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A low grunt left the russet boy's lips as he closed the door, he was enraged that Jacob would go as far as betraying them for the Cullen's. It was dark when he made his way into the living room, mumbling to himself. A sharp wince escaped his lips as his knee came into contact with the corner of the coffee table.

The girl lay in bed, e/c revealing themselves when she heard a grunt come from the main room. Quickly, she headed for the closet; pulling out an old bat Quil had left there for her whenever he wasn't around to protect her. She tipped toed silently, making sure to not make any sound that would alarm the intruder.

She raised her bat as she got closer, but a hand in front of her caught her off guard. "Wait, dammit." Quil winced, rubbing his knee softly. "What are you doing here?"

The girl turned the light on, rolling her eyes and tossing the bat onto the couch. "I live here. What are you doing here? I thought you were staying at Sam's."

Quil frowned, standing up straight and sending her a sorrowful look. "I was, but I- I miss you. And I know what we are doing is wrong, but-"

"But, you have to follow Sam's orders." Y/n cut him off, frowning when he remained silent. "I don't want to fight, Quil."

"You think I do?" He whispered, watching as she made her way closer to him. His right arm reached out, cupping her cheek as if she were the most fragile being he'd ever seen. "I realized what they're doing is wrong.  If it were you I-I wouldn't know what to do, but I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to kill either of you."

Leaning into his touch, the girl let out a soft sigh. "I missed you, I love you."

A small smile formed on his face, "I love you too." Before either could pull a move, the phone began to ring. With a soft huff Quil picked it up, furrowing his brows as he heard his best friend on the opposite line. "Whoa, Jake, slow down."

Y/n moved to stand besides him, leaning close to his ear in hopes of hearing anything. Quil slammed the phone down, a frown etched on his face. "What? What's wrong?" She asked, biting her lip as he shook his head at her. "Quil?"

He refused to make eye contact, clearing his throat as he informed her, "Bella, the baby. Bella's dead."

"No." Tears filled her vision as she stepped back with a frown. "No, Quil, no."

He stepped closer to her, arms wrapping around her body as she sobbed into his chest. "The baby, the baby's alright." He whispered, but he knew that wouldn't help the situation at all.

"I want to see her, I want to see Bella." Y/n choked out, clutching Quil's shirt tightly.

. . . ✿ . . .

The girl's eyes widened when Quil's car pulled up to Cullen's house, she watched as the wolves and vampires fought each other. She slammed the car door closed, walking closer to the action but Quil stopped her before she got any closer.

Seth and Leah had appeared beside them in their wolf form, they both glanced at the curly haired shifter, silently asking themselves what he was doing there. "Alice." Y/n gasped out, watching as Sam lunged onto her. Leah quickly ran towards the two, tackling Sam off of the pale girl.

Seth quickly joined in on the action, leaving the couple to stand in shock at the chaos. Jacob suddenly jumped out, "Stop. It's over." He confronted Sam, only to receive a snarl from the Uley alpha. "If you kill her you kill me." Sam had shoved the boy back, causing him to shape-shift.

"Jacob imprinted." Edward confessed, watching from the corner of his eye as Y/n and Quil moved closer. "They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on, can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law."

Sam seemed to be taken aback, turning with a sharp snarl into the dark woods. His pack quickly in tow, like kicked puppies they too disappeared into the darkness.

. . . ✿ . . .

"You missed it." Rosalie exclaimed as she let Y/n through the door with a wide grin.

"Missed what?" She asked, curious as to what the blonde was ecstatic about. She walked into the kitchen, watching as Esme laid out her half dead plants onto the counter.

"Bella nearly killed Jacob for imprinting on her daughter." Rosalie informed her, pouting when Esme shook her head at her to stop.

"Need help with those?" Y/n over to stand besides Esme, the older woman nodded and moved to the side. "So when can I meet the newest member of your clan?" The girl lifted her right hand, watching as the plants turned to its healthy green hue. With a satisfied smile she glanced up, locking eyes with the babe.

"How about now?" Edward asked, moving to stand closer to her. The baby looked at the girl, letting out a coo as she lifted her own hand out towards her cheek.

The room was dimmed as Y/n stood in front of the plants. She lifted her hand as gold specks left her finger tips, the plants before her lifted themselves up with an invisible force.

She watched herself look up before the vision faded away. "Whoa." She stumbled backwards, "What was that?"

"Her first memory of you." Edward stated, placing Renesmee into her arms. A smile formed on the girl's lips, her eyes crinkling as she bounced the baby in her arms.

Emmett led Quil into the room, both coming to a halt as they stared at the girl giggling at what the baby showed her through her memories. Quil felt a smile grow on his face as he stared at his imprint lovingly.

Emmett suddenly patted his back, causing the boy to turn to him. "Man, you've got it bad." The broad vampire acknowledged, shoving a water bottle into the wolves hands. "Bad." He emphasized, moving to stand besides his wife with a chuckle.

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