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Friday had finally approached and the young Call was excited for her trip to Port Angeles. It wasn't an everyday thing that people from the Rez or Forks visited the area, and every chance the girl had she took. She loved the small vintage shops and their cafes they had, the view from the area that was given by the small cafes window was truly beautiful.

"Morning y/n/n." Her dad said cutting her daydream short.

"Morning. Hey dad, I wanted to remind you about the trip to Port Angeles with Bella." Y/n said finishing her breakfast.

"Oh, that's today?" Enzo asked fixing his badge. "That's alright, just let me know if your planning on spending the night so I can bring you extra clothing."

The two hear the doorbell ring, they share a look before shrugging in unison. "Who can that be?" He asked.

Realization hit y/n as she stumbled out of her chair and towards the door, dragging her backpack close. "It's Bella, gotta go. Bye."

Hearing a faint goodbye she closed the door, finding Bella outside near her truck., slightly shaking from the cold.

"What happened to the honking?" Y/n asked as the two headed for school.

"Are you kidding? Your neighbors must hate me for waking them up like that." Bella chuckled.

During lunch Eric and y/n sat waiting for the rest of the gang to show up. "So are you ready for tomorrow?" Eric asked creating conversation as he took a seat besides her.

Y/n nodded her head, biting her lip as she struggled to open her water bottle. "Here, I got it." Eric motioned her to hand it over.

"Do you think the greenhouse trip will be fun?" Y/n asked, glancing at her now red hands.

"Of course its going to be fun, we're missing two classes for it." Mike said patting Eric on the back rather harshly nearly spilling water on himself.

They both glared as y/n sneered, "you're going to miss your hand if you keep greeting people like that, Newton."

He shrunk back in his seat, mumbling "sorry."

. . . ✿ . . .

"Hey, how about these." Y/n motioned towards a deep red colored sheet as they stepped into the next isle of the small shop.

"Umm, do you think they have a purple?" Bella asked her in a low voice, watching as y/n began to dig around the shelves for the color she requested.

"No, I can ask." Y/n said.

"Ok, umm, I'm going to go look for some posters or something to decorate my wall." She mumbled walking away.

Y/n continued her walk, hoping to find someone who can help her. She turned sharply in the next isle and bumped into something or someone causing them to drop their things.

"Shit." Y/n mumbled. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking." She spoke quickly, helping them pick their things up.

"It's fine. I was walking fast." Her heart began to beat fast at the familiar voice. Looking up she saw bright chocolate colored eyes starring into her own y/e/c eyes.

𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐑 ❪ Q. ATEARA ❫Where stories live. Discover now