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Stepping inside the building, children's laughter filled Y/n's ears. Her e/c orbs glanced around the room and watched a small group of kids reaching towards colored crayons at one table, watching as two girls fought over a bright pink one. Looking past the girls there was a group of young boys laying out building blocks, stacking them high enough to hide behind it.

A gentle voice called out to the h/c girl, "hello, how may I help you?" The woman seemed older than her aunt, she had dark grey hair and wore a kind smile. A small girl with dark brown hair hid behind her, clutching the older woman's long skirt.

"Oh, umm, yes. I'm Y/n, I have an interview with Agnes." Y/n spoke. She had stumbled across a help needed sign at the reservations nearest, and only, daycare center. Luckily, Esme had told the girl she could pull some strings into helping her get the job, working as a teacher has its perks she told Y/n.

"Ah, yes. We spoke earlier this week." The woman smiled warmly, reaching down and holding the little girl in her arms. "I am Agnes. We can go into the reading room for your interview."

Y/n followed Agnes into what she had been told was the reading room. "I've been told you don't have any job experience but you've done some babysitting?" Agnes stated as she sat down in a small red colored chair, motioning towards the opposite chair.

"Yes, I've recently graduated high school, and I- I'm not really sure if I want to continue my studies. I just know I want to do something good, with children of course." Y/n admitted, waving towards the small girl who was now stacking books near her chair.

"Hmm," The woman looked at her for a moment before speaking, "You know what I see? I see a remarkable woman, I see myself in you. I will be honest with you, I did not continue my studies after high school and you know that's okay, college is not for everyone. Though, I did have a passion for helping others. I began teaching english at the local school for adults. It wasn't what I had planned to do, but I helped people and that's what I wanted. Many of the locals here in the Rez work five days a week, they don't have the time nor money to drive an hour away into the city to drop their kids off at an overly priced daycare. That's why the people here in the Rez themselves opened this one up right here. I see people come and go, they always claim they like children." The woman scoffed a laugh, "but they end up running out the job half way through the week. I know the type when I see it, y/n, and I know that's not you."

The younger girl was now seated on the floor reaching a book out and upwards towards Y/n. "I will give you this job," the woman announced as Y/n took the book from the girl. "One, I think you have potential as a nurturer. And two, little Claire here doesn't like strangers much, yet here she is handing you her favorite book for you to read. I'd like to let you know she doesn't do that with anyone who isn't me."

Y/n smiled gratefully towards the older woman and the young girl, Claire. "Thank you so much for this opportunity, Agnes."

The woman's eyes watched with warmth as Y/n opened the book to show Claire the illustrations. Agnes had indeed watched people come and go, but when she watched the young h/c woman walk in she knew she had to hire her.

. . . ✿ . . .

Y/n walked out of the daycare with a content sigh. She walked towards her dad's old beat up truck and made her way toward Port Angeles where Esme had invited her to a small lunch.

Y/n parked the vehicle half a block away from their meeting place, stuffing money into the meter, eager to share the good news with Esme. She attempted to slip a quarter in but it had managed to slip out of her grasp and roll on the pavement below.

"I've got that." A voice stated, reaching out to grab the quarter before she had the chance.

"Thank you." Y/n turned, letting out a small gasp. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd come to see how you lovely Forks residents were doing." The male smiled, "what, not happy to see me?" He asked, watching Y/n's shocked look.

"You're not supposed to be here." She whispered.

"And why not? Oh, right, the whole stalker on the loose." Riley smirked, enjoying how Y/n tried to step away from him. He kept stepping in front of her to prevent her from leaving. "Heard the wolves are preparing to fight us alongside the Cullen's, that true?"

"Why do you care?" The girl mumbled.

"Honestly, I don't." He shrugged, "I just thought I'd let you know that this is one fight they won't win. We are stronger in numbers. I don't wish to see you cry when you find your friends dead."

"You can still walk away from this, Riley. If you just make peace with the Cullen's- I know they can help you live like they do." Y/n spoke, "This doesn't need to end with a war."

Riley scoffed, "Victoria said they'd try to convince me to join them, just didn't expect it from you."

"You know, you can join us. Ditch this useless human life and become one of us, I can make sure you live well." Riley smiled as he attempted to get closer to the girl, but she had shoved him away.

"I'd rather live this 'useless human life' than become one of her minions." Y/n spoke. Riley frowned, a part of him knowing she wouldn't join and stand at his side. though, another part of him had hoped she would.

"Fair enough, Y/n." He huffed, using his speed ability to leave.

. . . ✿ . . .

"He didn't touch you, did he?" Quil asked as the pair stepped into his bedroom. Esme had called an emergency gathering after what happened with Y/n and Riley.

"No, he didn't." Y/n admitted as she fed their fish. "I myself will burn his hands off if he did."

"That's my girl." Quil praised as he removed his shirt and climbed into bed. "Good news is you got the job and so did I."

"What?" Y/n exclaimed, picking up the shirt he had removed and began to undress into it. "That's good, babe."

"Yeah, it's a good thing my grandpa is friends with the owner." He chuckled as Y/n climbed into bed besides him.

"Yeah, it is. So, do I get a free oil change?" Y/n asked, a playful smile on her lips.

"I haven't even started and you're already trying to get me fired." Quil exclaimed.

"Do you think it's a good idea we did this? I mean we are in the middle of what's going to be a war and we-" Y/n began, "was getting a job a good idea? Especially right now?"

Quil sighed heavily, pulling the girl closer. "I think it's okay. I mean we can't just stop our lives for Bella. Even if it's us who's fighting them off. Did you know she asked Edward and Jacob not to fight?"

"She what?" Y/n lifted her head off his chest, "that's not fair. You're in this mess because of them, she can't do that."

"I know." Quil shook his head, "good thing is both of them refused her request."

"Good." Y/n huffed. "Bella," she scoffed a laugh, "if it's not her in danger... it's someone in danger because of her."

"Hmm, couldn't have said it better." Quil mumbled as he fell asleep.

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