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"Alright class I want you to stick to with whomever you decide to sit with on the bus. Understood?" Mr. Molina stated as he instructed the students to line up near the yellow buses.

"Are you going to sit with Edward?" Y/n asked the pale girl as they stood towards the back of the line.

"Umm, no. He said his bus was full, I'm going to be sitting with Mike." Bella responded with a frown.

"Why does it smell in here?" Jessica asked as the group was lead into the greenhouses.

Sniffing the air, y/n scrunched her face. "Its because of the fertile, in other words shit."

"I don't think your supposed to drink that." Angela informed Eric. Y/n watched as he lifted the glass of compost waste teasingly showing Mike he was going to drink it.

"Look at these." Jessica motioned her friends attention towards a flower station.

"I'm sorry kids but those have yet to bloom. Maybe in another month or so." The greenhouse keeper stated towards the group.

Disappointed they move on, not noticing y/n staying behind. She was admiring the small buds that seemed to hold a vibrant yellow-orange color. The girl moved its tag and began to read the name, 'Chrysanthemum, aka mums'.

"Lovely, aren't they?" A voice spoke from besides the small girl.

"Yes, they have a nice color." Y/n said turning to look at the source of the voice.

Light brown eyes bored into y/n's y/e/c eyes. The blonde was intimidating and pretty. Rosalie took notice at how tense y/n had gotten from the way she was starring down at her. Suddenly remembering the flowers that had yet to bloom, she was taken in surprise when the flowers were blooming before her eyes.

Clearing her throat she informed the girl, "looks like they've bloomed." Confused at the event she had witnessed she walked away leaving the girl in awe with the flowers.

"Hey guys, they've bloomed." Y/n called out to her friends.

Eric stood besides her snickering, "that keeper probably doesn't know what their talking about."

The group decided to go outside due to the smell of fertile giving them a headache. "Hey, Bella. Its a worm." Eric exclaimed waving a stick in front of her.

"Eric!" Angela scolded him. She let out a small yell when Eric flung the worm in her direction.

"What's with the frown?" Y/n asked as she caught up to Bella.

"Nothing, I just-" Bella ran a hand through her brown locks. "Edward, he said it was best if I stayed away and if we weren't friends."

Y/n furrowed her brows. "But, then why would he try to save you?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out what he is one way or another." She stated sternly.

. . . ✿ . . .

"Where are you going?" Tiffany asked her niece, watching as her small hands quickly changed the lenses of her camera.

"I was going to go for a walk in the woods. You know to take pictures." Y/n motioned towards her camera.

"Alright, just be careful and be home for dinner." Tiffany said as she walked her towards the door.

Y/n felt at ease when she walked into the woods, she felt at home, 'nature is truly beautiful'. The small girl decided to go further, deeper into the woods, away from the Reservation.

The sound of crunching leaves and her camera snapping was the only sound heard. Up until a bird cawed and flew close to the girl causing her to tumble backwards, falling on her bottom and letting out a frightened yelp.

"I'm so sorry. I was scaring them away." The blonde girl from earlier spoke. "I'm Rosalie Hale." She extended her hand to help the girl back on her feet.

"Its alright." Y/n said dusting off the dirt off of herself. "I'm Y/n Call." Looking around she asked, "what are you doing here?"

"My house is not far from here." Rosalie motioned towards a small path ahead. "I think about less than a mile."

"That's right the Cullen's residence." Y/n said recalling the night she took the shortcut home through the woods.

"Yeah, aren't you from the Reservation. This is quite far, you are from the Reservation, right?" Rosalie ask curious as to why the girl was past the treaty line, deep into their land.

"Yes, I am from the Rez." Y/n waved her camera on her hand. "I came to get a couple shots, though I think I wandered too far."

Her bright smile showed innocence and Rosalie found herself smiling it at the girl. "I can walk you half way back." Rosalie offered. "That way it's not far for me or you."

"Yes, if its no bother." Y/n said though Rosalie was walking ahead of her, leading her in the direction of the Rez.

Thinking about what happened at the greenhouse trip y/n decided to strike conversation about the keepers words. "Hey, did you know that the keeper from the greenhouses said that the flowers should have had bloomed in like another month."

Rosalie took in her words before nudging the girl softy, "I guess they like you."

"Well," Rosalie began. "This is half way. Nice meeting you y/n."

"Likewise, thanks for the walk." Y/n said as she began her walk back home.

. . . ✿ . . .

After a couple weeks Bella began to linger around Edward more often. She wanted to know who he was, why he was such a mystery. Y/n had helped Bella in her research, going as far as purchasing a Quileute legend book. Despite y/n knowing about the wolves and the tribes she was still clueless on some of the aspects of the topic.

"I've confronted him." Bella informed her friend, pacing her bedroom as y/n sat on her bed.

"You told him our theory?" The two girls had some to the conclusion that Edward was a vampire, as cliche as it sounds it was the only theory they had from the encounters Bella had with he pale boy.

"Yes." By this time Bella had stopped pacing and was starring at her friend. "He neither confirmed nor denied it, y/n/n."

Gasping y/n sits up, "well, what now?"

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