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The girl in the black coat choking her neck hard making the girl hard to breathe and if it's continue for long time she will pass out due of the lack of oxygen. The girl trying to take the girl in the black coat hand from her but it's no use because she don't have much energy to do so. The girl in the black coat snicker when she looks that the girl's face already become pale because of her. "You are supposed to follow me! I am your GOD! I AM THE ONE YOU SHOULD FOLLOW! I AM THE ONE WHO YOU SHOULD OBEY! YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD!" The girl in the black coat said with angry tones and eyes burning with flames before throwing the girl away making the girl hit the wall on her back.

The girl groan in pain, a tear trying to escape from her eyes but she don't want to show her weak side to the girl in the black coat. She cough and a blood come from her lips, the pain from her back and neck still not ease. The girl in the black coat walking stride to the girl who's now seating on the floor with her head hung low and hands on each side to support her from falling down. With a smirk on her face, she keeps walking towards her before a black smoke appear on her hand then turning into a sword with black smoke around it. "I'm going to end you, right now" she said before running towards the girl with her sword point at the girl, aiming to the girl's heart.

( Hyeji's PoV )

I gasped. Tears falling down from my eyes when the nightmare start to play back in my mind. It's feel so real, I slumped down infront of the waterfall just watching how the moon light reflect on it. The atmosphere is nice but not me. My heart and my mind are still not in ease from that nightmare eventho it's already 30 minutes since I'm here.

Since the day I know the evil escape from where it's supposed to be, I have lot of nightmare. I thought it's was normal at first but it's getting worse and worse time by time. I don't even have a nice and peaceful sleep ever since making my family worried sick about me. They even get me a therapy for me to help me sleep but still it's didn't go well. Every time I close my eyes and sleep, I will see the nightmare again. There's no sweet dream to me eventho my family always wish me that. I don't even remember how it feel to have good and sweet night sleep before because now all I have is nightmare and nightmare.

These days it's getting worse, killing and deaths are in my dream. Not just that but I see my pack also get hurt from my dream and it's all because of the evil. If the evil not escape from the underworld, the chaos in this world will never happened. Not just the evil messing up the world of witches and wizards but also our world, vampire's and human. I don't know why and how it's happened but what I know is if the evil keep staying in this world, the world will be in mess and destroyed, that's why I need to find the way to make the evil vanish from the world or at least lock her again in the underworld.

"Hyeji-ah, are you okay?" Hyunjun oppa said from the mind-link making me awake from my own thought. "I'm okay just need time for myself" I answer back. "Okay just make sure to come back home and always in your protective's mode" He said before shutting down the mind-link between us. I stand up before go to the big tree and take a seat under it before lean my head on the tree, closing my eyes, inhaling the fresh air.   The image of the nightmare didn't stop playing in my mind making me want to scream "stop" on top of my lungs but eventho I do it, it's still the same. I have tried it before that's why I know it.

I open my eyes, my hand find their own way to the necklace that I have on my neck and playing with the key on it. I found this necklace inside the waterfall when I was eight years old while playing hide and seek with the others kids in my pack. The necklace was too shine that's  the light  coming out from the inside of the waterfall making the curious eight years old me going through the waterfall to just to know what's thing that shine bright in it. If I didn't play the hide and seek that time, I wouldn't never knew that there's a place inside the waterfall and it's become my secret place ever since.

When my mom asked me where I found this necklace, I told her that grandma from my dad's side give me this. Which she believes it tho since my grandma loves to give me gift and all. I look at the sky that full with stars with a shining full moon. It's look pretty.  I immediately stand up when I remember something from my dream. Shit shit shit. It's two days from now! You can say I'm weird but I have this special ability to know the future and yes the nightmare and dream I have sometime is about the future.

When I was 9 years old, not just I dream about the evil get out from the underworld but I also dream about a girl and a boy who will soon fight the evil. Both of them not just a normal people, they have powerful aura around them and the unseen shield surround them, protecting them from any danger. They are the choosen one, the one who will bring back the peace to the world. The one who will defeat the evil and the one who we put all our hope and trust for.

And today the same girl come to my dream again but this time she almost get killed by the evil and luckly I get to see the date on the calendar beside the girl and it's show 27th July before I wake up from the dream.  It's a bad sign. Really a bad sign. We can't lose one of them, no we can't because if we lose one of them or one of them dead then the percentage for the miracle happened to our world is only one percent because both of them need each other to fight the evil. They are each other strength and power also each other shield. They play the big roles in this fight, not just one of them but two of them play the big and main roles.

They will still stay beside each other forever because that's the price they need to pay. The price of the terrible things they did in the past now they need to pay it. Now, they are reborn again in this life and even destined to be with each other and kill the evil who was the one they make. But in this life, they need to share their body with the two souls that defeat the evil long time ago, Seira and Haejin. It's just about time, when the right time come all of it will reveal one by one to four of them. The two with the memories of the past with the two with no memories at all in the past.

How do I know all of this? Because just like my eomma Choi Eulna, I'm Choi Hyeji also am special.

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Sksksk if you guys have watched 'GOBLIN' you guys will be like : "eh? What?" Hahahah yeah, I decide to do some twist and pull here and there in this story and also some of it I got it from drama, my imagination, the story that I have read and also my dream😉 (p/s: I have a crush on the grim reaper also the goblin😂)



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