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On Monday morning Y/n found herself sitting between Edward and Angela when Jasper and Alice rapidly appeared sitting with the group. "I decided to throw a graduation party."Alice stated delighted with her own news.

"After all, how many times will we be graduating high school?" Jasper piped up, sending Y/n a smile as both her and Edward snorted at his statement.

Angela quickly sat up, "a party? At your house?"

"I've never seen your house." Jessica implied as if it were a sin that she hadn't.

Eric leaned closer to Angela as he whispered, "no one's ever seen their house."

"Y/n has." Angela motioned towards the girl besides her watching as she stole Edwards pudding off his tray.

"Another party, Alice?" Edward questioned his sister as he handed Y/n a clean spoon.

Alice pouted, "it'll be fun."

"That's what you said last time." Bella muttered rudely, causing her to earn a kick in the shin from Y/n.

Alice froze suddenly, Jasper and Edward tensed at her state, though it seemed to go unnoticed to Mike. "Well cool, that's really nice of you. What time?"

Y/n glanced towards both cold males worriedly as Mike continued, "Dress code? Bring anything, Cheetos?"

"I don't think she's planned that far yet, Mike." Y/n responded giving Edward the opportunity to wake Alice up and out of her trance.

Jasper looked towards the group, "she hasn't been getting much sleep lately, senior jitters."

. . . ✿ . . .

"Hey, that's my muffin!" Y/n pouted. "Give it back, Em."

"No." The boy stated shoving the last muffin into his mouth. His eyes widen as the small girl got up, shoved Paul out of her way and began to chase after him.

"You'll pay for that." The girl exclaimed, grabbing a pillow as she climbed on the couch; puffing her chest as if to appear more threatening.

"Someone, help me." Embry pleaded towards his pack mates.

"No way, man." Quil chuckled. Sam and Emily had walked out the kitchen upon hearing the commotion. They watched as Y/n threw a pillow from atop of the couch and watched Embry catch it with ease, now using it as some sort of shield.

Sam shook his head, backhanding Quil's head. "If she falls off the couch I don't want to hear you complaining about it and I'll make sure you do back to back patrol this whole week."

"Ok, that's enough guys." Quil spoke, dodging a pillow. "Do I really want to know who threw that?"

"Y/n did." Embry shouted, earning a gasp from the accused.

"Did not." She protested, throwing a pillow in his direction only for it to hit Quil square in the face. "Oops?"

Quil shook it off. He walked towards her, throwing the girl over his shoulder and began to tickle her sides. "No, put me down." She pleaded breathlessly.

"Hey, guys. Jacob's here." Jared spoke, pointing towards the door with a chicken drumstick in the other.

Bella climbed off the back of Jacob's bike, watching the house warily. She began to rub her hands together, a nervous habit. "Are you sure this is a good idea? They did brand me 'vampire girl', remember?"

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