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"Alright, I'll pick you up after work, okay?" Quil asked as the girl beside him began to reach for her bag.

"M'kay." She agreed, pecking his lips as he mumbled a small good luck. "You too, babe." It was finally her first day at the daycare, Agnes had informed the girl she would be working the first three days of the week for eight hours. Y/n could care less about how much she would be earning or working as long as she worked with the children.

The door was opened, Agnes looked up from her desk at the sound of the entrance bell. "Welcome to your first day." She smiled.

"Thanks and good morning." Y/n greeted, following the woman to the activity room.

"As you know the Rez is small, there are only about twelve kids here at the daily." Agnes began to place toys in their proper shelves. "We provide them meals, we have a cook or a chef if you will, for that job. There is also paperwork, mainly Phyllis's job. I am the main director of the center, in charge of teaching the kids and what not. Then there's you, my assistant director."

"I want to make you in charge of reading time and if you can handle the bathroom breaks, then you can do that as well." Agnes explained. "And don't worry I will give you more tasks as we go."

"That's okay." Y/n agreed, "so, when do they get here?"

"Oh, yes." Agnes turned her wrist to glance at her watch. "They usually arrive between 8am and 9am. But young Claire gets dropped off around this time."

"That's really early." Y/n glanced at the clock on the wall, the large hand had just hit 7:10.

"Her grandmother always drops her off early." Agnes said handing the girl a stack of coloring sheets, motioning where they belong.

"It's just three people here all the time?" She asked as she picked up scattered crayons.

"Four, now. And, well, the night janitor." Agnes smiled, the bell from the front office rang, "oh, come along, Y/n."

The h/c girl followed, watching as she greeted an older woman holding a sleepy Claire. "Mrs. Young, I would like you to meet our newest member, Y/n Call." Mrs. Young smiled greeting her with a 'hello'.

"Would you like me to take those?" Y/n asked, motioning towards a unicorn backpack and a purple stuffed bear.

"Yes, please." Mrs. Young replied, placing the smaller girl on her feet. "You be good now. It was a pleasure meeting you."

"Likewise." Y/n watched as she kissed her granddaughter's cheek and walked away. Agnes then led her in the back of the activities room, informing her she can place Claire's belongings into a bin where her name was.

Claire sat in a blue chair, reaching towards the chunky crayons. "Do you mind watching her? I need to sign her name in." Agnes asked Y/n, pleased that she had agreed to do so. Y/n then approached the girl, aware that Agnes had told her she wasn't good with strangers.

"Do you like it?" The youngest mumbled as she raised her green crayon away from the paper. "It's a bear." She then raised both hands and mimicked the creature.

"I love it." Y/n smiled at the girl, "does it have a name?"

"Do you think he will like the name Cookie?" The girl whispered.

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