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The bright fairy lights illuminated the small venue, smiles were seen on every guest's face. Y/n held her glass tightly in one hand, smiling when Edward gave his toast.

"It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are." He sent Bella a longing look, "I've been waiting, for what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. With Bella I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride."

"No measure at time with you will be long enough. Let's start with forever." He smiled, raising his glass in her direction.

. . . ✿ . . .

The h/c girl stood giggling besides Seth, both watching Alice and Jasper entertain the guest's with their dance. "Do you want to dance?" Seth asked, bopping his head to the music.

"Do you dance like that?" She motioned to Mike, watching as the blond male jumped around like a fish.

"Well, not really." Seth muttered.

Edward approached them, a small smile lingering on his pale face. "Where's the Mrs?" Y/n teased, eyes searching for her friend.

"With Jacob." He responded. "Wedding surprise."

The girl hummed, watching as his jaw suddenly tightened. Silently asking what was wrong, he quickly spoke. "Somethings wrong." Seth sent the girl besides him a questioning glance, quickly trailing after them.

A gasp left Y/n's lips when she noticed Jacob grab Bella's arm roughly. "Let me go." The brunette shouted, leaning into Edward's side.

"Jacob, calm down, alright." He spoke calmly.

"Are you out of your damn mind?" Jacob asked, anger rising through his veins. "You'll kill her."

Seth wrapped his arms around Jacob. "Walk away, Jake." The said male shoved the youngest Clearwater, causing him to fall onto the ground.

"Seth." Y/n rushed towards him, watching as Quil and Embry ran past her in order to hold the angry male back from nearing Edward.

Jacob fought against them, grunting as he finally escaped their grasp. "Enough, Jacob." Sam spoke loudly, Jacob turned to him angrily.

"Stay out of this, Sam." He spat, shaking his head at the alpha male.

"You're not going to start something that we'll have to finish." Sam argued.

"She'll die." Jacob stated. Y/n moved to stand near Quil, placing her hand into his as she repeated his words through her head. She'll die.

"She's not our concern anymore." Sam informed him. Jacob walked past him, purposefully bumping shoulders with him. "Let's go Seth." He called out to the youngest member.

Y/n followed Quil into the woods, sending the newly weds a sorrowful glance. She heard Jacob and Sam arguing head of them; Seth's faint footsteps behind them.

"You should have stayed a bit longer." Quil whispered softly, helping the girl step over a log; watching as she struggled with her heels.

"It's alright." Y/n answered, squeezing his hand. "I don't think I would have lasted much longer with these heels."

"They do look painful." He smiled, "Do you want to go home?"

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