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The young man didn't know why but the h/c girl intrigued him ever since they had met. He thought maybe it was because he missed his human life or maybe it was because she reminded him of someone he held so dearly once. She was kind and innocent, just like her.

"It's time." A new newborn spoke to him. "They're preparing."

Nodding his head he turned towards the opposite male, "then so shall we."

. . . ✿ . . .

"I don't see why I can't come, Bella's going. Why can't I?" Y/n pouted.

"Because she's Bella, she's cool with them." Embry tried to reason, though he failed.

"So am I." The girl stood up from her spot on the couch, the pair was at the Uley household. They had been told the pack was to meet there so they could meet up with the Cullen's. Embry tried to sneak away without Y/n noticing but she had. "Sam, tell him I can come."

"No, don't put me in between this." The alpha male spoke, dodging the pair and returning to his room.

"Quil, baby." Y/n watched as the curly haired boy made his way inside, beelining towards a muffin. "Tell Embry I can come."

"Tell Embry why you should come." The boy responded as she hugged him from behind.

"Yeah, why should you come." Embry sassed as he approached the pair.

"I-I can help you fight the newborns." The girl mumbled into Quil's back. She didn't know if he knew about her abilities but she knew he wouldn't be happy she told his best friend first.

"Oh, yeah. That's right with your weed like powers, correct." Embry brushed her off.

"There not weeds-" Scrunching her face she turned to look at him, "how do you know?"

"You think I don't know what runs in the family?" He smirked, snatching a muffin. "Well, that and Quil isn't good at keeping secrets."

"You're not mad I didn't tell you first?" The h/c asked.

"Nope, because if you think about it I technically knew before he did." The male informed them.

"Good, because I think she could be of some help." Sam spoke between the trio.

. . . ✿ . . .

With the boys in wolf form, Y/n was told to climb onto Quil's back as they headed towards the Cullen's. The girl felt the wind run through her hair as she was led to a clearing in the middle of the woods. They did a sudden stop, their growls grew louder as they stared at the vampires before them.

Y/n climbed off of Quil, hearing him whine in protest as she did so. "They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," she heard Edward say as she began to pet Quil's soft fur.

"They came. That's what matters." Carlisle responded, sending the girl a small smile. "Will you translate?"

Both males stood forward as Carlisle began to speak. "Welcome. Jasper has experience with newborns, he can teach us how to defeat them."

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us." Edward translated, watching as Quil and Y/n walked closer to the front.

"They are a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful, than in our first several months in this life." Carlisle concluded, allowing Jasper to take the lead.

"Carlisle's right, that's why they're created." Jasper informed the shifters. "A newborn army doesn't need thousands like the human army. No human army could stand against them. Now, the two most important things to remember are: first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. And the second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that and you will lose." Jasper's thick accent concluded to the group.

The girl felt a shiver run down her spine at his final words before he turned and called out towards Emmet. "Don't hold back." She heard him state as he stood before his brother in a defensive stand.

"Not in my nature." Emmet smirked. Y/n let out a gasp as he ran towards Jasper, watching in shock as both males quarrelled with each other. Ending with Emmet laying flat on his back as his brother spoke, "never lose focus."

The pack stood off to the side taking mental notes at how rapidly they moved, including their techniques. When it was Rosalie's turn to face off her twin, Y/n couldn't help but let out a small squeal of joy as she watched her moves. Quil nudged his head into her side causing her to smile and lean in close to him.

. . . ✿ . . .

"Why must everything end in violence?" Y/n asked Quil as they walked into his bedroom. The girl was exhausted from the day's events.

Quil chuckled as he watched her fall face first onto his bed, "I don't know. Let's just hope it's something we can all walk away from alive." He watched as she frowned, he walked up to the bed laying down besides her and pulling her close.

"What if we don't? What if you don't or me for that matter?" The small girl pouted as she held onto him.

"Whoa, you think I don't got this?" Quil teased, bringing a small smile onto Y/n's face. "That's rude. I'm offended."

He began to tickle her sides, climbing onto her as she squirmed. "I-I'm s-sorry," she giggled breathlessly. "You do got this, you got this." She confessed in one breath causing the boy to stop and peck her lips quickly.

The two stopped laughing and Y/n began to grow shy under his loving stare. "What?" She whispered.

"I just really love you." He confessed capturing her lips once more.

Letting out a content sigh she smiled up at him, "I just really love you, too."

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