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A heavy sigh escaped the youngest Calls' lips as she stared into the long length mirror. Prom had finally come and to say she was anxious was an understatement, she was a nervous wreck. Her day had started off completely wrong.

As a thank you for having her aunt stay up late and practice her makeup, the young girl decided to surprise her with breakfast. Though it ended up being burned bacon and dark toast, she had managed to order takeout from a local pantry instead before Tiffany woke up. When her aunt told her she was ready to begin with her hair she accidentally picked up deodorant instead of hairspray causing the girl to now smelled like tropical mango.

A giggle escaped her lips as she thought back to the previous events. The door was opened slowly, her aunt peaked through the crack with a small smile. "Quil's here, honey."

"Ok, I look alright, right?" The girl asked twisting her mothers ring in her hand.

"Are you testing my beauty techniques? I thought I did alright." Tiffany huffed, though a smile showed Y/n she was teasing her. "You look beautiful. I think your mom would agree, I also think you look great in her dress." Tiffany added as she took her niece's hand and twirled her.

"Thank you, aunt Tiff." Y/n said embracing the woman tightly, "I love you."

Tiffany pulled away walking out the door, "I love you, too.

With a final glance towards the mirror she nodded to herself and walked out towards the living room. Embry could be seen teasing the russet boy about him cleaning up and appearing 'fresh' in his suit.

"Leave him alone." Tiffany scolded her son. "You look handsome."

"Thank you, Mrs. Call." The boy looked up to see Y/n appear into the living room, "whoa."

"Wow, Y/n/n. You look like a princess." Embry complemented as he gave the girl two thumbs up. "Don't have too much fun." He nudged Quil with a smirk.

"Y-you look hot." Quil stated, though a loud cough from the girl's father made him change his statement quickly, "bomb, like good." The boy ran a hand through his hair.

"Quil," Tiffany called, "the corsage, love."

The boy tore his gaze away from the girl, nearly tripping on his feet as he approached her. "My mom picked it out, I hope you like it."

His smile was contagious. "Yeah, I love it. Thanks." The h/c allowed him to place the white and emerald corsage on her hand.

"Ok, pictures. I want pictures." Tiffany clapped her hands together as she pulled out her cell phone asking the young couple to pose for her. After ten minutes the woman had enough pictures to fill out its own album, though none of the teenagers wanted to tell her in order to avoid her wrath.

"Well, look at the time. Tiff, sis, I think they should be heading out." Enzo started taking her cell phone away and ushering the couple out the door. "And no funny business, I'm talking to you young man." The male pointed at the boy causing his daughter to groan and drag him away.

. . . ✿ . . .

"Oh my goodness, you look amazing." Jessica gushes as she runs towards Y/n and Quil at the dance.

"Finally, you guys showed up." Angela said, pulling Y/n in a hug.

"This place looks awesome." Quil exclaimed over the music, giving both Eric and Mike a handshake.

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