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"Alright, now I need you to focus as hard as you can." The ex-soldier spoke towards the small girl. Jasper and Esme had spent the last three hours helping the h/c with her nymph abilities. She had managed to control the art of geokinesis, although her ability to successfully control water has been much more difficult.

The young girl had managed to somehow bust the water pipes that ran near Esme's garden, causing the small area to flood and damage more than half the plants; allowing them to save only a few. The small girl had simply frowned and began to scold herself, Esme on the other hand was quick to stop her and tell her that it was alright. "Nothing but an accident", she reminded her.

Quil sat near the treaty line in his wolf form, watching as the petite woman placed a clear glass pitcher before Y/n.

The pack had no clue they were spending time past the treaty and into the land of the cold ones. The second time Y/n and Quil had come back from the Cullen's they had stumbled paths with Sam and Paul. Curious, Paul asked what they were up to and Sam had stifled a laugh when they stammered out a response, watching as their face grew a blush pink.

"I'm trying." Quil directed his attention towards his imprint, who was now being comforted by Esme. He subconsciously let out a small growl.

"Quil?" Jasper spoke as he walked towards the wolf making sure to not overstep the treaty line. "You do know you can cross, right? We mean no harm."

The russet wolf lowered his head in an understanding manner. Standing on his four paws, he ran behind a near by tree and changed out of his wolf form. "Yeah, I just-, sorry." The older male simply smiled and lead him towards the two females.

"Remember Y/n, think about a positive memory." Esme informed the exhausted girl. Quil watched as she nodded her head, puffing her cheeks and letting out a deep breath.

As the girl focused on the water inside the pitcher, the three standing along side her noticed as it began to swirl slowly. It continued its slow motion when suddenly it stopped completely, Esme glanced towards the two males as they shrugged their shoulders.

Their attention went back to the girl when suddenly they heard glass screeching and the pitcher break. Glass was shattered along the small table where the pitcher once stood. The water stood in its place as if it were still contained in the pitcher.

"Whoa." Quil spoke breaking the silence, Jasper chuckled lightly at his amusement. "What now?"

"Well," Jasper began, "I'm not sure. I didn't expect that to happen."

They watched as the girl manipulated the water making it drift into the air and float around her. She let out a small giggle, causing them to smile at her happy state.

"I really liked that pitcher." Esme spoke with a small pout.

. . . ✿ . . .

"Quil, just pick a movie already." Y/n groaned at the boy as he kept scrolling and trying to find the perfect film for them to watch. He sat with his back against the head board as Y/n sat between his legs.

"What movie have we not watched?" He asked as he bit his bottom lip.

"I don't know, they're all Disney films there isn't one we haven't watched." Y/n stated as she took the control, playing the film Brave.

"This one again?" It was his turn to groan, biting his lip in the process.

"You didn't decide so I did. Stop doing that." Y/n said poking his cheeks.

"Doing what?" He asked.

The girl simply huffed as he, once again, stuck his bottom lip into his mouth. "That! Biting your lip."

"Oh, you mean this?" He teased as he bit his lip.

"Yes." Y/n mumbled, wrapping his arms around her figure.

The boy let out a light laugh, the vibrations of his chest gave the girl goose bumps. "Why should I listen to you?"

Narrowing her doe eyes at the television, she suddenly grinned. "I mean unless you want to sleep outside, you know, where a dog belongs."

The boy let out a growl, suddenly pinning the girl onto the bed. His own actions took both of them into surprise. "You wouldn't."

Y/n gave him a grin. "Are you testing me, Mr. Ateara?"

"Maybe," he mirrored her grin, "I like how you say my name."

"Yeah, you do, baby." Y/n teased, pushing him off.

Getting back into their previous positions, Y/n lightly smacked his arm with a pout. "Quil, you made me miss the beginning."

Quil chuckled at his girls pout. "Why watch the film when you can watch me instead?" Y/n ignored his comment. "Are you really going to let the offer slide, Y/n/n?" He asked as he bit her neck.

"Yes." She stated bluntly.


. . . ✿ . . .

"I'm nervous." Y/n admitted as she approached the Ateara household.

The boy stopped walking and gave her a funny look. "What? Haven't you met my mom before?"

"Only once. Plus, it was an argument she had with my dad and aunt Tiff about, well, when we made you eat a mud pie and you got sick." The girl confessed as they continued their walk.

He chuckled. "Oh, right. Well don't worry she'll love you." He moved in front of her to open the door and allow her inside.

Walking inside, Y/n noticed the change of temperature. They say that the warmth of one's home can make it feel like you belong, and that's exactly how Y/n felt. An older male walked up to the pair, a small smile adorned on his face.

"You must be Y/n." He stated taking her hand and shaking it. "I am Quil's grandfather, Old Quil. It's a pleasure to finally meet the young woman my grandson won't stop talking so much about."

Quil blushed a bright red. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well." Y/n smiled at the male before her.

"Is she here?" A female voice called from what Y/n presumed was the kitchen.

"Come on, "Quil said leading her towards the direction of the voice. "Mom, this is-"

"Y/n." The woman cut him off with a wide smile, she walked towards the girl and embraced her in a tight hug. "My name is Joy. Please make yourself at home while I finish setting up the table."

"Oh, I can help." The young girl offered taking the plates from her hand, but before she had the chance Joy pulled them back.

"You're the guest." Joy shook her head at the smaller girl.

"Then I'd be a horrible guest if I didn't help." Y/n informed her, successfully taking the plates from her hand.

Quil watched as they played a quick game of tug a war with the plates, after Y/n won his mom pulled him out of the kitchen as she beamed about the young h/c, "I love her."

"Me too, mom, me too." The boy smiled at his mother. Joy noticed the smile on his face as he continued to watch the girl set up the dinning table.

𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐑 ❪ Q. ATEARA ❫Where stories live. Discover now