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Quil watched as the young woman fixed the younger girl's jacket. A frown etched on his face when the young brunette pulled her into a hug. Renesmee showed Y/n her newly gifted necklace. "Mom says she'll be with me no matter what." The girl whispered, walking besides her aunt. "You will be too, right, aunt Y/n/n?"

Quil ruffled Renesmee's hair, looping an arm around Y/n's shoulder. "We both will be." Y/n smiled towards the girl.

Jacob caught up to them, sending Quil a nod in signal for preparation. "Alright, Nessie. You ready?" The girl nodded, following Jacob towards the rest of the pack.

Quil turned towards Y/n, watching as her gaze was already on him. She leaned in, capturing his lips softly. He was the first to pull away, resting his forehead on her own. "It's not too late to go." He proposed, feeling her shake her head in refusal he sighed. "I love you." He whimpered.

"I love you." Y/n spoke softly, watching as Benjamin signaled for her. Kissing his lips one last time, she slipped out of his embrace refusing to turn back in fear of never seeing him again after what was to come.

. . . ✿ . . .

White snow crunched lightly as Y/n slowly approached the group of cold ones. Her stomach turned as she stood besides Senna, the fair skinned woman sent her a small smile. Zafrina and Senna weren't two approachable figures, though the h/c girl felt comfortable around the two causing them to accept her presence to be near.

Looking out towards the clearing, the group watched as the Volturi neared. To say they came prepared was an understatement, they came with a large amount of their followers. Their dark, red coats made them impossible to miss.

Senna turned to glance at Y/n, watching as the young nymph nervously gulped. She softly placed her hand into her own, allowing Zafrina to take her right hand as the three stood silently comforting each other.

A loud howl was heard, causing the fearless Volturi to slow in their steps. Their beady red eyes watching as the pack of shifters emerged from behind the trees.

Carlisle stepped forward, speaking calmly towards the Volturi. "Aro, let us discuss things like we used to. In a civilized manner."

"Fair words, Carlisle." The pale man spoke, "But a little out of place given the petalium you've assembled against us."

"I can promise you, it was never my intent." Carlisle spoke, "No laws have been broken."

Caius interjected, "We see the child, do not treat us as fools."

"She is not an immortal." Carlie confessed, turning to glance at his friends. "These witnesses are going to testify to that. You can look. See the flesh of human blood in her cheeks?"

Caius spat out in anger, causing Aro to shut him up. "I will collect every asset of the truth. From someone more central to the story. Edward, as the child clings to your newborn mate I assume you are involved." He held his hand out, leaving no choice but for Edward to step forward.

"I'd like to meet her." Aro spoke in a daze, looking past him and watching as Bella and the child approached them. Jacob and Emmett accompanied them, both growing nervous as they grew closer to the Volturi.

"Half mortal,half immortal." Aro declared towards his groups after Renesmee revealed her true identity to him. "Conceived and carried by this newborn. While she was still human."

"Impossible." Caius seethed, causing their unsaid leader to turn to him with a glare.

"You think they'd fool me brother?" Aro asked, smiling in amusement as Jacob lingered behind to growl at them.

"Bring the informer forward." Caius ordered, glaring towards the Cullen's and their witnesses. His eyes stopped on a girl, a small hum tutting out of him as he tried to find her scent, only for him not to. A nymph, he thought, how unusual.

Irina stepped forward, locking eyes with her family. "Is that the child you saw." Caius' cold voice rang out, cutting the blonde out of her trance.

She nervously glanced towards Edward and Bella, shaking her head lightly. "I'm not sure."

"Jane." Caius addressed a silent female.

Irinasoon began to grow afraid. "She's changed," she confessed. "This child is bigger."

"Then your accusations are false." Caius spoke.

"The Cullen's are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake." She glanced at her family, whispering out a small 'sorry'.

"Caius, no." Edward defended, watching as fire was lit and knowing what was to come. Soon the chaos broke out as soon as her stiff body hit the ground. Kate and Tanya attempted to rush forward, only to get stopped by the others.

"Blind them." Edward instructed Zafrina.

Jane managed to cause Edward pain, watching with amusement as he fell on his knees. But the smirk she sported was quickly slapped away when Bella projected her shield, allowing Edward to become immune to Jane's ability.

Agitated, Jane stepped forward, wanting to have a go with the newest Cullen member. Once the Volturi calmed her down, Carlisle began to speak. "Aro, you see there is no law broken here."

"Agreed." Aro smiled, "But does it then follow that there is no danger? For the first time in our history, humans pose a threat to our kind. Their modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative, in such perilous times. Only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable. And we know nothing of what this child will become, can we live with such uncertainty? Spare ourselves a fight today, only to die tomorrow." He concluded, making his followers grow wary of the child.

A gasp left Aro's lips as he watched Alice approach. Jasper and Alice walked past the group, the male watching as Y/n was already staring at him with somber eyes. Having left in such a hurry and with no warning sent the girl into the darkest thoughts, the thought of the pair never coming back and leaving them to fend off on their own.

"My dear, dear Alice," Aro stated as they were stopped by his guards. "We are so glad to see you here after all."

"I have evidence the child won't be a risk to our kind." Alice informed him, sticking her hand out towards him. "Let me show you."

"Brother." Caius spoke, suspicious of the short haired woman.

Y/n watched as he gasped when their hands met, she turned to glance at Embry. The grey wolf stepping closer to her and nudging his head into her arm. She smiled softly towards him, watching as his eyes spoke with a look of fear. He was the eldest cousin, the one who always made sure she was alright despite not being actual siblings. He let out a small grunt when her hand came into contact with his fur, silently hoping everything would turn out alright.

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