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Walking into school on Monday morning Y/n watched Jasper and Alice whispering amongst themselves. Though the girl was mad about the Cullen's sudden decision to leave, she had finally come into terms with herself that they left for a good reason.

Y/n stopped at her locker, gathering her books and closing it shut. She let out a small gasp when she noticed Edward standing besides her. "I want to apologize for leaving." He spoke.

The girl shook her head, "no, I should be the one to apologize. You left for a good reason, and I'm sorry about calling you a coward."

The pale boy revealed the smallest of smiles, something Y/n only saw when he was around Bella or his siblings. "So, we're good?" Watching the girl nod her head, he cleared his throat and began to speak lowly. "There's been some trouble in Seattle."

"What kind of trouble?" Y/n asked, flinching when the school bell rung.

"The people who go missing ... Carlisle thinks it has something to do with vampire's." He spoke, leading her towards her next class.

"My dad, at the station, says they keep finding nothing but a trail of blood leading nowhere." She informed Edward, remembering the nights her father would come home late mumbling to himself about the strange cases.

"We also caught scent of a vampire hanging out around Bella's house, I doubt they got your scent cause of, well, you know. She's spending her time around Angela's place for now, I just wanted to let you know." He stepped aside, allowing other student into the class. "Esme's offer still stands, she's more than happy to help out with your abilities."

Y/n bit her lip in thought. "Yeah, I want to know what i can do and what I really am." She mumbled.

The pale boy let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding in. "Good." He nodded, watching the girl walk into class.

. . . ✿ . . .

"Hey, Emily." Y/n walked into the kitchen, sitting atop the counter.

"Hey, Y/n." The girl offered her a wide smile when Emily handed her a brownie.

"Emi, you are amazing." Emily laughed at the girl's statement, calling out to Sam. "Hi, Sam." Y/n greeted, too engrossed on the brownie to even offer him a glance.

"Hey," he chuckled, ruffling her hair. "Slow down, kid."

"Yeah, yeah." Y/n muttered, following the pair into the living room. "I have a question."

Sam's eyes flickered towards the girl then towards his fiancé, both wondering why the girl seemed to grow serious. "Alright, shoot."

"Does everyone have a scent?" The girl sat patiently, waiting for an answer.

His brows furrowed in confusion, "well, yes, I believe we all do. Why do you ask?"

The young girl looked around, making sure no one was around. "I don't think I do."

"What? That's-" Sam paused eyeing the girl, "how can that be?"

"I dunno." Y/n shrugged, standing up and grabbing another brownie from the kitchen. "One day I was in the woods and Rosalie couldn't feel my presence, my scent. Well, not until I made myself be known, she didn't even know I was there."

Emily shot Sam a questioning glance as he spoke, "you've been around the Cullen's?"

"Yes, I have." The h/c stated bluntly, choosing to ignore the angry look Sam gave her. "Before you get more angry than you already are, they have not harmed me."

"She's crossed the treaty line?" Sam mumbled to himself. "Does Embry know, or Quil?"

"Nope." Sam nodded his head. "I'm going to keep visiting them, and eventually I'll tell the boys."

"Just because they haven't harmed you yet, doesn't mean they won't in the future." Sam informed her.

"Yeah," Y/n whispered. "But there's something that they can help me with." Sam gave her a questioning look causing her to let out a small sigh, "I-I'm not 100% human."

"Then, what are you kid?" He asked, growing curious as to what the girl he watched grow up was getting at.

"Half-nymph." Y/n stated.

Sam had left to patrol shortly after Y/n's confession. The two had come into terms that, for Y/n's sake, he would make be notified whenever the girl would cross the treaty. When she asked why, Sam told her he would be near so he knows she is alright.

The girl began to protest but quickly agreed after he offered option two. The second option was that he was going to cross the treaty with her, making a deal with the Cullen's so he can accompany her. She decided to decline the latter, mumbling about how she doesn't need a babysitter.

Y/n sat on the couch, meanwhile Emily was cooking, the younger female asked if she needed help but was quickly kicked out the kitchen when she nearly burned the kitchen. Emily had simply asked the girl to preheat the oven, next thing she knew they were both coughing from the mysterious smoke that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Emily asked Y/n what had happened but the girl refused to tell her. The girl was watching television when the backdoor slid open and shut, she watched Paul drop a plastic bag and slump on the couch besides her.

"Hi, Paul." She whispered.

"Hey, Y/n. Why are you whispering?" He smirked, chuckling lightly when the girl shrugged, her eyes glued onto the television screen. The male pulled the coffee table closer and began to dig through the plastic bag.

The noise caused Y/n's e/c eyes to flicker curiously onto what he was doing. "What's that?"

"This?" He asked holding a piece of roughly carved wood upwards. "It's a daisy ... at least that's what it's supposed to be. I'm going to give it to Rachel, my imprint." He spoke with a smile, a tint of red coating his cheeks. "She's coming to visit from Washington State."

"Jacob's sister?" Y/n asked. "I remember her, she would babysit Em and I." Y/n smiled, remembering the time the two troublesome Call's locked the poor girl in the closet, letting her out only when she threatened to tell Enzo and Tiffany.

"Doesn't she graduate this spring?" Emily asked moving out of the kitchen.

"Yeah, she'll be moving in with me." He smiled. "We talked to Billy and its been settled."

"That's good, I'm happy for the both of you." Emily stated, pulling him into a side hug.

Y/n nodded and complemented him. Before she can ask when Rachel would be visiting, a voice had startled her.

"Yes, we have arrived." A dramatic Embry stated, walking inside. The laughter of Jacob and Quil following, talking among themselves like school girls.

Paul nudged the girl besides him. "Looks like your wolf is here." He let out a small laugh when he noticed her go red.

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