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Pink balloons surrounded the front yard of the Young house. The small girl came rushing through the door, her purple princess dress flowing as she did. "You came, you came." She exclaimed happily, watching as Y/n and Quil walked through the fencing.

Her brown eyes then shifted onto the large birthday bag the older girl was carrying. "Is that for me?" She giggled, letting out a cheer of joy when they nodded at her.

Claire snatched the bag, dropping onto the cold cement as she tore the tissue paper off. "Claire not yet." Her grandmother scolded, letting out a huff when the girl pulled out a brown stuffed animal.

Claire left the bag at the center of the walkway, showing her new stuffed animal to her grandmother. "Claire, there's more." Y/n laughed as the girl only pulled out the stuffy, paying no attention to the clothes at the bottom of the bag.

"I think she digs the bear more." Quil answered, helping her pick up the scattered tissue.

"Sorry about that." Mrs. Young apologized as she took the gift from Y/n's extended hand. "Please, come inside."

They made their way inside the home, the sound of lively chatter filled their ears. Many of the children wore birthday hats, stuffing their faces with cupcakes as they played.

The pair watched as Emily walked out of the kitchen, a new batch of cupcakes on a tray. "Hey, you made it." She hugged the two, letting Quil know Sam was outside, attempting to start the grill.

"Do you need help?" The h/c girl asked watching as Emily offered the kids cupcakes.

Claire suddenly came up, hugging Y/n's waist. "Can you play with me?" Her soft voice rang out, causing Emily to nod her head towards the two.

Y/n kneeled down to Claire's level, "what do you have in mind, birthday girl?"

"Open presents." She proposed, pouting when the girl shook her head with a smile.

"Not yet." Y/n offered. "How about you wait a little longer?"

. . . ✿ . . .

And, so she waited. Claire sat near the digital clock, watching with anticipation as the time hit six in the afternoon to ask once more if she could open her gifts.

5:59, the clock read. Her grandmother had taught her how to properly read the clock, though she hoped one day she could learn to read an analog clock. She watched as her grandmother walked out of the kitchen, eyes locking onto the younger girl.

She sent her a smile, motioning for her to come closer. "I think it's time for gifts. Don't you?"

The girl let out a gasp, rushing towards the table that held her gifts. Her eyes shifted towards the smaller gift and then towards the much larger ones. Chatter came from besides her, the other girls asking what she thought was inside of each bag.

Mrs. Young gathered everyone around for Claire to show her gifts. Quil glanced around the living room, seeing only one seat available besides Emily and Sam. Y/n walked towards them, a pink frosted cupcake in her hand. She pouted when she realized Quil stole her seat, smiling slightly when he held his hands out to her, motioning towards his lap.

"Comfy?" He asked, pecking her cheek when she nodded her head. "This is a nice place, huh?" He glanced around the small room.

"Yeah, I like it." She watched as Claire pulled out a set of play makeup.

"Really?" He hummed, placing his chin on her shoulder. "I was thinking," he began. "What if we get a place of our own?"

The girl raised her brows at him, nearly choking on the treat she held in her hand. "I mean, I do sleep over all the time and you do the same. So, why not?" He inquired.

"Quil, I'd love that. But, are you sure?" She said, licking her frosting covered finger.

"Yes. We both have jobs that pay decent money. We'd have enough for food, bills, and rent. We can find a small place around here, cheap too." He stated, watching as she blushed.

She mustered the courage to nod, a small smile on her face. "Wait, what about my dad? You know how he can be."

"Taken care of." He admitted. "I had to ask him first, made me take him to breakfast though."

She shook her head with a low giggle. "That's my dad." She turned her head slightly, whispering, "I want to have a home with you."

Simple, yet strong words. Her statement made the boy's heart flutter, feeling his face grow hot as he could only smile at her words. "I love you." He mumbled, turning in time to see Claire rushing towards them.

"Look," the young girl held a bag up, showing off her lipsticks. "I want to do your makeup." She stated, watching as Y/n ate her cupcake.

"I'm eating." Y/n pouted, leaning further back into Quil.

She glanced towards her aunt, Emily. But, she had declined, showing the girl she already had her own makeup on. "How about you do Quil's makeup?" Emily suggested, a smirk growing on her face, "He needs it."

Claire looked at the boy, glancing towards Y/n. "Don't worry, he's going to be a beautiful prince." Quil let out a small gasp when Y/n climbed off his lap to let the younger girl work her magic.

After what felt like forever, Claire stepped away from him with a giggle. "Done." She exclaimed.

Y/n slapped her hand over her mouth to keep her giggles in, watching as Quil sent her a playful glare. "He looks beautiful, a total upgrade." She winked.

"I don't know." Emily stated as she stood besides her, "He's missing something." She quickly glanced around the room, smiling when she saw an abandoned tiara. Picking the tiara up, she softly placed it on his head; stepping back to see the final product.

"Aunt Emi," the girl giggled. "That's a princess crown."

"No, no. It's a prince crown." Emily informed her, earring giggles from the bubbly child.

. . . ✿ . . .

"I was abused, manipulated even." Quil spoke dramatically as he put his seat belt on. The girl besides him laughed, shaking her head. He couldn't help but grin at her, "It's not funny, especially when she introduced me to her friends as 'Prince Kiwi'."

He rolled his eyes as Y/n turned to him with a wide smile. "But, whatever it takes to be your prince." He huffed.

"I love you." She stated genuinely, taking his hand into hers; toying with his fingers. He leaned in slowly, smiling slightly when her soft hands made their way through his curls.

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