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"I was thinking," Bella began as she handed Y/n the wrench, who then passed it on to Jacob. "If we're gonna do this everyday."

"And hopefully we will." Jacob cut in.

Bella simply rolled her eyes, a small smile forming along her face. "We have to like fit some homework in there somewhere."

"Don't want Billy to think your influencing this one?" Y/n stated pointing a tool in Jacob's direction.

"You influencing me? Please." Jacob took the tool away from Y/n. She was waving it around like nothing, the boy became wary that she might hurt herself.

"I'm older than you." Bella began to reason.

"My size and knowledge base actually makes me older then you."Jacob stated.

"Well, then in that case," Y/n smiled, "I'm older than both of you."

"Yeah, right." Bella scoffed.

"You convinced Jacob into building two-wheeled death machines; the fact that you agreed makes you both young and naive." Y/n said pacing in front of the two.

Jacob cleared his throat asking the girl, "so, where do we all stand?"

"I'm thirty-five." Y/n stood taller as she spoke, "and you two are my toddlers."

"Yo, Jake, you in there?" A familiar voice spoke from outside of the garage before either of the teens could reply to the girl.

Bella jumped up quickly, attempting to cover the bikes and its loose parts. "No, it's okay." Jacob stopped her. "It's just my boy."

Foot steps were heard approaching the trio. "Hey Jake."

"Hey. This is Bella and you know Y/n/n." Jacob motioned to the girl besides him and the one standing in front of him. "Bella, this is Quil."

"I'm Quil Ateara." The boy spoke seductively, throwing and arm around Y/n. Bella stifled a laugh as she watched Y/n blush at the boys attempt at flirting.

"So the bike building story is true." Quil motioned towards the bikes.

"Oh, yeah, yeah! I taught him everything he knows." Bella said.

Quil smirked. "What about the part where you're his girlfriend?" Y/n nudged the boy slightly.

"Actually, I remember, I said she's a girl and a friend." Jacob defended himself after Bella stated they were only friends.

"Then why don't I remember you making that distinction?" Quil asked as he teased his friend further.

"So you have a girlfriend? That's awesome." Bella stated, flipping the situation onto Quil.

The boy removed his arm from Y/n, opening his mouth to respond but Jacob had already done so. "Quil's actually taking his cousin to prom." He laughed at Quil's flushed reaction.

"You want funny, Black? I'll give you funny." Quil said as he sprung towards Jacob.

"I've got five bucks on Quil." Y/n spoke as she approached Bella, both girls watching as the boys wrestled each other.

"You're on." Bella chuckled, shaking the girls hand.

. . . ✿ . . .

"Hey, guys." Y/n and Jessica greeted their friends as they joined them during lunch.

"Hey," Bella was the first to greet them. "You guys wanna go see 'Face Punch'?"

"'Face Punch'? Yeah." Y/n replied.

"Mike, hey, we were supposed to watch that?" Eric said excitedly. "Remember the trailers like..." He motioned some expressions with his hands. "Punch his face in."

"I don't remember that." Mike admitted with a hint of annoyance.

"Movie night with Bella, yay." Jessica stated bitterly.

. . . ✿ . . .

Y/n found herself that late afternoon standing besides Mike as they waited for their friends to join them. Jacob Black was invited as well, along with Quil. But Jacob had informed Y/n that Quil couldn't join them because he was  grounded for getting into a fight at school.

"So 'Face Punch', huh?" Jacob attempted to make conversation with Mike. "You like action movies?"

"Not really." Mike stated, clearly annoyed with the boys presence. Though Y/n's presence didn't bother him.

"I heard it sucks, bad." Jacob said with a smirk.

"Are you even old enough to see this movie?" Mike asked. "I mean without adult supervision."

Y/n rolled her eyes at the two boys. "She's buying my ticket for me." Jacob informed him as Bella approached the three.

"Jessica bailed," she handed Jacob his ticket, "and Angela's got the stomach flu, so Eric's taking care of her."

"So its just us four." Y/n concluded.

"Great." Both boys spoke.

When the movie ended Y/n felt as if she was going to puke out last nights dinner from all the gore and blood shed she had witnessed. She took a deep breath before glancing towards Mike, the boy was paler than usual. "Hey, Mike?"

The boy handed her his jacket, "I think I'm gonna throw up."

"Jesus." Y/n mumbled watching as he took off.

"What a marshmallow!" Jacob scoffed, he and Bella walked away from Y/n as she stood outside the boys bathroom.

"Why did we watch that movie?" Mike mumbled as he took his jacket from her and slowly began to put it on.

"Not sure, you did agree to it." Y/n began to lead him towards where Bella and Jacob were.

"I need to go home." Mike told the group, Jacob scoffed in his direction. "I was feeling sick before the movie, okay?" He attempted to defend himself but Jacob simply shook him off. "What's your problem?"

"Right now?" Jacob stood closer as if to intimidate him. "You are my problem. Feeling sick? Maybe you need to go to the hospital. Do you want me to put you in the hospital?"

"Jacob. What the hell?" Y/n stood between both boys. "The movie's over."

Bella reached out towards Jacob. "Jake? You're really hot." She gave Y/n a confused look. "Like, you feel like you have a fever."

"Do you feel okay?" Y/n as asked.

"I gotta go." Jacob managed to say as he took off.

"That dude is weird." Mike spoke as the two girls watched him leave. One confused at what just occurred and the other knowing exactly what was going to happen to him.

𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐑 ❪ Q. ATEARA ❫Where stories live. Discover now