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Y/n hummed the tune of a song she had heard a classmate previously hum themselves. Angela and Jessica walked on either side of the girl, discussing the senior prom that was quickly nearing with each passing day.

"What do you think the theme will be this year?" Jessica asked, looping an arm through Y/n's.

"Poker night? Northern lights? Oh, maybe Winter Wonderland?" Angela beamed. The three approached the school bulletin board, eyes falling on the senior activity content.

"The Secret Garden." Y/n read aloud, smiling softy.

Jessica groaned, "really? A jungle themed prom? Might as well go dressed as Tarzan."

"It's not a jungle." Angela rolled her eyes at the brunette, wondering if she even knew the distinction between the two environments. "Well, I think its a great theme."

"Yeah, me too." Y/n grinned, "you can still go as Tarzan if you want, really fits the theme." She teased, earning a nudge and chuckle from Angela.

. . . ✿ . . .

When the final bell rung Y/n sprung up and out of her seat, moving along her classmates and letting out a small sigh as she pushed through the big double doors. She spotted Rosalie, standing besides Emmett as he waved the girl over in their direction.

"You ready?" Emmett asked Y/n, taking her backpack and tossing it in the back of his Jeep, where he had done the same with his own.

Sam had informed her that today was usually a day he patrolled alone, giving her the okay of being able to cross and be with the Cullen's for the afternoon. Carlisle had previously offered him to cross the treaty line; that he saw no problem with him being able to better protect Y/n from the opposite side of the treaty. Sam declined the offer, not fully trusting the Cullen's to keep their word, though he knew the girl could handle herself.

Y/n watched as the Cullen home came into view, Edward's Volvo was already stationed when she climbed out of the vehicle. Alice was standing on the porch with a small smile, shaking her head slightly as Y/n walked up the steps.

"What?" Y/n asked the pixie haired girl.

"No one else, other than Sam, knows you're here, huh?" The girl shook her head, "why you sneaky girl." Alice smirked.

Y/n smiled, following her into the kitchen. "I don't think I'd be here if they knew." She mumbled.

Upon entering the kitchen she watched as Esme fixed a food tray. A small set of two tea cups and sugar cookies sat neatly atop the tray. "My, it's been a while. Hasn't it?" Esme embraced the younger girl into a hug.

"It truly has." Y/n stated, Esme began to lead her into the small garden area near the garage. She noticed Sam move along the treaty line, lowering his head as he greeted the petite woman.

After updating each other about their lives, the two sat in a peaceful silence watching the trees and near by birds fly. "I'm curious." The eldest of the two spoke.

"Hmm?" Y/n turned her attention towards the pale woman.

"Why is it just Sam?" Esme glanced in his direction only to find him gone. "Have you not told anyone else?"

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