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"So, you're leaving?" Y/n asked Edward and Rosalie lowly.

"It's for Bella's safety." Edward explained. The blonde elbowed him harshly. "As well as your own." He added.

Y/n nodded her head lightly, clearing her throat she asked, "Does Bella know?"

"Not yet." Edward confessed. "I will be telling her soon."

"How soon? I mean you're going to break her heart, you can't just leave. Over the summer you were happy with her and now you want to leave her?" Y/n bombarded Edward with questions, all to which he replied with 'It's for her safety.'

"That's bull." Y/n exclaimed harshly, ignoring the confused looks she earned from the students walking by. "She stayed with you when she found out you and your family were vampires. She nearly died because of James and yet she is still besides you. If it really was for her safety you'd be besides her at all times, not running away from all this like a coward."

The pale boy remained silent taking in the girls words. Rosalie watched with a somber look on her face, sure she despised Bella but what Y/n said truly made her think about the situation differently.

"What about me? I thought you said you can help me." Y/n whispered.

"Because we can-" Rosalie tried to reason only to be cut off by Y/n.

"No, you can't. Not if you're leaving." With that the girl walked away from the two.

. . . ✿ . . .

The beginning of senior year had been tough for Y/n and Bella. The Cullen's had given Y/n false hope on helping her control her new found abilities.  And Edward left Bella heartbroken.

Her emotional and mental recovery has been something Charlie has desperately tried to help Bella with. Bella's reoccurring nightmares didn't help her case either. Charlie decided to do what any desperate parent would do, he called one of Bella's closest friends. He wanted Y/n to get Bella out and back to her usual self.

Since the school year began the two did not talk much. Bella began to sit alone at the now empty Cullen table, making Y/n grow with concern.

"Hey." Bella mumbled as Y/n walked into her bedroom. The brunette began to sit up against her headboard.

"Hello." Y/n greeted. Her attention was then directed to the girls hair. She attempted to stifle a laugh, only to fail and burst out in a fit of giggles.

Bella gave her a confused look, "What? What's so funny?"

"Your hair, dude." Y/n motioned towards her head, as if she had something huge on it.

"Really, stop Y/n." Bella tried to fight the smile that formed across her pale face. Combing her fingers through her hair she added, "I haven't left my house in awhile."

"That's a lie." Y/n retorted. "I saw you at school yesterday."

"Oh, right." Bella frowned. "I'm sorry, I should have at least returned your calls over the summer."

"It's okay." Y/n sent her a reassuring smile. "How about we get you out of the house this weekend? We can do what ever you want."

. . . ✿ . . .

"Hey, Bella." Angela welcomed the girl. Y/n had finally convinced Bella to sit with then rather than sitting all alone durning lunch.

Bella and Angela had always had a peculiar friendship, Angela does not butt into others business nor does she question Bella about why she's been her unusual self lately. Not that she doesn't care about Bella's well being, no, she worries about her a lot. She simply believes that Bella should get some time and space to open up and go back to being her usual self, again.

"Hey girls!" Jessica exclaimed as she too joined. Jessica is nothing like Angela, when Bella began to act distant and cold it didn't take long for her to figure out it had something to do with Edward Cullen and his sudden disappearance. She began to pester Bella into telling her what really happened between them.

Y/n told Jessica to leave the girl alone, she obeyed but then turned to Y/n. Claiming that she had to know what happened, given at how close the two had gotten. So one day during biology Jessica was begging Y/n for the gossip but abruptly stopped when Y/n threatened to blow up their lab station and blame her for it.

. . . ✿ . . .

"This is not what I signed up for." Y/n stated bluntly as she walked up to Jacob's driveway.

"Hey, you said we can do what ever I wanted." Bella argued. Isabella Swan had decided to purchase two motorcycles to put herself in more danger. The girl decided to ask Jacob into helping her fix up the bikes and asked Y/n to be there as any means of help as well.

"Yeah, but something less... deadly would have been nice." Y/n said lifting the tarp and starring at the bikes with a tint of fear in her doe like eyes.

"Bella! Y/n!" Jake called out. "Where the hell have y'all been, loca's?" He hugged them both.

"She bought you something." Y/n huffed.

"It's a little crazy." Bella moved the tarp revealing the bikes.

"Wow, scrap metal. You shouldn't have." Jacob stated sarcastically.

"Bella claims she saved them from the junkyard." Y/n informed Jake, watching as Bella stood proudly. "A true hero."

Bella rolled her eyes at Y/n's ending statement. "I think they will probably cost more to fix than they are worth. But then I thought if I had a mechanic type friend to help me out..." Bella trailed off hoping the boy can catch a hint.

"Me? Being the mechanic type friend?" Jake smirked. "Since when are you into motorcycles?"

"Since now." Bella responded without hesitation. "I get it if you think this is really stupid and reckless."

"Yeah, its completely stupid and reckless." Both Y/n and Jacob exclaimed.

"When do we start?" Jacob asked after a short pause.

"Jake, don't encourage her." Y/n scolded him.

"Now, please." Bella smiled.

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