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( Beomgyu's PoV )

Then I should do something that make me deserve it, right?" She smirk. Then all I can see is black. My surroundings all turn into black. "Y/N?" I call, searching for her but no answer. Then something flash infront of me then I see Y/N smiling painfully at me before she drop on the ground with blood coming from her mouth. "It's because of you" she said with tears dropping down from her eyes before she shut her eyes close. "No Y/N open your eyes!" I said crying. I want to run towards her but I'm trapped. I can't move to help her and wipe her tears. Then the evil's creature come with sharp things and all of them begin to stab Y/N lifeless body. "NO! STOP IT!" I said, shouting. Without I even realize, tears start to fall one by one watching her like that. After they stab her body, they begin to open her body roughly and i can see her rib cage then they start to eat her body. I want to close my eyes but u can't it's like I'm being forced to see it. I can't stop the crying, my heart I don't think my heart is here when the one who have my heart is dead infront of me. Her death is not peaceful when her body get tortured. Then I see her spirit looking at her body being eaten by the evil's creature before her spirit turn to me with a sad face. "It's because of you!!" She said screaming before start to cry. Then it's black again.

I drop on my knees, still crying before start to hit myself. "It's because of you. She is like that because of you. Now she's dead. She's freaking dead!" I said screaming. I bring up my knees to my body, hugging it before put my head on it. Crying. "She's dead. What's the point of life if she's gone. She's dead" I said. And for hours I repeat the words 'shes dead' before someone call my name. "Beomgyu!" The voice call but I don't care because I'd rather die with Y/N than living without her. "Beomgyu!" The voice call out again. "Beomgyu!" The voice said again before start to run to me. He squat down to me, shaking my shoulder. "Beomgyu, let's go home" the voice said. "she's dead" is my reply, still crying. "who's dead?" The voice ask again. "Don't you see it, Haejin?! She's dead?! Y/N just dead infront of me!" I said, finally look at him. He's shock when he heard that before start to pat my back. "No Beomgyu, it's all a dream. She's not dead. She's alive waiting for you to wake up" he said. "You lying. I already see her spirit. She's already dead" I said. "No, she's not. Trust me" Haejin said. I look at him still with my crying face before I nod. "You need to wake uo if you want to see her" He said again. "But I am. I already awake" I said in confuse. "No you are not. The evil put you in deep sleep and if you're not awake in 24 hours then you will be dead." He said. "But how to wake up?" I ask finally standing up. "Follow me" he said, smiling.

( Y/N PoV )

Now I'm the one who walk front and back multiple times. He's still not awake. It's been awhile since Haejin enter his body to look for his spirit but still no response. I pace back and forth again and for real if he's not awake in this hour I will cry like for real crying because this is the last hour. The 24. We've been trying to wake him up with magic and spell but just like what the evil said, no magic nor spell can wake him up. That's why Haejin enter his body to find his spirit to wake him up because that is what we can do. We did wake him up physically but no response still. "Sit down, Y/N. You make me have a headache by watching you like this" Seira said. "How can I sit down in this situation, Seira?" I ask. "Just relax. If still no response I will join Haejin enter his body and find his spirit" Seira said. "And if you can't find it?" I ask her with my hands on my hips, finally stop back forth pacing. "Then I guess like the evil said say hi hi to his spirit" she said. "SEE! THATS WHY I CAN'T SIT DOWN! IF—" a movement of him make me stop talking and rush to his bedside. "D-did you saw that? His finger move!" I said in joy. "Yes I definitely saw that too!" Seira said. I start to tap his shoulder "Beomgyu wake up beomie" I said calling her. His eyes open before close again and his hand immediately grab mine that on his shoulder. "You are here" he said with his raspy voice. "Yes I am. You need to wake up, Beomie" I said, calling him again.

He open his eyes only to close it again. "It's so bright. Am I in heaven already?" He ask. "No you pabo. You still alive come on wake up now. Don't be that lazy ass" I said, smiling. He grin before open his eyes again and blinking them multiple times before finally look at me. "You are alive" he said, smiling weakly. "Ofcourse I am" I said. "It was so hard to find him there because it's so dark. Lucky I found him or else" Haejin said after coming out from his body. I immediately hug him to hide tears that fall down from my eyes. "You stupid slow ass is to slow to avoid that spell" I said. "I'm sorry " he said, hugging me back. "I'm glad it's all dream and I'm just sleeping. I'm really glad, Y/N" he said, hugging me more tight like he don't want to let me go. "I guess we should leave them alone" Haejin said to Seira and then they both leave the both of us in Beomgyu's room.

I release the hug before wipe my tears. "Before you start saying that I'm crying because of you no because there's dust in here. Your room is so dirty ew" I said still wiping my tears off. "Oh really?" He ask, I can feel he's smirking at me. "Ofcourse it's a tears of sadness that you are not dead. Oh God " no, it's a tears of gladness that you make it out alive. "Alright alright whatever makes you happy. Now can I have my hug back" he ask smiling. "Nah hug yourself" I said, standing up before he takes my hand and pull me to him. Right now I'm on top of him with both my hands on his chest and his hands wrap on my waist. "But I love hugging you so why should I hug myself" he said smirking before start to plant kisses all over my face. "Ew Beomgyu stop it" I said trying to avoid his kisses. "Nope" he said, kissing my temple before lay me down next to him still with his hands on my waist. "Now better. Let's go to sleep" he said, before moving himself close to me. "No, I don't want to sleep with you" I said trying to push him away. "But I want so shut up. I'm tired let me sleep and don't move" he said before closing his eyes. I give up fighting him and just lay there and start to sleep.

( Beomgyu's PoV )

I smile when I see she's finally sleeping. I know she didn't sleep well before because her eye bags is pretty obvious. I run my finger from her nose to her lips where I give her my first kiss. Just then the nightmare start to flash again and I'm hugging on her tight. I would never let that happen to her and if it's happen then it's should be me, not her. Because she's my life, my soul, my heart. I love her. So much.

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