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a/n: warning(s): death, sad, and Caius being annoyinghello! i hope you guys have liked this book so far. it is my first fic and it makes me sad to say we are reaching the end :( don't worry this isn't the last part tho! don't forget to comment and vote! enjoy <3

Everyone watched with worry when Alice snatched her hand out of Aro's. The pixie haired woman turned towards her sister in law, whispering a small 'now'. Jacob soon rode away with Renesmee, leaving the rest behind in time to see Alice send Aro backwards with a harsh kick.

Two of the Volturi men dragged Alice away, causing her adoptive father to fight for her release. "Let her go." He shouted at once, gaining speed and rushing towards her direction. He fought off two of the Volturi's lap dogs, jumping mid air.

A gasp left the young woman's lips when Aro followed his action, watching with a small whimper as Carlisle's body hit the ground. What frightened her the most was Esme's shouts, knocking her out of her shocked trance. She felt the aura around her grow heavy with anger as Caius began to burn his body.

The Cullen's and their witnesses began to rush forward, zooming past the h/c female as she stayed in her place. The wolves easily caught up to them, joining the cold ones just in time to strike against the Volturi.

Y/n watched as Alec managed to knock Bella off her feet, giving Jane the opportunity to attack Jasper with her power. The male began to drop to his knees, a loud yell escaping Alice when he was soon decapitated.

Slowly Y/n began to walk into the field of action, her lips quivering as Seth was attacked. She watched as a Leah howled, a howl so thrilling it caused even the most fearless vampires to have chills run down their own spine.

A set of blood red orbs watched as the female walked slowly, narrowing their eyes on her figure they soon dashed towards her. Felix ran past her, knocking her off her feet and onto the ice cold ground. Edward, who stood the closest to the pair, paused as he watched the male straddle her. He placed his cold hands around her neck, watching with furrowed brows as she simply smirked at him.

Her small hands took a hold of his forearms, flames engulfed her hands as she shoved him backwards. The male stumbled back and watched as she flicked her wrist, allowing her own flames to swallow his body whole.

Jane's eyes widened at the girls ability, glancing back towards her leaders and watching as they gave her the okay. She narrowed her eyes at her ready to strike the nymph, but the ground beneath her cracked. She stumbled backwards away from the opening, when she gained her balance she glanced around trying to find the female. She suddenly shrugged, silently hoping she had fallen down the opening.

But in fact the young nymph had rushed towards Esme, watching as a red coat clung to her. Leah's head perked up as the girl rushed past her, her dark eyes watching the scene she was headed towards. She then tuned to watch as Quil was busy occupying himself with a cold one, taking no notice in the deadly situation his imprint was going to find herself in.

She quickly whimpered, rushing past the girl and jumping down onto the male. Leah successfully detached him from the older woman, falling backwards as she thought about her father and brother.

Y/n felt a tear slip as she watched Leah's eyes soften at the sight of the two. Helping Esme upwards, she watched as Tia was held back by a female red coat. She left Esme's side to help her, her hands took a hold of the woman's hair and dragged her head back with a gasp. Surprised the woman chuckled when Y/n quickly let her go, dropping Tia and leaving her gasping for air. But the red coat began to sniff the air, the smell of fire filling her nostrils.

Frantically, the woman watched as her hair lit up leaving her half bald. Distracted, the girl placed her hands on her neck, watching with sorrow as the woman's eyes spoke with fear. But it was too late, her heavy flames ate her away.

Quil rushed to Y/n and Tia's side, a low grunt of satisfaction rumbling through his throat as he watched the woman burn rapidly. But as he admired Y/n's unique ability, a male rushed towards him from behind. He let out a dying whimper as he felt himself grow weak, he attempted to keep his eyes open. He watched as his imprint fell to her knees, shaking his figure in order to keep him awake.

He had never felt so weak, but the weakest he felt himself was when the same red coat pulled her head back roughly; latching his horrid teeth into her flesh. She dropped besides Quil, her arm desperately trying to reach out towards his unmoving body with a low sob before everything went black.

. . . ✿ . . .

"Now you know." Alice spat. "That's your future." She watched as Aro looked back towards her family and friends, his eyes watering in fear of her truthful vision. "Unless you decide on another course."

"We can not alter our course, the child still poses a grave threat." Caius interjected.

Edward glanced towards his daughter, "But if you were sure she could remain concealed from the human world, could we live in peace?"

"Of course, but it can not be known." Caius scoffed.

"Actually it can." Edward stated, glancing towards Alice who gave him a comforting smile.

Alice's own witnesses stepped forward, "I've been searching for witnesses of my own, among the Tekona tribes of Brazil." Alice informed them, allowing the two immortals to step closer.

"We have enough witnesses-" Caius spoke, earning an eye roll from Y/n.

"Let him speak, brother." Aro shut him up, glancing at the unknown figures.

"I am half human, half vampire, like the child." Nahuel spoke. Y/n zoned out, glancing behind her to look at Quil who was already watching her. She sent him a small smile, causing him to lower his head towards her.

"These children are much like us." Marcus' voice spoke eerily.

"Regardless," Caius spat, glaring at the shifters. "The Cullens have been consorting with werewolves. Our natural enemies. And a nymph." He exclaimed, his eyes fixed on the female, earning a low threatening growl from Quil.

Aro raised his brows at the news of a nymph being present, nonetheless he turned towards his people. "Dear ones, there is no danger here. We will not fight today." He declared, causing some of his own followers to be disappointed. He watched as they sped away, leaving him behind to send the Cullens and their friends one last glance. "Such a prize." The red eyed leader spoke, vanishing quickly after his cult.

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