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By the time Monday rolled around y/n was ready for school, bidding her dad a goodbye she noticed a familiar red beat up truck parked in front of her house.

"Morning Bella." Y/n said as she tapped on the driver side window.

Knocking the girl inside from her trance she suddenly jumped at y/n's sudden presence, Bella quickly rolled her window down and greeted her. "Hey. Umm, I called your dad this morning, I don't have your number, I'm not sure if he told you but I wanted to give you a ride today."

"Yeah, he did. Thanks Bel's." Y/n said as she climbed into the passengers seat.

Bella smiled slightly at the nickname. Before coming to Forks Bella attempted to make friends but it seemed like the harder she tried to put herself out there and make friends the further she pushed people away.

"Someone's in a good mood." Y/n said watching Bella's small smile. "Let me guess... your acne's cleared, the goddesses have answered your prayers, oh my, you popped your cherr-"

"No!" Bella cut her off, blushing red. "No, I just wanted to say thanks for helping and being there on Friday, it means a lot." She said sincerely.

"Of course." Y/n smiled, drumming her fingers on the dashboard "Now lets roll."

. . . ✿ . . .

"So, Bella," Angela began in her ever so soothing voice. "How's your first week been so far?"

"Oh, umm, its good." Bella spoke picking at her half eaten lunch.

Dear lord. Recap on last week... Tyler Crowley nearly killed Bella with his truck. Y/n began to worry for her friend, thinking she hit her head a bit to hard. Bella claimed that the Cullen boy had stopped the truck, though it didn't make sense due to the fact that he was on the other side of the school parking lot. Frankly, y/n did not care if Bella was making it up or if the quiet male is some sort of super human, what mattered to her was that her new friend was alive and well.

"Angela, you can't just ask that. She was nearly killed last week." Jessica scolded Angela.

"No, seriously guys, its been good." Bella buts in.

"Speak of the devil." Eric says catching the girls attention. "Here comes Tyler probably to apologize for the millionth time today." He said with a hint of laughter laced in his voice.

The rest of the day went by in a blur, biology involved Mr. Molina talking about who knows what, and well gym was simply chaotic. Mike was crazy energetic and Bella... well Bella and y/n stood in the sidelines trying not to get hit by the hard, fast flying volleyballs.

. . . ✿ . . .

"Please do not forget your signed permission slips for the greenhouse field trip, it will be taking place next week on Tuesday." Mr. Molina spoke loudly over the students as they began to rush out of the class.

"Have you gotten your signature?" Jessica asked y/n as they headed to lunch.

"Yep." Y/n said shooting Jessica a smirk, knowing she has not gotten hers signed. The poor girl managed to somehow lose hers the day after they received the slips.

"Do you think I can get an extra copy?" Jessica pondered, shaking her head she informed y/n. "No, I don't want to talk to him. He gives me odd vibes."

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