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Y/n sat comfortably on the Cullen's couch, watching as Carlisle was packing away his medical supplies after examining her bite. "Your blood is helping the wound heal, it should be gone by next week. No scar. As if it never happened."

"But, it did happen." Y/n mumbled quietly, though the male heard her.

He patted her arm softy, "Esme and I are here if you ever need to talk about it."

Y/n smiled softly, watching as Edward and Bella walked into the room. Carlisle left the three alone, smiling and bidding Y/n goodbye.

"How are you?" Edward was the first to speak, taking a seat on the couch across from the girl.

"I've been okay." Y/n shrugged with a smile. "How about you two? You guys look happier than usual."

Edward smiled, something Y/n didn't see often. "'I think Bella should tell you." He motioned to the girl who was now seated besides her.

The brunette scoffed a small laugh, fumbling with her hands. "We, uh, we're going to get married."

Y/n's hands flew to her mouth, "'Oh, my goodness. This is amazing. I'm so happy for you." She stated as she pulled her friend into a hug. "Congratulations!"

"We're wondering if you'd be a bridesmaid to our wedding?" Bella asked. Edward smiled at the pair, waiting patiently for Y/n's response.

"Yes, I'd love to." The h/c girl agreed.

"Yay, I need your help on picking dresses." Alice beamed as she overheard their conversation. She took a hold of her hand and led her to the kitchen where wedding catalogs were sitting.

. . . ✿ . . .

After browsing through the catalogs Y/n walked around the house and found Esme watering house plants. "Hello, Y/n."

"Hi, Esme." The girl greeted. "How have you been?"

Esme smiled as she shook her head. "I should be asking you that, given the prior events. But, to answer your question I've been ecstatic about the upcoming wedding."

Y/n hummed in agreement, following the older woman around. "Big news, happy news."

"Yes, they're thinking about late summer. I will be seeing you there, right?" Esme asked, pausing her task as she looked at the girl.

"I'll be there. Late summer? That's in a month." Y/n replied.

Esme let out a chuckle. "Yes, when it comes to love you can't really wait long. Especially for such an event."

"Well, you can't really rush it either." Y/n pouted.

"Trust me, you'll know when your time comes." Esme smiled.

. . . ✿ . . .

"I'm home!" Y/n shouted as she walked into her house. She passed the living room, kitchen, and the bedrooms only to see it empty. When she reached her own bedroom she swung the door open nearly letting out a scream when she noticed a figure sleeping on her bed.

"Quil." She groaned, dropping her bag at the foot of the bed. Climbing into bed besides him and hugging his figure close to her body.

"Good morning." Quil whispered as he placed his head into her neck.

"Quil, it's past six." Y/n giggled, feeling as he began to kiss her neck softly.

"Sorry, good afternoon." He said as he pulled away and leaned over her, catching her lips in a kiss.

"What are you even doing here?" She asked when he pulled away.

"One, I came back from watch shift and your house was closer. Two, your blankets are warm. And, three, I missed you.'' He pouted, watching as the corner of her eyes crinkled when she smiled.

"You're a dork." She giggled.

"What did Carlisle say about the bite?" Quil sat up against the headboard, pulling the girl on his lap.

"It should be gone by next week." She informed him with a warm smile. The boy hummed, watching as she bit her own lip.

"What is it, babe?" He asked, curious as to what she was thinking.

Her eyes locked onto his. "Bella and Edward are going to get married. They asked me to be a bridesmaid and I agreed."

The boy nodded his head, curls softly bouncing as he did. "If Jacob doesn't know now, he's going to flip when he does."

The girl frowned as she thought about how different things will be between Bella and Jacob. "Do you think it will ruin the peace that's been done between the Tribe and Cullen's?"

"I don't know." Quil admitted. "She's just marrying him, well, at least I hope. If she changes like them, it will break the treaty between us."

She let out a small sigh, leaning forward and crashing into his chest. "And to think they were all beginning to get along." Y/n mumbled into his chest, glancing up at him through her eye lashes.

He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Let's not worry about that, huh?" He smiled, reaching over to her bedside table and taking hold of the remote control. "We've got some movies to watch."

Y/n scoffed, pushing herself off his chest. "You don't even end up watching the movie."

He snickered at her comment, "I'm sorry, my beautiful girlfriend just takes my attention away."

"Me?" Y/n asked, shock laced in her voice. "I don't even do anything."

"Exactly." He stated as a matter of fact. "You just sit there... pretty and all. It's so distracting." He dramatically stated, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

The girl rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Like I said, you're a dork."

"Actually, it's the other way around." Quil sassed, smiling at the gasp she let out. "You're a dork, but it's okay. You're my dork."

"I am not a dork." Y/n protested, a laugh escaping her lips as he began to tickle her sides lightly.

The boy had managed to have her laying on her back, a blushing mess as he realized the position they were in. "You called me a dork." He watched her pout as she complained.

"Sorry." He whispered, kissing her pout away until she was smiling up at him. "You're a beautiful dork."

She giggled lightly, glancing at his lips before responding. "And you're a handsome dork." She smiled as he kissed her deeply, both smiling as the television played softly in the background.

hello! i hope you enjoyed the cheesy chapter, lol. don't forget to comment/vote!

p.s. calling all harry potter fans! i've published a new story 'rosier' a marcus flint x reader fanfic. i hope you guys check that. <3

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