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The sound of lively chatter filled the small house, the days seemed happier and brighter now that Jacob began his own pack. Embry had soon left the Uley pack for his best mates, bringing him closer to Jacob and Quil.

Chip crumbs littered the small rug and coffee table causing Quil to quickly reach over and attempt to clean it, having his own place now meant he had his own responsibilities. He now understood why his own mom would get irritated when he would make a mess.

The front door was suddenly opened, a small smile forming on his lips when a tired Y/n walked in. Claire had been holding her hand, brown eyes lighting up at the sight of the television. The younger girl quickly walked closer, taking the remote from besides Embry and changing the channel. A loud chorus of groans left their lips as they no longer watched the game, instead the melody of a child's song played on the screen.

A chuckle left the h/c girls lips as she quickly made her way inside, stopping besides Quil and pecking his lips. A chorus of 'eww's' emitting from Claire and the boys. She rolled her eyes at them, watching as Quil tossed a pillow at Jacob who sat the closest.

Quil wrapped his broad arms around her, placing her firmly on his lap. She let out a sigh, leaning into his chest. "How was work?" He asked softly.

"It was good," She smiled, "Claire made a new friend."

The boy hummed, eyes shifting from her onto the younger girl. He watched as Embry and Jacob entertained her, both singing along to the channel she had changed it to. "That's good, she needs more friends around her own age. Maybe then she won't steal you from me as much as she does now."

The girl let out a chuckle, kissing his pout away. "No one can take me from you." A wide grin formed on his face, cheeks growing red as he understood her words.

A loud laugh left Claire's lips causing them to smile at the younger girl. Y/n then watched as Jacob stared at her longingly. Renesmee was growing fast, too fast she was now around the age of seven. It made the Cullen's worry about how much time they'd have with her.

"Any news?" Y/n asked Jake, watching as his eyes locked onto her own.

"Well," He cleared his throat. "Irina caught us with Nessie, she told the Voltaire about her." A deep sigh left him as he shook his head. "They're coming for us. I was telling the guys about it earlier, they will come and kill us."

The room grew silent, thankfully Claire was too engrossed on the television to pay attention to them. "Carlisle says he can try to reach out to his friends, witnesses is what he's looking for. Alice and Jasper left, Sam told us earlier today." Jacob glanced at the clock, standing up and gathering his things. "We are supposed to meet their closest relatives, I better get going."

The girl quickly caught his wrist, a frown etched on her face. "If you need anything, I'm here. We're here." He gave her the tiniest of smiles before leaving, an eerie silence taking over the small house.

. . . ✿ . . .

Y/n stood besides Jacob, watching as Renesmee cradled Benjamin's cheek causing him to smile warmly. Taking her small hand into his own, he produced a miniature tornado into her hand and allowed it to disperse up into the air.

"You think I can do that?" The girl whispered towards Jacob, the latter letting out a chuckle and a small 'maybe'.

That same night the Cullen's opened their home to roughly eighteen vampires. Esme smiled as she watched Y/n move about the kitchen, pouring herself lemonade before smiling at the older woman. "It's very full in the living room." Esme informed her, watching as Benjamin walked in.

The male glanced at Y/n curiously, furrowing his brows as he studied her. "You possess extraordinary abilities. Like me you are gifted with elemental abilities." He stood silently, "A nymph, correct?" He smiled widely after she nodded.

"Benjamin, this is Y/n." Esme motioned between the two, stepping out of the kitchen.

"Pleasure to meet you, Benjamin." Y/n shook his hand, watching as he turned her palm up. Brown dust formed on her palm, his own twirled the dust to form a tornado like he had done with Renesmee. "I overheard you earlier. I can teach you sometime. But first I'd like to introduce you to my wife, you'd get along with her greatly."

Y/n watched as a thin woman appeared from behind him, a nervous smile forming as she glanced at the s/c girl. "So you're the nymph Esme has been wanting us to meet. I'm Tia." She spoke nervously, still wary about her new surroundings.

A chuckle escaped the girls lips, causing the couple to smile. "I suppose I am, it's a pleasure to meet the both of you."

. . . ✿ . . .

Quil stepped out of the bathroom, dropping face first onto the bed. He lifted his head, watching as Y/n read a magazine. With a pout he quickly snatched it out of his hand, a small whine leaving her lips as he did. "I'm tired." The male informed her with a sigh.

"Alright, go to sleep." She smirked, reaching out to take back her magazine. But he had taken a hold of her ankle and dragged her down, causing her to lay under his own body. "Quil." She pouted, a giggle leaving her as he kissed her face.

"How was patrol?" She asked in a whisper.

His figure continued to loom over her, he used his forearms as a means to prevent himself from crushing her. "Good. I mean as good as it can be. Brady and Collin are still trying to get used to the feeling of shifting."

She hummed at the information, running her hands through his soft curls. "Enough about that and more about me." He muttered, dropping his lips onto her own. A satisfied moan coming from the both of them as their hands explored each other's bodies.

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