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The next day Y/n found herself inside the Cullen's home, again, waiting for them to get ready. "Alright Edward, Jasper, Alice, and Bella are on their way; Emmett and Rosalie are still upstairs. Would you like to ride with us?" Carlisle spoke as he walked down the stairs, Esme following in tow.

The Cullen's had invited Y/n and Bella to a friendly game of baseball. Nodding her head the girl followed the couple into the car.

Carlisle had stopped the car in a clearing deep in the woods, Y/n noticed a small make shift field at the center. Upon hearing the rumbling sound in the sky Y/n let her y/e/c eyes linger on the gloomy color the sky produced.

Tugging on the back of Jasper's shirt, who stood closest to the girl, she quietly asked, "is this weather good to be playing in?"

Jasper peeled his eyes off Rosalie and Carlisle as they playfully shoved each other, he glanced at the small girl besides him who was still watching the sky. "This is actually why we choose today, we usually play in this weather."

Esme had made both girls umpires, the woman claimed that the opposing team had the tendency to cheat. The Cullen's version of baseball was truly astonishing, especially since they have inhuman abilities due to them being vampires.

When it was Rosalie's turn to bat, the blonde had hit the ball hard enough to send it flying miles away.

"Stop!" Alice yelled before Emmett and Edward could go after the ball. The panic in her voice had caused Edward to speed to where Bella stood. "They were leaving, then they heard us." Alice added.

Edward pulled both Bella and Y/n mumbling, "let's go."

"It's too late." Carlisle spoke. Y/n and Bella both shared a confused glance.

"Put your hair down." Edward ordered Bella causing him to earn a glare and side comment from Rosalie.

Esme then approached Y/n. "I need you to cover your neck." She stated as she handed the girl a bandana.

"Do you think she'll be needing that?" Carlisle asked his wife, watching as Y/n quickly tied the bandana around her neck.

"No, but I'd rather be safe than sorry." She responded as Carlisle stood directly in front of Y/n, blocking her view.

The girl peeked over Carlisle's shoulder to see three silhouettes walking towards the group. Two men and a woman stood before them, a blond male, the other wore dreadlocks, and the woman sported vibrant red hair.

The male with the dreadlocks was the first to speak. "I believe this belongs to you?" He held up the baseball and tossed it towards Carlisle, who was quick in his reflexes to catch the incoming ball. "I am Laurent, this is Victoria and James."

Carlisle nodded his head. "I am Carlisle and this is my family." They continued to exchange words, though Y/n tuned out the conversation to see James and Edwards having an intense starring contest.

Y/n tore her gaze from the two when Carlisle stated that Laurent and his crew could replace some of his players. Carlisle then tossed the ball to Laurent but Victoria quickly caught it, stating that she was the one with the wicked curve ball.

The sky rumbled once more and the wind picked up causing Bella's hair to blow, exposing her neck. James had caught her scent when he sniffed the air then he turned to Edward. "You bought a snack."

"A human?" Laurent asked watching Bella with fire in his eyes.

"The girl is with us, I think it's best if you leave." Carlisle stated firmly.

Laurent was the first of the three to speak, "I see the game is over, we will go now." He walked away, not before calling out to James who was sending daggers to Edward.

Carlisle then instructed Edward to get Bella out and away from the clearing. Meanwhile Esme lead Y/n towards the car shorty after Rosalie and Emmett had left. Still confused at the previous event Y/n decided to ask, "Esme? What's going on?"

Glancing towards her husband, the male gave her a nod as if it were safe to inform the girl in questioning. "James caught Bella's scent meaning he won't stop until he makes her his."

Scrunching her face the girl then states, "makes her his? He likes her?"

Chuckling at her statement Carlisle shakes his head. "No, when he catches someone's scent he makes that person his next meal."

. . . ✿ . . .

"What about Y/n?" Rosalie asked in a hushed voice, glancing over at the girl who stood in awe from the sight of their expensive vehicles.

"I can walk her back, halfway to the Rez through the woods." Esme offered.

The Cullen's had taken both girls back to their home. They were planning on taking Bella as far away from Forks, though it meant the brunette had to leave her dad. Y/n on the other hand would be safe in the Rez, seeing how her cousin is in the pack nothing would happen to her.

"Is that safe? To leave her alone?" Rosalie began.

"The wolves usually patrol at this time, her cousin will be around he will protect her." Carlisle explained.

"But-" Rosalie was then cut of by Edward. "They won't go after her, they only got Bella's scent."

"She'll be fine, babe." Emmett comforted Rosalie.

After they had left, Esme and Y/n began to make their way toward the treaty line. "When will it be safe for Bella to come back?" Y/n asked loud enough for Esme to hear.

"I'm not sure, honey. Let's hope it won't be long." Esme said.

"Why do you think they didn't catch my scent?" Y/n thought aloud. "Do you think it has to do with what happened at the green house trip?"

"It might. Do you think your parents may know?" Esme asked.

"Maybe, my mom passed away when I was younger. My dad must know something." Y/n said as they stopped along the treaty line. "I can ask."

"I think we might just get some answers to the questions we're looking for." Esme then bid the girl goodbye.

Y/n began to make her way home when she noticed Quil walking out of Jacob's garage. She took a deep breath as an attempt to calm her nerves, but that didn't stop the warmth to rise up on her cheeks.

"Hey Y/n." The boy greeted her as he walked besides her.

"H-hi Quil." Y/n said mentally cursing at how she stumbled to get those words out.

"Can I walk you home?" He asked shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "I know its like right there, but, umm, yeah." Quil added nervously.

"Yeah." Y/n said as her face got warmer by the second.

Sadly, the walk ended rather quickly much to the teens dismay. "Thanks, for walking me home." Y/n said as she waved a short goodbye.

"Yeah, anytime. Well not anytime- just anytime you need me to." The boy rambled as he watched her walk away. "You're welcome."

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