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Y/n stood on her tippy toes, arm extended upwards reaching towards the large blanket that sat on the highest shelf of her closet. The girl huffed with annoyance after her fifth attempt.

"Hey, need some help?" Tiffany asked pushing the bedroom door open.

"I can't reach the blanket." Y/n muttered.

"I might not be as tall as your dad or Embry but I know just the trick." Tiffany began to gather Y/n's textbooks and stacked them up. She then carefully climbed and got ahold of the girls desired blanket.

Y/n mumbled a small thanks, taking the blanket and stuffing it into a bag. She then walked towards a mirror that was perched near the door and began to fumble with her outfit. "Umm, aunty? Do you think I look okay?"

Tiffany nodded her head with a small smile. "You look lovely. So where is Quil taking you?"

"He's-" Y/n furrowed her brows. "How do you know it's Quil?"

Tiffany shrugged, taking a seat on Y/n's bed. "Embry might have mentioned it."

"Embry knows? Is he mad?" Y/n began to panic.

"Yes, he knows. And he is not mad, he's actually happy for you two." Tiffany patted the bed. Y/n plopped down besides her, allowing her aunt to brush a strand of hair away from her face. "You look just like your mother. You have her kind eyes, soft smile, and her personality. I have to say Quil is a lucky boy."

"Thank you, aunty." Y/n blushed, giving her a smile.

"Yes, yes. Now get going, we don't want to keep your date waiting." Tiffany ushered her out, waving as the pair walked away from the house.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" Y/n asked Quil as he took her hand, leading her towards the direction of the woods. Y/n had no idea as to what the boy had planned for the night, the girl was simply told to bring warm blankets and not to worry about the rest.

"You're not planning on killing me, right?" Y/n asked nervously. Quil chuckled and shook his head.

After walking for a couple more minutes, Quil let go of Y/n's hand. "We're here."

Taking in her surroundings Y/n noticed they are not far from the cliff, the sun was beginning to set. The spot Quil had chosen allowed them to view the water from the beach below, including the boats near the pier.

"I know, its bad. I should have just made a reservation at a restaurant instead." Quil stated rubbing the back of his neck.

"Quil, are you kidding?" Y/n smiled. "This is way better than any restaurant, and I definitely need to come back to take pictures. I love it!" The girl exclaimed.

The boy let out a sigh of relief, taking the blankets from the bag and laying them out on the ground. Y/n sat down besides the boy, watching as he began to take out food and candles from his own bag.

By the end of the night the two teens found themselves walking back hand in hand. Y/n listened to Quil going on about how glad he is to have his friends back and being part of the pack.

"You know what the best part is?" Quil asked, stopping outside of Y/n's house.

The girl hummed in response, stepping closer he smiled. "You, out of this whole mess I got you. I like you a lot, I have for a long time. I guess what I'm trying to say is will you be my girlfriend?"

𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐑 ❪ Q. ATEARA ❫Where stories live. Discover now