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The boys let out a strange 'yee yee' as they piled off of Bella's truck. Jared helped Y/n off the trucks bed, meanwhile Embry got out of the passenger seat. Bella remained inside but quickly rolled her window down as she stated, "hey, I think we should go back and see if Jacob's okay."

"I hope Paul sinks some teeth in him, serves him right." Jared began as he walked towards Emily's porch.

"No way." Embry argued. "Jacob's a natural, you see him phase on the fly? I got five says Paul doesn't touch him."

"Easy money, Jacob's just a rookie." Jared stated.

"That is true, Paul's been at it longer." Y/n agreed, earning a shocked glance from Embry.

Shrugging her shoulders, Y/n walked ahead of the two but tuned back when Embry called out to Bella, "come on in, Bella. We don't bite."

"Speak for yourself." Jared scoffed holding the door open for Y/n.

"About Emily, Sam's fiancé, don't stare. It bugs Sam" Embry advised as they caught up to Y/n and Jared.

"Why would I stare?" Bella asked Embry, giving the boy a confused glance.

"You guys hungry?" Emily asked as they walked inside. "Like I have to ask." She joked, handing Y/n a muffin after Jared refused to pass her one.

By the time Bella walked inside the warm house, she noticed Y/n sat besides Embry, the two whispering about something to each other. Jared sat on the opposite side of Embry, glaring at the two.

"Who's this?" Emily asked, watching the stranger look around awkwardly.

"Bella Swan, who else?" Jared informed her as he then began to flick muffin crumbs towards the pair besides him.

"Hmm," Emily smiled. "So your the vampire girl?"

Bella swallowed as she came up with a response, "so your the wolf girl?"

"That's the best you got, Bella?" Y/n turned towards her friend.

"Guess so." Emily responded, "well an engaged one." She then placed a plate full of muffins on the table, stopping Jared as he attempted to take more than one. "Save some for your brothers."

"Yeah, and ladies first." Y/n stated reaching forward. "Muffin?" She asked Bella with a wide smile.

"Sure, thanks." Bella stated taking one for herself.

"Will you shut up?" Jared exclaimed after Embry informed Bella that they were able to hear each other's thoughts. "These are trade secrets, damn it, this chick runs with vampires."

"You can't really run with vampires." Bella watched as Y/n snorted lightly at her statement, though she had earned strange looks from both boys. "Cause their fast," she concluded.

Y/n giggled quietly as she muttered, "yup."

"Yeah?" Jared spoke looking between Y/n and Bella. "Well we're faster. Freaked out yet?"

"You're not the first monsters I met." Bella explained.

"Jake's right, you're good with weird." Sam spoke as he walked in, ruffling Y/n's hair as he walked by.

Bella turned her attention to the two figures who walked in shoving each other playfully. "Sorry." Paul smirked as he took the empty seat besides Y/n. Jared then handed Embry a five dollar bill, suddenly Y/n reached over and snatched it from her cousins hand.

"Hey!" Embry exclaimed, "that's mine."

"No." Y/n stated bluntly. "You owe me from all those times I've lied to aunt Tiff about your whereabouts." Embry simply let out a groan as he shrunk back into his chair.

. . . ✿ . . .

"Well, this spring break just got more shitty." Jared whispered to Kim and the Call cousins.

"Shut up, Jared." Embry mumbled as they approached Sue Clearwater. Harry Clearwater had passed away from a fatal heart attack days before in the woods, the Clearwater's were left devastated. The people in the Reservation had helped the family plan and organize a ceremony for Harry as a final goodbye.

Y/n began to look around, beaming at the lovely service the people had managed to pull off. Her eyes stopped on a boy, he sat starring at Harry's portrait. It didn't take long for Y/n to realize it was Seth, though she had never shared a conversation with the boy himself, she knew that in a time like this it would be nice to have a friend to get through it.

Excusing herself she began to walk towards the boy, slowing down when she had noticed Quil had approached him. "Hey, Seth." Y/n greeted as she sat in the empty seat besides him, "Hi Quil."

"Hey Y/n." Both boys greeted her.

"How are you holding up?" Y/n asked after an awkward silence surfaced the three.

"I think- I'll be okay." Seth stated sadly, glancing toward Y/n and Quil. Both not missing at how his eyes began to water.

"Hey man." Quil said, kneeling down in front of the two. "You don't have to go through this alone. We're here for you."

Y/n nodded, "if you ever need to talk to someone, we are here to hear you out, okay?"

Seth nodded and began to wipe his tears away. "I, uh, should go see my mom. Thank you, really." The boy began to walk away.

Y/n watched as he took place besides his mom and began to greet people. "You think he'll be alright?" Y/n asked Quil.

Quil sat in the seat Seth once occupied, glancing towards Seth he nodded his head. "Yeah, he's strong."

Y/n leaned her head on his shoulder, both watching at how the people around them mourned, meanwhile trying to fight the odd feeling in their stomachs.

. . . ✿ . . .

A week had gone by and Bella, as Y/n was informed, had gone all the way to Italy to save Edward from exposing and killing himself. The Cullen's return and Harry's death had caused both of the Clearwater's to phase.

On Monday morning, Y/n found herself alone in her first class. She and Bella had shared that same class, though the pale girl was not present. When the bell had finally rung Y/n pushed past her classmates, desperate to get out.

By the time lunch rolled around Y/n noticed Bella siting with the Cullen's. "So she goes into some depressed mode and wants to pretend that didn't happen. Not only that but ditch us for the ones who ditched her." Jessica stated in an irritated tone.

"Cut her some slack, we don't really know what happened between the two." Angela stated coming to Bella's defense.

Y/n simply shook her head at the two, glancing towards the Cullen's she noticed Edward mumble something towards Bella causing the girl to make eye contact with Y/n and send her an apologetic smile.

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