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"Ok, I have your favorite." Quil announced as he made his way into Y/n's bedroom with a plate of food. Chuckling as she made a grabbing motion in his direction.

"What are you looking for?" He asked, sitting next to her on the bed and peering over her shoulder.

"Claire's birthday is in a month, I want to buy her something." Y/n stated, her e/c orbs looking away from the computer screen and onto the male besides her.

He leaned in and pecked her lips, glancing towards her neck. "How's it healing?"

"It's been over a week, babe. And it's healing properly." Quil hummed at her response, pulling her hair to the side to examine the wound. "Carlisle said it should be gone soon. Unlike Bella, hers is still there."

"Yeah? Well it's healing good and fast." He bought her lips towards his, humming when she climbed onto his lap. She felt him smile into the kiss before pulling away, leaving the girl with a pout.

"I'd love to continue this but your dad's home, and I'm not sure I'd like him to kill me for getting handsy with his daughter under the same roof." Quil admitted, blushing as she smiled.

"Handsy, huh?" Y/n teased.

The male raised a brow, "I will eat your food." The girl gasped, quickly climbing off his lap and reaching towards her plate of warm food. "Yes, handsy." Quil mumbled with a smirk.

. . . ✿ . . .

Y/n sat comfortably on Quil's lap, Jared and Kim besides them. Though, the latter had taken most of the space on the couch resulting in the h/c girl to sit on Quil's lap.

"Where's Sam and Emi?" She whispered towards Quil, her eyes falling onto the screen which played a soapy rom-com. Embry and Seth had emerged from the kitchen, their arms adorned with various snacks.

"I think they had to pick up Emily's niece." Quil whispered back, snatching some candy from his friend's arms. He began to open the sweets, offering some to Y/n who only shook her head and snuggled closer into him.

A familiar car had parked outside of the house, the boys were ready to greet them but abruptly stopped when Emily's head peaked inside. She held her pointer finger to her lips, signaling them to be quiet. Moving to the side she allowed her fiancé to walk in with a sleeping child in his arms.

"She's asleep?" Seth asked, disappointment laced in his voice. "She's supposed to say 'hi' to me first."

Emily watched as Sam headed to their shared bedroom. "She was with grandma at the hospital all day. She fell asleep on her way over here."

"Oh," Seth frowned. "How is Aunt Maggie?"

"She's doing better. Leah and your mom are staying with her overnight. You're more than welcome to spend the night." Emily smiled, squeezing his shoulder before greeting the rest of the group.

"I prepared dinner earlier today, all you need is to reheat it." Emily said as Sam came back from their bedroom. Embry had rushed up and into the kitchen, Quil stood up with Y/n in his arms following the male towards the food.

Jared cracked his inappropriate jokes as they ate, quickly stopping when Kim slapped his head lightly. "Ow, wh-" He began, confused as to what Kim was motioning to. "Oh, umm, hi."

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