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"Morning dad." Y/n greeted her father. The male sipped on his morning coffee while reading his newspaper.

"Hey pumpkin," Enzo stated placing the paper down neatly. "Charlie called last night about Bella going back to her moms. Said she was upset, do you know why?"

"N-no." Y/n stuttered out. "Why would she want to leave?"

Y/n knew all to well it was part of the plan. After what happened between James, the Cullen's thought it was best if Bella returned to Arizona, only for the time being. What they didn't know was that James had caught up to them and it was only a matter of time before the plan fell apart.

"Hmm." Enzo responded with a shrug.

"Dad?" The girl spoke in a quiet voice. "Do you think I'm different?"

Furrowing his brows Enzo responded, "I think your unique in your own way."

"But is there something 'special' about me?"

"Well," He paused to find the right words "you do have a gift."

"A gift?" The girl questioned, urging the male to continue.

"Yes. Your mom had these amazing gifts. I found out after we began to date, she was afraid I would think of her as a freak or leave. But I didn't, I stayed."

"What type of gift, dad?" Y/n asked.

"She was a nymph with the abilities to manipulate the elements. After you were born you began to show signs of your gifts. You were mainly able to manipulate water and earth. After she passed away you stopped showing signs of your abilities." Enzo sat silently as tears threatened to fall.

The sound of a chair scrapping was heard as Y/n took a seat besides her father engulfing him in a hug. "Thank you for telling me dad." Y/n said pulling away.

"Hey pip squeak." Embry called out to Y/n as he walked into the kitchen.

"Don't call me that." Y/n groaned out earning a chuckle from both males.

"Listen, I'm going to the beach tonight with the guys and their imprints. Wanna come?" He asked.

"Sure." Y/n replied.

"Stay safe the two of you." Enzo added. "There's been reports of animal attacks, so be careful." He then walked out of the room leaving the younger Call's to plan out their day.

. . . ✿ . . .

Night time had finally arrived. Embry stood outside Y/n's bedroom door, waiting impatiently for her to get ready.

"If you don't come out soon I will leave without you." Embry knocked on the door rather harshly.

"I'm coming. I'm coming." The girl threw open her door, revealing a bag in her hand.

"What's that?" Embry motioned to the bag.

"Oh, umm, I thought I'd bring some blankets. It gets cold at night." The girl shrugged.

"Oh, cool." Embry stated taking the bag from Y/n as they began to walk towards the beach.

"Hey, Sam." Embry greeted the broad man. Sam stood closest to the bonfire, he nodded towards the boy as he dropped wood into the fire.

"Hi, Sam." Y/n gave him a small wave. A young woman approached and wrapped an arm around Sam's torso, he returned the small gesture by leaning down and kissing the crown of her head.

"You must be Y/n." She stated. The gleaming light of the fire had revealed the scar that ran down on the right side of her face. Despite having a horrible scar along her face, Y/n still thought she was beautiful.

"Yeah, you must be Emily." Her statement had earned a nod from Emily, followed by a soft smile. "We bought blankets, Just incase we get cold."

"Don't need them." Jared's voice was heard as he, along with Kim and another figure approached the small group.

"Oh?" Y/n asked looking back towards Embry with a raised brow.

"We radiate body heat, that's also why we're shirtless all the time." Embry explained.

"More for us girls then." Y/n stated with a small shrug.

"We are their personal blankets." Jared said sitting besides Kim on a log, wrapping an arm around the shivering girl.

"More for me then." Y/n slumped down besides Embry. The boy then pulled out a blanket and made sure she was warm enough.

"You know, I don't think we've met." The unknown male said taking a seat besides Y/n.

"Well then, I'm Y/n Call." Y/n extended her hand out for him to shake. "I'm Embry's cousin."

"I'm Paul Lahote." He smiled as he shook the girls hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Paul." Y/n began to look at the now deserted beach. "Will your imprint be joining us? Or have you... not imprinted?" She whispered lowly.

Paul stifled a laugh at the girls sudden shyness. "I have. And no, she won't be joining us. My imprint is away studying at Washington State."

"That's good to hear." Y/n watched as his smile grew larger as he talked about his imprint. The girl only hoped that one day someone would do the same about her.

. . . ✿ . . .

"Nice boot." Y/n teased Bella as she helped her out of Edward's car.

"Shut up." Bella chuckled.

"No, really it suits you." Y/n grinned as they walked a slow pace towards their first class, Edward following close behind the two girls.

"Whatever, so are you going to prom this weekend." Bella asked her friend.

Y/n shook her head 'no'. "I don't get why you guys just won't go next school year with me."

"I'm pretty sure Jessica will go again next year." Bella shrugged. "Who knows maybe then you've met the one."

Y/n laughed a fake laugh. "Yeah, sure." They stopped near Bella's locker as Y/n changed the subject. "Anyways, I asked my dad about me being... different, I guess I could say."

Edward nodded his head encouraging the smaller girl to continue. "He said my mom was a nymph." Y/n whispered lowly.

"I can let Esme know, if that's alright with you?" Edward asked. "Maybe she knows how you can control or use your abilities."

"Yeah, that would be nice." Y/n informed the pale boy. The bell rang and she walked away from the couple.

"That's kinda cool, huh?" Bella asked Edward, watching her friend walk away. "And I think its nice that your family can help her."

Edward began to lead Bella to her next class. "Yeah, I guess. Someone has to."

"What do you mean?" Bella asked.

"Nymph's are powerful. If she doesn't learn to control it she can harm herself and others." The boys statement had caused Bella to frown slightly. "It's far more dangerous to deal with a nymph than it is to deal with a new born."

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