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Rosalie stood behind the bride, sticking pins into her hair as she allowed her aunt Tiffany to finish her makeup. Rosalie smiled at the younger girls who came rushing in, Claire and Renesmee chased each other as they practiced tossing flower petals. Giggles echoing through the room causing a smile to grow on Y/n's face.

Suddenly she stopped her aunt's wrist, holding a hand to her mouth as she stood up from the vanity seat and rushed towards the bathroom. Rosalie sent both Esme and Tiffany confused glances, following the girl to the bathroom. Scrunching her nose she began to rub her bad slowly. "Wedding pre-jitters?" She spoke, smiling softly.

She suddenly frowned when Y/n shook her head, flushing the toilet and making her way towards the sink. "It's been almost a week," Y/n confessed, watching as Rosalie furrowed her brows. The young woman glanced towards her two mother figures, "And I'm late."

A gasp left the three women's lips, causing Rosalie to dig around the bathroom cabinets. Y/n watched as she set a pink and white box onto the counter besides her hand, her eyes glancing between the ring and the box nervously.

. . . ✿ . . .

Enzo sucked in a deep breath, blinking away the tears as he watched his only child walk towards him. He felt silent as she stopped in front of him, smiling softly as he admired her attire. "If only your mother would see you, she'd be so proud of the young woman you've become." He whispered towards her, pecking her forehead softly as he offered her his arm. "And if Quil hurts you, remind him I'm still a cop around here."

"Dad," Y/n rolled her eyes, watching as Claire and Renesmee finally got to throw real petals down the aisle.

Biting his lips, Quil watched as the two girls awed the guests with their actions, his stomach turning when he watched the real deal walk down the aisle. 'Gorgeous' He thought to himself, eyes watering at the sight of his bride. He nervously cleared his throat, shaking his father in law's firm hand with a soft whimper. The older male smiled as he squeezed Quil's hand, earning a nervous chuckle from Y/n as she tapped his arm. Reluctantly, he let the young man take his daughter.

The two stood before the marriage officiant, smiling towards the old man as he cleared his throat. The male continued to talk, but the couple was too busy admiring each other to hear him. The pair nervously glanced back at him when they exchanged vows, earning chuckles from their guest.

Quil cleared his throat, staring intently into her eyes with a small smile. "Falling for you wasn't falling at all," he admitted softly. "It was walking into a house and knowing you are home. Everything in me will forever recognize that your heart is my home and your arms are my shelter. I will honor and cherish you for as long as I live." He confessed, watching as she teared up before him. He felt his own tears fall, ignoring them as he wiped hers away instead.

The officiant smiled fondly at the two, feeling content when the two said 'I do'. "In the name-" He continued.

Y/n nervously bit her lip, whispering towards Quil. "I'm pregnant." She confessed, watching as he creased his brow. "I am pregnant." She spoke again, this time watching as his face grew from confused to happy.

The guest watched the pair, chuckling when Quil suddenly kissed her deeply. The officiant stuttered over his final words, watching as the groom had already kissed the bride before he could even allow him to say the words. Shrugging with a smile he then stated, "Well, you may kiss the bride."

. . . ✿ . . .

Five Years Later

Quil winced as a plastic shovel stabbed his foot, walking with a picnic basket towards the woman. He watched as she attempted to apply sunscreen onto her legs. Jogging he dropped the basket, moving in front of her and rubbing the remaining cream over her leg.

"Thank you." Y/n giggled, stretching her other leg out for him to do the same. "I can't tie my own shoes, I don't know why I thought I could do this." She frowned, watching as he sat behind her, giving her aching back something to rest on.

Quickly pecking her pout away, he placed his hands on her growing bump. He smiled when the baby kicked, taking her hand and placing it near his own.

"Mommy! Look, daddy." The bubbly five year old ran towards them, a bucket hat covering half of his face as he rushed towards the pair. "Claire and Nessie helped me find a she shell."

"Sea shell." Y/n corrected him, her eyes scanning the area before setting on their daughter. "Baby, go get your sister."

"Ok, mommy." The boy giggled, running towards his younger sister. Quil let out a chuckle as he watched their youngest cling onto Jacob as he tried to set her into the water.

"Don't laugh, you know she doesn't like it when you laugh at her." Y/n smacked his chest.

"She doesn't like anything, just like who she's named after. Rosie." Quil smirked. "She needs to stop spending time with her." He joked, earning a low gasp from his wife.

"Well, Rafael needs to spend less time with Jared and Paul. They were teaching him how to say the f-word." Y/n muttered, watching as their daughter ran towards them with tears in her eyes. Either they were tears or sea water, they couldn't tell properly since her cheeks were flushed but her eyes showed no signs of redness.

Quil watched as their little girl straddled her mothers legs, carefully rubbing what was soon going to make her a big sister. His attention was soon taken by Rafael, the young boy digging into the picnic basket with eagerness. He let out a snort as he watched his son scrunch his face as he pulled out baby carrots and celery. Glancing towards his wife he kissed her shoulder softly, a low hum emitting from her. He glanced out towards the water, watching as the sun began to set.

If at the age of seventeen he was asked where he saw himself five years from now, he would have shrugged his shoulders. Not knowing about what the future held for him, but he was happy now. He was happy he had a loving wife and best friend, he was happy that through his hectic life as a wolf he managed to find happiness. He had smiled fondly at the thought of when he first met her, a mud pie half way down his throat as he tried to impress her, oblivious to what their life together was going to become.

She too thought about what would have happened if Embry never made him eat the mud pie, what would have become of her if she had never met Quil. Turning in her spot she smiled up at him, leaning up to him and capturing his plump lips. A chorus of ewws surrounding them as their children gagged at their action.

'This is it', the pair thought, 'this is what I've been living for'.

i almost teared up while writing this :( i hope you guys enjoyed it, i know i've enjoyed writing this for you guys. thank you for reading and supporting my writing. feel free to check out my other story(s)!! take care <3

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