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"You know, graduating?" Angela's mom stopped taking pictures of the group, stepping closer and towards her daughter as she fixed her graduation cap. "It doesn't make me feel any different." Jessica pouted.

"I just feel older and wiser." Mike said as he winked towards the girl.

"Mike, you're not all too wise, man." Eric stated.

Y/n nudged him with a smile, "let him have this for now."

"Ok, I finish. Now smile." Mrs. Weber's thick accent spoke aloud, stepping far enough to get another group shot.

Y/n smiled along side her friends, though her e/c orbs locked onto some who stood behind the elder woman. Waiting patiently she allowed Mrs. Weber to take acouple more before rushing towards Emily and Sam who now stood besides her friends mother.

"You guys made it." Y/n beamed as she greeted Sam with a fist bump. "I didn't see you guys inside, thought you'd be busy or something."

Emily bought the younger girl into a warm hug, handing her a small flower boutique. "We were in there, towards the back cause someone woke up late." She nudged Sam playfully.

The alpha male rolled his eyes, "where's your aunt and dad?"

"I don't know." Y/n shrugged as she watched Esme and Carlisle approach them. "There were many people rushing to get outside for pictures. I haven't seen them. Good thing Angela's mom managed to get pictures of us, said she'd send them later on."

"Well, we'll go and find them. Looks like some people want to say hi." Emily stated, smiling towards Esme.

"Alright." Y/n said, turning on her heels to greet the Cullen pair. "Hello."

"Hi, love." Esme handed the girl a small gift bag, "Rosalie helped pick it, I hope you like it."

Curious Y/n began to dig through the bag pulling out the cylinder shaped object. Turning it to its front side the girl realized it was a candle, chrysanthemum scented. Smiling softly to herself she glanced at Esme who was watching her with a smile, hoping the young girl would like the gift. "I love it, thank you."

Esme chuckled lightly as Y/n hugged her. "I'm glad you liked it."

"We better get going." Carlisle added as he shook the girls hand. "Alice wants us to help with the party for tonight, will you be joining as well?"

"Yes, I'll see you tonight." The girl informed them, thanking them once again for the gift. As the pair walked away she stood at the center of a small crowd, huffing she began to let her eyes wander around in hopes of finding her family. 'So much for not leaving me alone.' The girl thought as she pushed her way through the crowd.

She let out a small 'yelp' when someone grabbed her arm, leading her away from the scene. "Hey!" She exclaimed, stopping when she recognised who was leading her away. A large bouquet of dark red roses suddenly replaced the small one Emily had given her.

"Oh, my- Quil. These are beautiful." The girl gushed, not realizing how the boy was staring at her. If a stranger was passing by without knowing the two, they would indeed state that the boy was a lovesick puppy. Which to be fair is true.

"Thank you." Y/n stated, glancing at the boy. "I love them."

"I love you." Quil spoke, clearing his throat quickly. "Sorry, I meant I love that you loved them."

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