driving. "It is the other choosen one. The boy, someone who start the mess" she answer. "WHAT?! What do you—" "We will meet him when he was about to cross the road to her parents's house and then we need to bring him along with us to the house so that all of us will arrive there faster and only he can safe Y/N this time" she said cutting down my sentence. " Okay " I said and nodding as a response while taking a note in my mind to ask her my question earlier.

Just then, there's Beomgyu run as fast as he can and was about to cross the road just like what Hyeji said. I honk the car making he startled a bit and look at our way with frustrated look but soon the look slowly faded when he see our face. He hurriedly go inside our car and take a seat at front passenger seat "Let's go" he said still panting. I nod before continue driving to Y/N parents house. Beomgyu lean on his seat with eyes close trying to catch his breathe. "You have water?" He ask still with his eyes close. "Here you go" Hyeji said handing him a bottle of water that Huening bring with us when we went to Treasure Teume's Pack before. He takes the bottle and gulp the water in one take then he give the bottle back to Hyeji.

"How long till we get there?" He ask. "Around 2 more minutes" I answer. "make it fast I don't know what will happened to her if we arrive there late hell I don't even know what happened to her right now" he said, before massaging his temple. "Don't worry we will be there on time" Hyeji answer. " And how the hell you know?" He ask before look at Hyeji, then a guilty look flashed on his face. "Omaigawd I'm so sorry for that" he said before now his head down as the sign that he sincerely apologise to her.

"Nah it's fine, I'm Hyeji by the way and I can see the future" she reply. Beomgyu looked at her shock and before he start to talk again, Hyeji start to introduce his brother to him "This is my brother, Choi Hyunjun and we both are werewolves" she said and now if I said he look shock earlier now it's double time shock. He looks at me then to both Hyeji and Hyunjun before look at me again to confirm what he hear earlier is true. "Yes they are the werewolves" I answer. "I-wow—" "And we arrive" I said before stop the car engine.

As we all come out from the car, a dog come running to Beomgyu while barking as loud as he can. "Milo!" Beomgyu said before crouching down. The dog then nudge his head to Beomgyu's arm signalling him to open the door and he did. When Beomgyu open the door, the strong disgusting smell greet out nose and make all of us cover our nose with our hands. The house that looked so calm and pretty before long gone and replace by this messy house, the fridge door just left open and there's lot of maggots on the kitchen dinner.

"What the fuck happened in here?!" Beomgyu said then the dog bark taking our attention to him, when he see our attention are on him he start to walk to one of the room. Without hesitation we then follow the dog and there we arrive at Y/N room. My eyes wandered a bit at her room until I see two figures lay lifeless on the floor. I was about to run to them but was stop by Hyeji. "No don't go near them. They are already dead" she said. "What?!" I said shock. Those two figures are Y/N's parents and how the hell I will tell her that her parents are gone?! "No we need to save them" Beomgyu said and try to push Hyeji's hand away from blocking our way. "NO! DONT YOU SEE?! There's maggots everywhere on their face that eat every flesh on their face. And do you think that we can help them?" She ask us.

" But we still—" "By the look of it, I'm pretty sure some of the maggots already been inside of their body and eating their organ" Hyunjun finally speak. Me and Beomgyu look at him with shock "WHAT?! But that's just maggots I don't think that—" "And the problem now is that is not the normal maggots that you know. It's one of the evil's creature" Hyeji said cutting off Beomgyu's words.

"There's must another way to save them right?" I ask "I don't think so because it's too late to save them" Hyeji reply "But you said that we will come here on time and what is this?!" Beomgyu said. "We all are here on time before Y/N get hurt badly" Hyeji answer throwing a death glare to us. "Then where is she?!" Beomgyu ask. "The place where only she and the evil are" Hyeji said. "And where is it? How are we supposed to go there?" Beomgyu ask.

"It's you" Hyeji reply shortly, looking straight at Beomgyu. "What?" He ask a confusion display on his face well not just he but me too. " Only you can go there because you are one of the reason of this mess " She said. "Wha—" "We need to send you there to bring Y/N back and in order to do that there's something you need to do and we got no more time to waste right now" she said. Then she go away for awhile and come back to us with a knife on her hand. "What are you doing with that?" Beomgyu ask. " Just trust me" she said before grab Beomgyu's hand and bring him to stand at the middle of the room.

"Give me your hand" she order. "Hyeji, what are you doing to him?" I ask eventho Hyeji is a special gifted child but still Beomgyu is one of the choosen one to safe the world. "Don't worry I will not going to do something bad at him, I'm still same so chill" she reply.

( Beomgyu's PoV )

I don't know what I should expect right now with a knife on her hand but I'm pretty sure it's will be hurt. I did what she said, showing her my hand and when I did she start to slid a short line on my hand. I can't help myself from escape a hiss of pain from my mouth because it's pretty hurt. Just when I thought it's really hurt this time not when she make me close my hands like a fist and that's where it's hurt the most because of the contact of my skin and the blood.

"Now follow what I said" she said. I draw my attention back to her trying to ignore the pain. "Close ur eyes and say with me
'il luogo dove nessun occhio può vedere, il luogo dove nessuno può entrare facilmente, il regno del male. chiamando il quinto elemento il potere dello spirito per portarmi lì' " I followed what she said eventho I don't really know what's it mean and just like that I start to feel dizzy and flying on the air.

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Sorry for late update babeh <3 I got writer's block these days and yeah I'm sorry for that😭 will try my best to update like before~ peace out🤧✌️

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Love you💚

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