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"How?" Y/n looked between the two, her eyes brimming with tears as she watched her friend look away from her.

"We aren't sure." Edward spoke truthfully, he watched as she nodded her head.

"Is she in danger? Are any of them in danger?" She asked him, taking Bella's cold hand into her own.

"It's killing me." Bella frowned softly.

"Is there something I can do?" She whispered, a small smile on her face.

Esme had walked in with a pitcher of water in her hand, she moved to the plant besides Bella, a soft sigh coming from her as she looked at the plant. "It's dying." She announced.

Esme had taught the girl to control the status of the plant with her emotion, letting out a deep breath she hoped the plant would regain its color. She frowned when the dark tipped leaves didn't budge. "That's weird."

Bella's hand slipped out from Y/n's own. "It's been dying since we got here. I noticed it the first few days."

"Some plants usually take after one's mood. Like how Y/n can heal and control them." Esme smiled softly.

. . . ✿ . . .

Humming the tune of a song, Y/n placed the last dish in its designated cabinet. The front door was thrown open and shut harshly, causing her to furrow her brows and move to the living room. "Hey." She spoke, watching as Quil looked in her direction.

"I don't want you going over there anymore." He told her, watching as the girl scoffed.

"It's just a baby, Quil." She shrugged, "How much harm can it do?"

"That thing is killing her, why can't you see that? What happens when that thing is born and you're the only human around?" He seethed.

"I know it's killing her, you think I don't know my best friend is dying? And 'that thing' is a baby, a baby." She nearly shouted.

"Fine," He smirked, "that 'baby' is going to die. Sam's going to make sure of it."

Her bright orbs watched him with horror, shaking her head at his words. "No, no." She croaked, "You wouldn't let him do that. Quil, it's a baby."

Quil remained silent, his heart breaking as the tears fell on her fair cheeks. "What if it were me? Would you let it kill me?"

He scoffed, "I would make sure that thing dies before it kills you."

"No you wouldn't." She breathed out, "The bear thought of having to kill your own child- you wouldn't have the guts to do that."

He stood silent, watching as she walked into their bedroom and shutting the door with a slam.

. . . ✿ . . .

The h/c girl sat besides Jacob as they stared at Bella's sleeping form with worry. The tea she held had now gone cold, a warm hand had reached out to her own. Glancing up, she watched Jacob send her a reassuring smile.

He knew she had an argument with Quil, leading her to spend the next few days with the Cullen's. It was half of the reason he visited daily, to give her any update on Quil he got.

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